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Italian word of the day: ‘Terrazza vs Terrazzo’

Do you know the difference between these outdoor spaces in Italy?

Italian word of the day: Terrazza vs Terrazzo
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

During the hot months in Italy, the more fortunate ones cool off by sitting on their terrazza. Or is it terrazzo?

Though these two words are essentially identical save for the final letter, they are actually different. The difference does not translate in English where both terrazza and terrazzo are called terrace.

To break it down, a terrazzo (hear it pronounced here), is an open space that does not protrude from a building’s facade. This makes it different from a balcony (balcone), which does jut out from a building’s wall. 

Puoi bagnare i fiori fuori sul terrazzo?

Can you water the flowers out on the terrace?

So what’s a terrazza?

A terrazza (pronunciation here) is located on the top floor of a building and is bigger than a terrazzo. For example, some hotels in city centres use their terrazza as a lounge bar, particularly if they offer a nice view of the surrounding landscape. 

Andiamo in terrazza all’ultimo piano. C’è un sacco di spazio e aria fresca.

Let’s go to the terrace on the top floor. There is a lot of room and fresh air.

A terrazza isn’t necessarily part of a building. It can just be a structure built on top of an elevated point.

A famous terrazza which is not on top of a building is on the Pincian hill in Rome. 

Terrazzo has a few different meanings as well.

In mountaineering terminology, it means a flat space on a rock face, often used for resting. 

In interior design, it’s a type of flooring consisting of chips of marble or granite set in concrete and polished to give it a smooth surface.

Curiously, terrazzo exists in English with the same exact meaning. 

This type of flooring derives from the 18th-century Venetian flooring style. It may come as little surprise then that there is a small town called Terrazzo in Veneto, the northeastern region where Venice is located.

Overall, the difference between terrazzo and terrazza isn’t always clear-cut to Italians either, with many native speakers using the terms interchangeably.

This means that you’ll likely never be criticised for using one instead of the other.

Next time you are thinking of going outside to enjoy some fresh air though, think about where you are. Are you on a terrazza or a terrazzo?

Do you have an Italian word or phrase you’d like us to explain? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

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Member comments

  1. What do you mean by the “last floor” of a building? The top floor? But then you talk about a terrazza in a park. I’m confused…

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Italian word of the day: ‘Verso’

Do you know all the different meanings of this tricky Italian word?

Italian word of the day: ‘Verso’

If you’ve spent some time in Italy before, you may have heard the word verso (pronunciation here) crop up in conversation from time to time. And you may have heard it used in very different contexts too. 

That’s because verso, stemming from the Latin verb vertĕre (which means ‘to turn’), has several meanings, all of which are popular in day-to-day Italian. 

Directions and approximation

In its primary meaning, verso is a preposition corresponding to the English ‘towards’ or ‘to’.

Siamo andati verso la chiesa per scoprire da dove veniva la musica.

We headed towards the church to find out where the music was coming from.

Fai cinque passi verso sinistra e poi salta.

Take five steps to your left and then jump.

Navighiamo verso sud.

We sail south.

As a preposition, it’s also used as a substitute for nei confronti di, meaning ‘for’…

Devi dimostrare rispetto verso gli anziani. 

You need to show respect for the elderly. 

And to express an approximate time:

Ci troviamo verso le nove.

We’ll meet around nine.

But verso is also a noun, which translates pretty cleanly to the English ‘way’ or ‘direction’.

In che verso è andato?

Which way did he go?

In che verso dovremmo andare?

What direction should we go?

Non c’è verso di farla ragionare.

There’s no way to get her to reason.

When used in relation to coins or flat surfaces, it can also mean ‘side’.

Testa o croce? Che verso scegli?

Heads or tails? Which side do you pick?


As a noun, verso is also a general term to describe any noise made by any type of animal.

Che verso fa una scimmia? 

What sound does a monkey make?

Il verso del leone è spaventoso.

A lion’s sound is scary.

It can also be used in relation to humans, especially in the case of inarticulate sounds.

Claudia ha emesso uno strano verso mentre mangiava.

Claudia made a strange sound while she was eating.


In poetry and songwriting, verso means ‘verse’.

Questa poesia ha 10 versi.

This poem has 10 verses.

Il Mahābhārata, il poema più lungo del mondo, ha 220.000 versi.

The Mahābhārata, the longest poem in the world, has 220,000 verses.

Versare – ‘to pour’

Finally, it’s also worth noting that verso is the first person singular of the present tense of the verb versare, meaning ‘to pour’. 

Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell which meaning of verso is being used other than from the context of a conversation.

As a rule of thumb, paying extra attention to the words immediately before or after verso can help you identify the meaning.

Do you have an Italian word you’d like us to feature? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

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