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Everything that changes in Germany in August 2024

From slower postal deliveries to new rules on cannabis for drivers and more generous grants for students, here are all the major changes happening in Germany this August.

Everything that changes in Germany in August 2024
The sun shines on the astronomical clock on the Old Town Hall in Munich. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sven Hoppe

Profession experience to be formally recognised 

On August 1st, a new piece of legislation designed to make on-the-job training more attractive and support people without formal qualifications will enter into force.

Under the new Vocational Validation and Digitalisation Act, people without a university degree or other professional qualifications will be able to get their work experience certified as a qualification. 

Applicants must have worked in a relevant field 1.5 times the duration of the equivalent training – for a three-year university course, that would equate 4.5 years of professional experience – and be at least 25 years old.

The validation process will be widely available from January 2025 through chambers of industry, commerce, and crafts.

Changes to train routes 

From August 16th to December 14th, ICE journeys between Hamburg and Berlin will take 45 minutes longer due to a diversion via Stendal. This will bring the journey up to 2.5 hours.

Only one train per hour will run between the two cities during this time, and the EC trains to Dresden and Prague will begin and end in Berlin instead of Hamburg.

Due to construction work, the night trains from Berlin to Paris and Brussels will be cancelled between August 12th to October 25th. These new connections were added to the rail schedule back in December, travelling via Halle, Erfurt and Mannheim.

READ ALSO: What to know about Deutsche Bahn’s summer service changes

New rules on cannabis consumption for drivers

Following the legalisation of cannabis possession and the introduction of licensed cannabis clubs in Germany, the government is introducing new laws to regulate driving under the influence.

From August this year, authorities will be entitled to check the level of THC – the psychoactive compound in weed – contained in drivers’ bloodstreams. According to the new law, this should be no more than 3.5 nanograms per millilitre.

Exceeding this limit can result in fines up to €3,000, with higher fines if alcohol is also involved. For new drivers and drivers under 21 years old, any level of THC is banned. 

Slower postal deliveries 

Starting in August, letters sent to recipients in Germany can take up to three working days to arrive, rather than the previous two. These changes were set out in the government’s recent Postal Modernisation Act, which is due to come into force on August 1st. 

A truck drives onto the premises of the Deutsche Post DHL branch in the Anderten district of Hannover.

A truck drives onto the premises of the Deutsche Post DHL branch in the Anderten district of Hannover. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Moritz Frankenberg

In addition to companies like DHL and Hermes, the government is also planning to allow more competition on the parcel delivery market in the hopes of improving the service for consumers. However, new companies on the market must still comply with German labour laws such as the minimum wage and maximum working hours.

When packages weigh more than 10kg or 20kg, they will need to be labelled accordingly. 

READ ALSO: Post in Germany to arrive later after parliament passes landmark reform

Young people gain right to an apprenticeship

From August 1st, more young people will have the right to state-supported vocational training if they are learning disabled, socially disadvantaged, or live in areas with insufficient training opportunities.

Employers who offer training and apprenticeships will receive a bigger bonus of €3,000 for transitioning trainees into company-based training. 

In addition, vocational colleges will be permitted to carry out more of their training and examinations digitally.

The new apprenticeship guarantee builds on a previous piece of legislation designed to encourage young people into vocational training programmes.

The older law provides for trainees and interns to be supported with accommodation and travel costs so that they can complete an apprenticeship in another town or city. 

According to Labour Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD), one of the major problems facing skilled trades in Germany is not the lack of apprenticeship places, but the lack of applicants to fill them. 

More generous grants for students 

This August, BAföG – Germany’s financial aid scheme for students – will increase in time for the next semester.

The basic monthly allowance will rise from €452 to €475, while the housing allowance for students living away from home will increase from €360 to €380 Euros.

Health and care insurance subsidies will also be adjusted to account for the higher costs.

Students at Heidelberg University sit in a lecture hall.

Students at Heidelberg University sit in a lecture hall. Photo: picture alliance / Uwe Anspach/dpa | Uwe Anspach

Additionally, students from very low-income families will receive an initial grant of €1,000 when starting a course at a university.

The income threshold for students’ additional earnings will also increase to €538 per month.

READ ALSO: How much money do international students need to study in Germany?

A new “flexibility semester” is set to come into force, allowing students to claim their BAföG grants for an additional semester if they need longer to finish their studies.

In addition, an extended deadline for changing study programs will be introduced.

Dozens of Galleria branches close

Due to ongoing insolvency proceedings, nine of Galeria’s remaining 92 stores will close on August 31st this year.

According to a statement on the department store’s website, the affected stores include: Galeria Augsburg, Galeria Berlin Ringcenter, Galeria Berlin Tempelhof, Galeria Chemnitz, Galeria Essen, Galeria Leonberg, Galeria Regensburg, Galeria Trier and Galeria Wesel.

Around 1,400 of Galeria’s 12,800 staff are likely to lose their jobs following the closures. 

Higher wages for trainee painters and stonemasons

Apprentices in the painting and varnishing trades are set to see their wages go up this August.

First-year apprentices will earn 800 per month, second-year apprentices will earn €885, and third-year apprentices will earn €1,050. 

Young people training to be stonemasons will also get an income boost, earning €925 per month in the first year, €1,025 in the second year and €1,175 in their third year of training. 

An apprentice stonemason works on a project.

An apprentice stonemason works on a project. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Martin Schutt

Gender self-recognition becomes easier

On August 1st, the government’s new Self-Determination Act, which broadens rights for trans people, enters into force in Germany. 

The self-determination act makes it easier for someone in Germany to change their gender entry and first name simply by submitting a declaration to the registry office. There is no longer a requirement for a medical certificate, expert opinion or court order, as previously mandated under the 1980 Transsexual Act.

The self-determination act only affects the process for changing genders with the registry. It does not make any provisions for physical interventions, such as hormone therapies or gender reassignment surgery.

READ ALSO: How Germany’s ‘self-determination law’ will make it easier for people to change their gender

Subsidies for green energy systems open up

In line with the government’s Heating Bill, which encourages households to swap out old heating systems for eco-friendly ones, landlords, single-family homeowners and apartment owners will be able to apply for subsidies to exchange their heating systems from August.

Up to 70 percent of the costs of a new heating system can be subsidised by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), with subsidies depending only partly on household income. 

A heat pump at a house in Germany.

A heat pump at a home in Germany. Eco-friendly heating systems are eligible for government subsidies. Photo by Ina FASSBENDER / AFP

There are also changes on the horizon for people with solar panel installations on their balcony or roof. In many cases, people with solar panels produce an surplus of energy that they feed back into the grid in order to turn a profit. The amount people can earn this way will drop by one percent from August. 

For systems up to 10 kWp, the new rate will be 8.04 cents per kWh if partially fed into the grid and 12.73 cents per kWh if fully fed. Systems between 10 and 40 kWp will have rates of 6.95 and 10.68 cents per kWh, respectively, and systems between 40 and 100 kWp will receive 5.68 and 10.68 cents per kWh. 

Local governments could introduce 30km/h zones

Under pressure from local authorities and campaigners, the government recently passed a sweeping reform of its Road Traffic Act to allow local governments to have more control over their streets.

Rather than prioritising cars at all times, districts can now point to other considerations like health or the environment in order to introduce new speed limits, pedestrian zones and cycle lanes. 

Specifically, local authorities can more easily implement 30 km/h speed limits near playgrounds, school routes, and pedestrian crossings – a measure many regions have been calling for.

Though no specific date has yet been said for introducing the amended law, it’s likely to come into effect at the end of July or early August.

READ ALSO: How can Germany fix its patchy rural transport connections?

Tax deadline extended 

The official deadline for mandatory tax declarations is August 31st this year. However, since this date falls on a Sunday, taxpayers in Germany will have until Monday, September 2nd to submit their documents to the Finanzamt.

For most employees in Germany, filling in a tax return is not compulsory, but certain groups of people, including those with second sources of incomes and the self-employed, must submit declarations annually.

Employees can also often benefit from submitting a non-mandatory tax declaration as it allows them to write off work-related expenses and thereby reduce their tax burden. 

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED – The best apps to help you track your German taxes

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Everything that changes in Germany in September 2024

From elections and taxes to liquids limits returning to air travel and the beginning of autumn, here are some of the major changes in Germany this September.

Everything that changes in Germany in September 2024

Last chance to file tax return 

Let’s start with something you need to do as quickly as possible if you’re affected. The official deadline for mandatory tax declarations is August 31st this year. However, since this date falls on a Sunday, taxpayers in Germany will have until Monday, September 2nd to submit their documents to the Finanzamt.

For most employees in Germany, filling in a tax return is not compulsory, but certain groups of people, including those with second sources of incomes and the self-employed, must submit declarations annually.

However, there are longer deadlines when working with a tax advisor (Steuerberater) or income tax association.

READ ALSO: What are the 2024 tax deadlines to submit my tax return?

Bumper election month

Three important elections will take place in Germany in September. Voting to elect a new parliament is scheduled for September 1st in Thuringia and Saxony, and on September 22nd in Brandenburg. 

The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) is expected to make significant gains, while the parties in the federal government are set to suffer, according to recent polls.

In the state elections (Landtagswahlen), everyone over 18 with German citizenship can vote. By the way, in Brandenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Bremen, Baden-Württemberg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hamburg, people can vote from the age of 16 – but German citizenship remains a requirement.

READ ALSO: Inside Germany – Gearing up for explosive state elections and the German’Switzerlands’

A banner reads 'AfD ban - now' at a demonstration against the far-right in Leipzig ahead of the eastern state elections.

A banner reads ‘AfD ban now’ at a demonstration against the far-right in Leipzig ahead of the eastern state elections. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sebastian Willnow

Back to school (and the Bundestag)

The school holidays are coming to an end for more pupils and teachers in Germany. The last to return to the classroom are schools in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Lessons restart here around September 8th. 

Meanwhile, politicians will be busy again as the Bundestag reconvenes on September 9th. The traditional budget week is coming up – a topic that has recently caused a lot of controversy.

READ ALSO: Why Germany may have to renegotiate its 2025 budget

Regional holiday – and autumn arrives

The German state of Thuringia has a public holiday coming up. September 20th marks World Children’s Day, and many people will get the day off work. 

September also marks the end of the summer. From a meteorological point of view, autumn begins on September 1st, but the astronomical beginning of autumn this year in Germany is on September 22nd, when day and night are of equal length.

READ ALSO: German word of the day – Tagundnachtgleiche

Liquids limits return to EU airports

This is an important change that travellers need to be aware of. 

The European Commission (EC) recently announced recently that it was temporarily reintroducing limits to liquids carried in hand luggage at airports around Europe. The move is due to concerns about the reliability of CT scanners as part of new systems. 

In Germany some airports – such as Frankfurt – had been phasing out the liquid limits. 

A notice on Frankfurt airport’s site says: “Starting September 1st, 2024 an EU-wide restriction on taking liquids in carry-on luggage will be applied again for all passenger security checkpoints (including CT scanners).”

The airport goes on to say that “only liquids in containers no larger than 100 milliliters may be taken, and these must be placed inside a re-closable bag with a maximum capacity of 0.1 litre”.

READ ALSO: What return of liquid limits at airports means for travel in Germany

Organ donation declaration via health insurance app

By September 30th it will be possible for people in Germany to say whether they want their organs to be donated after they die via their health insurance app.

Since March, people have been able to enter a declaration of willingness to donate organs and tissue in the central online register using the online function of their ID card. Being able to do it through the app is meant to further simplify the process. 

READ ALSO: What Germany’s new digital organ donation register means for residents

Organ donation card

An organ donor card, held at the Ministry of Health. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Michael Kappeler

Reservation requirement for international trains ends

If you wanted to travel abroad by train in the summer months, you needed a reservation on almost all long-distance train connections. But from September 1st, this is no longer needed. 

Deutsche Bahn had introduced the requirement due to the expected high demand amid the UEFA Euro 2024 tournament in June and July. However, the reservation requirement between Munich and Zurich will remain in force up to and including October 5th.

Berlin airport S-Bahn transport link closes

Another train change to be aware of – from September 13th, S-Bahn connections to Berlin’s BER airport are being cut for around two months.

It affects the S9 and S45. The route is being closed due to maintenance work. 

The lines are expected to reopen in early November. 

Passengers can continue to use the airport express FEX and regional trains. 

Receipts for heating subsidies 

The first group of applicants for KfW heating subsidies will be able to submit invoices and receipts for projects from the end of September 2024. 

Among the first to be allowed to submit applications were owners of single-family homes who use the house themselves. These homeowner can submit their costs by the end of September. Once the documents have been checked, the money will be paid out, likely at the end of October, according to a spokeswoman for the state development bank KfW.

Deadline to submit accounts for ‘Covid aid’

Recipients of state coronavirus economic aid have until the end of September to submit their final accounts. These are necessary in order to reconcile the grants originally applied for with those to which the applicants are actually entitled. This could lead to back payments or repayments. 

Ban on the purchase and sale of R44 child seats

Child seats can save lives. To ensure that they always comply with the latest safety standards, a change from September 2024 means that seats with the abbreviation ‘R44’ may no longer be sold or purchased.

Seats with this labelling have no longer been allowed to be manufactured since last year but stocks were still allowed to be sold. This period ends in September 2024, which means that buying or selling them is prohibited. But not the use: anyone who still has a child seat of the old standard in their car may continue to use it.

No more account sharing on Disney+

Similar to its competitor Netflix, Disney+ will no longer offer the option of account sharing in the future. The process initiated by Disney and its CEO Bob Iger is expected to take effect in Germany in September, where users will be asked to create their own account.

Oktoberfest kicks off 

Germany’s most famous folk festival starts in September – despite the name. That’s right – Oktoberfest is back! 

The celebration held in Munich kicks off on Saturday September 21st and lasts until October 6th.

Expect millions of visitors, a cheery atmosphere and endless litres of beer.