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Can my company in Switzerland make me work outside regular hours?

If your Swiss boss tells you to come to work outside your regular hours, do you have to comply?

Can my company in Switzerland make me work outside regular hours?
Your boss can't call you into work on a whim. Photo: Pixabay

The answer to this question is based on many variables, so there is no univocal ‘yes’ or ‘no’ reply.

A ‘typical’ work week in Switzerland is 42 hours on average for full-time employment, though in some jobs it could go up to 45 hours.

The number of hours you are expected to ‘put in’ every day, as well as specific timeframes (usually from 8 am to 5 pm, but that could vary), will be spelled out in your work contract and / or your Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) — if your company is covered by one.

READ ALSO: What is a Swiss collective bargaining agreement — and how could it benefit you?

If either, or both, documents mention nothing about overtime hours, then your employer cannot, under normal circumstances, ask— and even less so, expect — you to work beyond your regular schedule.

What about circumstances that are not ‘normal’?

Say there is some kind of ‘emergency’ situation in your workplace — for instance, your co-workers got sick — and the temporary staff shortage will affect productivity and customer service.

Under such circumstances, your boss would not be out of line to ask you if you could fill in for your sick colleagues — but that would be a request rather than an outright command.

You are then free to accept or refuse; in the first case, you would be compensated for the extra hours you put in, and in the latter, there should be no consequences for not stepping in.

This is how it would be in case of a regular, 8-to-5 job.

But what if you work irregular hours or shifts, or if your job description requires you to be ‘on call’ on certain days?

There are many professions where employees must be ready to be called to work to provide emergency help, do urgent repairs, or generally handle ‘extraordinary’ events after the regular work hours.

According to the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), employees are on-call if, outside their normal work duties, they are ready to come into work at odd hours.

If that is what your employment contract calls for, then yes, the company can call you to come in when such a necessity arises.

Your contract will specify how you will be remunerated for the extra hours you worked — in money or additional time off.

One thing to remember, especially if you are a foreigner and unfamiliar with the Swiss labour law, is that your rights and obligations are laid out in your contract or the CLA; any additional tasks (or hours) that are not included therein but that your employer asks you to do, cannot be imposed.

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‘Foreign execs earn more’: What new figures reveal about Swiss wages

What is best known about salaries in Switzerland is that they are among the highest in the world. But new data shows even more details about how much the country’s population earns.

'Foreign execs earn more': What new figures reveal about Swiss wages

The information comes from a study released on Thursday by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). 

These are some of the main highlights:

Median wage

In 2023, Switzerland’s median wage for full-time work was 84,500 francs (85,582 in euros) per year.

This is how it compares to European averages of other high-income countries, according to Eurostat data: 

Iceland’s median pay in 2023 was 53,885 euros (50,640 francs); Luxembourg’s 49,035 euros (46,082 francs), and Norway’s 45,798 euros (43,037 francs).

The gap is even wider when compared with Switzerland’s immediate neighbours: 38,457 euros (36,142 francs) in Austria; 38,086 (35,792 francs) in Germany; 38,481 euros (36, 163 francs) in France; and 23,207 euros (21,809 francs) in Italy — the latter falling under the EU average of 28,217 euros.

You may argue that Switzerland’s cost of living is quite a bit higher than in most other European nations, and it ‘eats up’ the high salaries.

But, according to the same Eurostat data, even when adjusting wages for purchasing power standards, Switzerland is still on top, even though the gap with other nations narrows.

“This figure underscores Switzerland’s strong economic position and high standard of living, substantially surpassing other nations in the region,” the Eurostat noted.

Let’s look at other FSO findings.

Foreign executives earn more than the Swiss

Foreigners in high managerial positions earned more than their Swiss counterparts, with a median salary of 130,000 francs per year compared to 129,100 francs for Swiss nationals.

The difference is even more marked among women: foreign male executives pocketed 117,000 francs, compared to 110,000 francs for Swiss women (read more about gender inequality below).

READ ALSO: Can a foreign resident in Switzerland earn more money than a Swiss co-worker? 

More money for part-time workers

According to the FSO figures, people whose employment rate is less than 90 percent are considered part-time. And they have recorded significantly larger salary hikes over the last three years.

For instance, in 2021, they earned a median wage of 41,300 francs a year, compared to 43,300 francs in 2023, which represents an increase of 4.6 percent.

As a comparison, wages for full-time employees increased by only 1.6 percent over the same period.

Women earn less than men, with a few exceptions

The wage gap between working women and men remained significant in 2023: 31.3 percent of men working full-time earned more than 104,000 francs, while this proportion was only 20.6 percent for women.

However, the exact opposite is true in the lower income groups: 10.9 percent of women working full-time earned less than 52,000 francs, while only 5.3 percent of men are among the low-wage earners.

The situation is different in certain professional groups: women working part-time in commercial or sales professions earn more than men; the average annual salary for women in those sectors was 42,900 francs, while men in the same industries earned an average of only 42,000 francs. 

In the sales and service sector, statistics show that women in part-time jobs earned 28,500 francs per year, compared to an average of 25,700 francs per year for men.

So ‘gender bias’ seems to be working both ways.

READ ALSO: What kind of pay raise can you expect in Switzerland next year?