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Another French mayor issues decree restricting rainfall

French mayor in western France issues a decree restricting rainfall only to nighttime, in hopes that sunshine will return this summer 'for the health of local workers and residents'.

Another French mayor issues decree restricting rainfall
Heavy rain falling in Nantes, western France in 2018. (Photo by LOIC VENANCE / AFP)

Just two weeks after a French mayor in Normandy passed a bylaw ordering the sun to come out, another mayor – this time in a bit further south – has issued a decree ordering the rain to only fall at night.

Gwenaël Crahès, the mayor of La Grigonnais, a commune with 1,700 inhabitants in the Loire-Atlantique département, signed a decree ‘requiring that there is sunshine all day long from Monday to Sunday’.

The gloomy weather and rain should only be allowed at night, from 11pm to 6am ‘in order to guarantee an acceptable level of rainfall for crops’.

The commune shared the new decree on their Facebook page, with the caption “Order of the utmost importance” followed by the lines “The gloomy weather has got to stop! (…) Come on, if we all believe hard enough, the sun will have no choice but to come out!”

The municipal decree points out that the “the sun is the main source of vitamin D and that a lack of vitamin D can lead to a risk of bone problems, muscular weakness and impaired functioning of the immune system”.

It also noted that “the health of Grigonnais workers and residents depends heavily on the amount of sunshine”.

So far, France has seen a year with historic rainfall. The French weather authority Méteo France found that it had rained 20 percent more in June 2024 than the 1991-2020 norms, with more than double typical rainfall in some regions.

Crahès, like his counterpart in north-west France, enjoys a good joke law.

He previously signed an authorisation last winter ‘allowing Santa Claus to move around freely’, Le Figaro reported.

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IOC awards 2030 Winter Olympics to French Alps ‘under conditions’

The International Olympic Committee on Wednesday awarded the 2030 Winter Games to the French Alps but under the condition that France gives financial commitments.

IOC awards 2030 Winter Olympics to French Alps 'under conditions'

The decision came after President Emmanuel Macron told IOC members he would ask France’s next prime minister to give a financial “guarantee” for hosting the Games.

France is the only candidate to host the Games but the funding has been in question because there is no government in place following inconclusive snap elections.

But Macron told IOC members in Paris he would ask the prime minister who emerges from the ongoing talks to form a new government to make a “financial commitment” and also create an Olympic law.

Speaking two days before the opening ceremony of the Paris Summer Olympics, Macron said: “I want to confirm my full commitment and the full commitment of the French nation.

“I assure you I will ask the next prime minister to include not only this guarantee but also an Olympic law in the priorities of the new government.”

Macron said France wanted to show “the rest of the world that the Winter Games are not just history – and we are proud to be part of it – but part of our future.”

The 2023 bid has been put together by regional authorities in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and includes ski events in the Alps but also the use of the city of Nice to stage events including ice skating.

As with the Paris 2024 bid the emphasis is on re-using existing facilities, including those used when France hosted the Winter Olympics in 1992.