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​​Swedish word of the day: vandel

The word of the day is a matter of conduct.

Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

Though Sweden is not a country famed for being concerned with people’s morality, Swedes have used the word vandel since at least 1621. Vandel means ‘the way someone lives their life from a moral point of view’, or how they ‘conduct themselves with others’, but it can also simply mean ‘change’.

You might recognize vandel from the recent Tidö Agreement, the political compromise between the Moderates, Christian Democrats, Liberals, and the Sweden Democrats, where the parties state that they will work toward being able to deport people for bristande vandel, where bristande means ‘flawed’ or ‘exceptionable’.

They go on to give some examples of what they mean by this: ‘circumstances such as lack of compliance with rules, association with a criminal organization, network or clan, prostitution, drug abuse, participation in violent or extremist organizations or environments that threaten fundamental Swedish values, or if there are otherwise unequivocally established remarks regarding way of life.’

Originally vandel means ‘compensation, amends’, from the Low German wandel which means ‘change, improvement; journey; outline of life’; and it is etymologically related to vända, which means ‘to turn’, and förvandla, which means ‘to transform’, and vandra, ‘to wander’.

You can find vandel in an expression like ‘handel och vandel’ which has about the same meaning as ‘doings and dealings’, or ‘employment and lifestyle’, but it can also mean ‘trade and change’. 

And to put some context to the idea put forward by the government, there is such a thing as a vandelsprövning, which means ‘test of vandel’. Simply put, it is a procedure that examines a person’s ‘way of life’ or ‘civic trustworthiness’. In order to pass a vandelsprövning one must traditionally be considered ‘hard-working, decent, sober and otherwise worthy of respect’. 

In fact, some professions or procedures require a test of your vandel. These include applying for Swedish citizenship, working as a realtor, obtaining a permit to sell alcohol, working as an accountant, becoming a licensed taxi driver, working as an insurance salesperson, and quite a few more.

It is a good idea to be of god vandel, ‘good vandel’, but this of course can mean many different things to different people. Perhaps a good topic for your next coffee break with your colleagues, or a fika with your friends?

Example sentences:

Visste du att regeringen vill kunna utvisa folk på grund av bristande vandel?

Did you know that the government wants to be able to deport people for having an exceptionable way of life?

Handel och vandel är bra.

Trade and change are good. 

Villa, Volvo, Vovve: The Local’s Word Guide to Swedish Life, written by The Local’s journalists, is now available to order. Head to to read more about it. It is also possible to buy your copy from Amazon US, Amazon UK, Bokus or Adlibris.

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Swedish word of the day: vädra

This word looks similar to the word for weather, väder, but the meaning is slightly different.

Swedish word of the day: vädra

Vädra is a word you’ll hear a lot in Sweden during the spring and summer in particular. It’s the verbal form of väder, the word for weather, and refers to airing out or ventilating a room.

Väder originally comes from the Old Swedish term veðr and is related to the equivalent words in many other languages: English “weather”, German Wetter, Danish vejr, and Dutch weer, to name a few.

In older forms of most of these languages, including Swedish, väder was used specifically to refer to windy and/or rainy weather, which is where vädra comes from.

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You can use vädra in a few different ways. It can describe opening a window to replace old, stale air with fresh air, and it can similarly be used to refer to hanging something outside, like clothing or bedding, to freshen it up.

Swedes often consider it important to vädra, with good air quality believed to be important for health, so don’t be surprised if you see your Swedish friends or family airing out their homes and letting cold, fresh air in even in the depths of winter.

You might also see vädra used more metaphorically to describe someone debating something, literally “airing out” their opinions. This is similar to “venting” in English, as well as the phrase “airing out your dirty laundry in public”, which usually refers to someone holding a discussion about something unpleasant or private in front of other people.

It also exists in the word väderkorn, which literally translates as “weather grain”, another word for your sense of smell (although most people would say luktsinne). You might say that a dog has utmärkt väderkorn, or use it figuratively to describe someone who is good at finding things out, similar to “sniffing out” a good story.

Example sentences:

Usch, vi behöver vädra härinne, det luktar unket.

Ugh, we need to air this room out, it smells musty.

Väljarna vädrade sitt missnöje med regeringen.

The voters aired out their dissatisfaction with the government.

Villa, Volvo, Vovve: The Local’s Word Guide to Swedish Life, written by The Local’s journalists, is available to order. Head to to read more about it. It is also possible to buy your copy from Amazon USAmazon UKBokus or Adlibris.