Moving beyond Bush

Germany and Europe certainly won’t be sad to see US President Bush leave next year, but Obama, McCain or maybe even Clinton will still have their work cut out for them, writes Steve Kettmann.

Moving beyond Bush
George will soon no longer be behind the wheel. Photo: DPA

If there is one issue on which the three remaining US presidential candidates seem to agree, it would be the need to repair relations with key allies, badly damaged by the Bush administration’s toxic combination of arrogance and ineptitude. As easy a task as this might seem from the perspective of the campaign trail in Iowa or Indiana or even Puerto Rico, the tricky reality is that moving beyond the jagged wreckage of the Bush years in US-European relations – and US-German relations – could prove surprisingly challenging, regardless of which party wins in November.

That is not to say there will not be fine flourishes of photo-op diplomacy early in the next administration that will inspire all sorts of commentary heralding the dawn of a new era in US-European relations. It would be surprising, for example, if the next US president does not come to Berlin and give a stirring oration near the Brandenburg Gate, riffing on both Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner!” speech and Reagan’s “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” moment, all on the way to marking the 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall next November. Such a speech would likely earn rave reviews from a German media and public thrilled that Bush has finally been put out to pasture on his Texan faux ranch.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has made political hay of just such a rhetorical embrace, self-consciously contrasting her own Bush-friendly approach (she even visited the ranch) with predecessor Gerhard Schröder’s alleged opportunistic anti-Americanism. Even so, Merkel has held firm in the face of aggressive taunts from US Secretary of Defence Robert Gates and others in Washington that Germany is not pulling its weight in Afghanistan. Despite strong US pressure, Merkel has so far refused to send more troops or redeploy German soldiers to more dangerous southern parts of Afghanistan. She and others in Europe are finding it easy to say no to the US with the Bush administration drained of credibility and clout, and it’s fair to ask if this practice at ignoring US pressure might outlast the Bush years.

We may have to wait for the various Bush-era memoirs for any real clue as to what the President was thinking with his reverie over seeing into Vladimir Putin’s soul. Here’s an early guess that some sort of pharmacological miscalculation may have played a role. Regardless, Bush may have done us all a favour by helping discredit the politics of male bonding. Bush gave up much by drastically personalizing US-Russians and gained little, except a self-imposed paralysis in the face of Putin’s cheerful contempt for democracy. The same could be said for Berlin’s ties to Moscow under Schröder, who was even chummier with his good buddy Vladimir. But at least Bush isn’t likely to start working for Gazprom come next January.

Ironically, the Bush administration took office talking up the dangers of just such a personalization of politics. In an interview in late 1999 for the Berliner Zeitung, Condoleezza Rice told me that her top critique of Clinton administration policy toward Russia was the extent to which it had personalized US-Russian relations. Rather than acting on that critique, the Bush administration took personalization to new extremes with Russia and yet, in dealing with Germany, Bush was so frosty to Schröder even from the outset of their relations that at least according to New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, the former Chancellor left his first White House meeting with Bush wondering if the President even knew his name.

Relying on such short-cut diplomatic approaches as a grinning photo op with a foreign leader indicates an administration that has failed to grasp the core reason for wanting robust relations with our key allies like Germany and the rest of Europe: It’s the self-interest of the US administration to have allies who can work together on world priorities, yes, but also that can serve as a check on some of the more unfortunate impulses of the world’s lone superpower by objecting to policies that seem unwise and possibly disastrous. The test of the next president’s relations with key European allies will not be the photo ops, but success in articulating a world view – and policies – that are based on a commitment to genuine give-and take, not merely a mix of grudging compromises and largely empty feel-good initiatives.

John McCain offered a good example of the limits of mere atmospherics when he showed up at Élysée Palace in Paris this March for a back-slapping session with Nicholas Sarkozy. The only problem was, McCain fouled up the whole trip with his now famous insistence that Iran was arming and training Al Qaida in Iraq. The repeated misstatement reminded Europe that a McCain administration would represent four more years of US policy in Iraq completely detached from reality. Meanwhile, the Republican Senator from Arizona had to back away from his call for a “League of Democracies,” an obvious bid to undermine the United Nations, because of the cool reception the notion was getting in Europe.

If a Democrat wins, enormous obstacles to revived relations will still remain, starting with the likely need – regardless of campaign rhetoric – to leave a significant if reduced US force in Iraq for many years to come. Continuing frictions over Afghanistan and a variety of other issues are also likely with a Democratic president under strong pressure at home not to appear to be too accommodating of European wishes.

“No matter who is the next president, this issue (Afghanistan) is not going to go away,” said Thomas Risse, director of the Centre for Transnational Relations, Foreign and Security Policy at Berlin’s Free University. “I think there are some illusions in Germany that the first thing a new Democratic president would do would be to No. 1 sign the Kyoto protocol and No. 2 sign the World Court. There are a lot of hopes that are unlikely to be met.”

Steve Kettmann is an American author and journalist in Berlin. His latest book <a href="

” target=”_blank”>Letter to a New President, co-written with Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, is due out in June from St. Martin’s/Thomas Dunne Books.


Germany’s Scholz rejects calls for later retirement in Labour Day message

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has rejected calls for later retirement in a video message for Labour Day published on Wednesday.

Germany's Scholz rejects calls for later retirement in Labour Day message

“For me, it is a question of decency not to deny those who have worked for a long time the retirement they deserve,” said Scholz.

Employees in Germany worked more hours in 2023 than ever before: “That’s why it annoys me when some people talk disparagingly about ‘Germany’s theme park’ – or when people call for raising the retirement age,” he said.

Scholz also warned of creating uncertainty due to new debates about the retirement age. “Younger people who are just starting out in their working lives also have the right to know how long they have to work,” he said.

Scholz did not explicitly say who the criticism was targeted at, but at its party conference last weekend, the coalition partner FDP called for the abolition of pensions at 63 for those with long-term insurance, angering its government partners SPD and the Greens.

Scholz saw the introduction of the minimum wage nine years ago – and its increase to twelve euros per hour by his government – as a “great success”. “The proportion of poorly paid jobs in our country has shrunk as a result,” he said.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: Is it worthwhile to set up a private pension plan in Germany?

However, he said there were still too many people “who work hard for too little money,” highlighting the additional support available through housing benefit, child allowance and the reduction of social security contributions for low earners.

“Good collective wage agreements also ensure that many employees finally have more money in their pockets again,” he added. 

And he said that the country wouldn’t “run out of work” in the coming years.

“On the contrary! We need more workers,” he said, explaining that that’s why his government is ensuring “that those who fled to us from Russia’s war in Ukraine get work more quickly.”

Work means “more than making money,” said Scholz. “Work also means: belonging, having colleagues, experiencing recognition and appreciation.”