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Eight Italian words native speakers would never use

After reading this article, you should know never to order a panini to eat al fresco.

Eight Italian words native speakers would never use
People dining 'al fresco' (or is it all'aperto?) in Italy. Photo by: Jeenah Moon / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP.

Often viewed as the most romantic language in the world, Italian has millions of speakers, predominantly residing in Italy, San Marino, The Vatican and Switzerland.

However the way the language is used by these speakers isn’t always what visitors expect: confusion arises as some of its words have crept out into the big wide world and taken on new meanings elsewhere.

READ ALSO: 15 Italian words that change their entire meaning with one letter

Let’s take a look at some of the words you’ll need to be careful using around native speakers – and which you’ll never hear them use themselves (at least, not with the meaning you might expect.)


Firstly, never go to order a coffee in Italy and ask for a “latte”. You’ll be sorely disappointed as in Italian latte simply means milk. 

Instead what you want to order is a caffè latte. While a cappuccino, espresso or macchiato are all more common options in Italy, caffè latte does exist – it just might not look like the one on Starbucks menus.


British English speakers call it parmesan (ˈpɑːməzæn). Americans call it parmesan too, but with a ‘zh’ sound instead of an ‘s’ (ˈpɑːrməzɑːn). But it’s not the pronunciation you’ll need to beware of in Italy – this is not a case of tomato/tomato or potato/potato.

Parmesan is something different to Italy’s Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, which can only be produced in the cities of Modena, Parma and Reggio Emilia. Anything else produced elsewhere is not Pamigiano Reggiano.

READ MORE: What’s the difference between parmesan and Italy’s Parmigiano Reggiano cheese?

Parmigiano Reggiano is the cheese to find if you ever find yourself at an Italian supermarket or restaurant. It is pronounced like this: parmi- JA-no.

Parma Ham

On the subject of things from the city of Parma: some non-Italian speakers will often ask for Parma ham (or prosciutto di Parma). It’s popular, but it’s not the only option: Parma ham is just one type of prosciutto.

READ ALSO: Four myths about ‘traditional’ Italian food you can stop believing

There are so many types of prosciutto in Italy, such as San Daniele or Prosciutto Toscano. Although if you do ask for Parma ham, it’s not a mistake to be embarrassed about – you just may not get exactly that type.


The plural form has become commonly used in English to mean a single toasted ciabatta sandwich. But when you’re in Italy, one is a panino, two or more are panini.

Of anything you take away from this article, this is probably the most important as it will save you money – and space in your stomach for other Italian fare.

Note also that the word is used for various types of sandwich in Italy, and an Italian panino is unlikely to be toasted.

Al fresco

This is the last one based on Italian food.

No Italian ever wants to eat al fresco. Instead, they’d rather eat all’aperto, which means in the open. Granted, al fresco sounds a lot cooler (it does literally mean in the cool), but it’s not correct to use.


This is more of a pronunciation error rather than a vocabulary error, yet it is important to know that if you say grazi-A as a thank you to an Italian native speaker, they would be exceptionally confused. Grazia is a female name. 

READ ALSO: Buongiorno, buonasera, buonanotte: How to greet people like a local in Italian

Grazi-EH is the correct way to say thanks. Of course, things get complicated when you are saying thanks to someone named Grazia.


Most of us have seen the films by Martin Scorcese in which characters say “capiche” (ca-PEESH) a lot.

It’s become commonly used in English, but beware of this ‘fake’ Italian word. Native speakers would not say “capiche” but capisci (ca-PEESH-ee) which means ‘you understand’, or capisce (ca-PEESH-ay) which means ‘he/she understands’. These are conjugations of the verb ‘capire’, to understand.

Whilst capisci is grammatically correct, it is usually used within sentences. Native speakers instead tend to use hai capito? when asking someone whether they understand.


The hit film V for Vendetta takes on a whole new meaning when you discover in Italian the word means something similar, but different.

Vendetta does mean ‘vengeance’, but not vendetta, so here it fails to highlight the extent of said vengeance. 

A faida, which translates to feud, is much more applicable here. Think of it like a blood feud, as in Romeo and Juliet.

Have you encountered any language faux pas in Italian? Let us know in the comments section below.

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The essential vocabulary you’ll need to dine out in Italy

Waiters in Italy's big cities and holiday hotspots often have a good command of English, but that's not always the case in the rest of the country. Here is some key Italian vocabulary to help you enjoy a smooth dining experience.

The essential vocabulary you'll need to dine out in Italy

Dining out is one of the best ways to explore Italy’s famous cuisine and one of the experiences tourists most look forward to when visiting the country.

Generally speaking, waiting staff at most restaurants in major cities and holiday hotspots around Italy will have at least some basic knowledge of English, meaning you’ll be able to order your meal in inglese without any particular issues. 

But that might not be the case in less visited areas of the peninsula, or in less popular establishments, where waiters may not be used to foreign clientele and may not be confident English speakers. 

Whether you’re dealing with staff with a not-so-great command of English, or are simply tempted to put your Italian skills to the test and order food and drinks in the local language, there are some key words and phrases that you’ll need to be familiar with to enjoy a smooth dining experience in Italy.

Choosing your restaurant

Picking the right spot for a lunch (pranzo) or dinner (cena) can be hard without some basic knowledge of all the different kinds of restaurants available in the country and their names. 

Though the precise distinction between ristoranti, trattorie, osterie and agriturismi isn’t always clear to Italians either, each establishment has some unique features. Knowing this will help you make the best choice for the occasion at hand. 

READ ALSO: Trattoria to osteria: Explaining the different restaurants in Italy

Reserving a table

Once you’ve picked the restaurant, it’s strongly advisable that you book (prenotare) a table (un tavolo). 

Italian restaurants can get extremely busy, especially over the summer and on or around national public holidays, which means it’s always best to book a spot well in advance to avoid being told “Scusi, siamo al completo/siamo pieni” (Sorry, we’re fully booked) at a later date. 

Some restaurants may allow you to book online, either through their website or via external online platforms or apps, but this is definitely not the case for all venues.

Should calling the restaurant be the only option, you can simply say: “Vorrei riservare un tavolo per (numero) persone alle (ora) di (giorno),” which translates as “I’d like to reserve a table for (number) people at (time) on (day)”.

To confirm the reservation, you’ll in most cases be asked to provide your name (nome) or surname (cognome) and mobile phone number (numero di cellulare).

If the restaurant has an outdoor seating area, you may also be asked if you’d like to eat indoors (dentro or all’interno) or outdoors (fuori or all’esterno).

Ordering food and drinks

Once at the restaurant, the first thing you’ll have to do is let the restaurant manager or waiting staff know that you have a reservation. 

You can do so by saying: “Ho una prenotazione per (ora) con nome (nome)”, which means “I have a reservation for (time) with name (your name)”.

Once seated, you’ll be given a menu (menù in Italian – note the accent on the ‘u’) and usually be given some bread (pane) or breadsticks (grissini) to snack on while you decide what to eat or drink.

In most cases, these won’t be free of charge (you’ll see them billed as pane or coperto) but you can turn them down with a simple “No, grazie” (No, thank you).

READ ALSO: ‘A rip-off’: Should you really get mad about Italy’s table charge?

In most restaurants in big cities and popular tourist hotspots, menus will be available in both English and Italian.

If that’s not the case, you can ask the waiter (cameriere) to explain what the items you’re not familiar with are: “Che cosa c’e’ in questo piatto?” (What’s in this dish?) or “Che ingrediente e’ questo?” (What ingredient is this?).

Or you may ask for their English translation (traduzione in inglese).

The menu will likely be divided into the following sections: antipasti (appetisers), primi (first courses), secondi (second courses), contorni (sides), dolci (desserts), bevande alcoliche (alcoholic drinks) and bevande analcoliche (soft drinks).

If you’re looking for recommendations on what to order (ordinare), you can ask your waiter: “Cosa mi consigli da bere/da mangiare?” (What do you suggest I eat/drink?).

You can also ask how big portions are (“Quanto sono grandi le porzioni?”) if you’re afraid you may order more than you can possibly take on.

READ ALSO: Antipasto to amaro: What to expect from every step of an Italian dinner

If you need some more time to look at the menu, you can say: “Mi serve un altro po’ di tempo”.

To order, simply say “Io prendo…” (I’ll take) followed by your order. 

Particular requests

Whether you need an extra plate, new cutlery or another napkin, you can just ask: “Possiamo avere…?” followed by what you need and per favore (please). 

Here are some useful terms to know.

Posate (cutlery): forchetta (fork), coltello (knife), cucchiaio (spoon), cucchiaino (tea spoon).

Stoviglie (tableware): piatto fondo (soup plate), piatto piano (dinner plate), vassoio (tray), piattino (side plate), bicchiere (glass), caraffa (jug), bottiglia (bottle), tovagliolo (napkin), salviette (wipes).

Asking for the bill

Italian waiters don’t normally like to hurry their customers and it’s perfectly acceptable to linger and chat over the dregs of the wine after finishing your meal.

READ ALSO: The etiquette around paying your restaurant bill in Italy

When you’re ready to pay the bill, try to catch the waiter’s eye and ask: “Possiamo avere il conto?

You’ll have the option to pay at the counter (alla cassa) or at the table (al tavolo), in cash (contanti) or by card (carta).

Though tipping isn’t required or expected in Italy, you can still leave a tip (mancia) if you were particularly happy with the service (servizio) or the food you consumed.