Study: Snoring dangerous to health

Normal levels of snoring are dangerous to health and leave those afflicted sleepy and prone to involuntary catnaps, a new study has shown.

A new study of women prone to even normal levels of snoring has shown that they are not rested when they awake and could be at risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and premature death.

“Snoring has been considered a medical problem only if it is associated with repeated interruptions to breathing. Our results show that snoring in itself can result in negative health effects,” said Eva Lindberg to Upsala Nya Tidning.

Lindberg together with Malin Svensson, a colleague at Uppsala University Hospital’s ear, nose and throat clinic, are responsible for the study.

400 women from Uppsala, aged 20-70-years, were involved in the study.

One third of the snoring women in the survey responded that they did not feel rested when they woke up.

One seventh of respondents who snored reported being so tired that they suffered from involuntary catnaps during the day.

Tiredness during the day has previously been ascribed to repeated breathing interruptions, known as sleep apnea. The condition disturbs sleep and lowers the take up of oxygen in the blood.

Sleep apnea syndrome has in several prior studies been shown to be a risk factor for high blood pressure, diabetes and premature death.

The study has been presented by the medical journal Chest.