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How to start a club or ‘förening’ for your sport or hobby in Sweden

Sweden has more than 200,000 voluntary clubs and associations and the majority of Swedes are involved in at least one of them. How can you start your own?

How to start a club or 'förening' for your sport or hobby in Sweden
Tomas Rörby at Cykelköket, or 'the cycle kitchen' a voluntary organisation that helps people learn to repair their own cycles. Photo: Maja Suslin/TT

What is föreningsliv in Sweden? 

Föreningsliv – association or club life – is a central part of Sweden’s social fabric. Rather than socialising in bars, cafés or on the streets, a big chunk of Swedish social life has historically taken place around things like football clubs, weaving circles, tango dancing groups and the like. 

More than half the population in Sweden is involved in running some sort of voluntary organisation or club, and of those that are involved, half are involved in running two or more. 

And Swedes are proud of the rather formal way clubs and associations are organised. Most have a board led by a chair, normally with a deputy chair, secretary, treasurer, and other board members. Swedes see this level of organisation life as a “school for democracy”, the fundamental building block of an effective system for reaching consensus that reaches all the way to the national parliament. 

So for foreigners, getting involved in föreningsliv is a quick and effective way to get more integrated, helping them not only to meet Swedes but also to understand how they think and what makes the country tick. 

What do you need to start a förening in Sweden? 

There’s nothing to stop you just getting together with some people with similar interests and just starting a club or association without registering it anywhere at all.

Freedom of association, or föreningsfrihet, is one of Sweden’s fundamental constitutional rights, going right back to the 1600s, and that freedom includes the right to run your club however you see fit, without needing to register it with any government agency. 

You also do not need to have stadgar (rules), a styrelse (board), or any officers. But Swedes would generally want to have this structure in place, whether or not they decide to register the club formally. 

If you want your club or association to outlast you, want to have a shared bank account, or want to be able to apply for and receive grants, it can be worth registering as a voluntary organisation or ideell förening

How do you start a förening? 

To establish a new club formally takes three clear steps: 

  1. You need to meet (or communicate online) to decide what sort of club or association you want to start, what the name will be, and sketch out what you will do. The people at this meeting can call themselves the interimstyrelse, or interim board, but no such formalities are necessary. 
  2. You need to draw up a list of stadgar or club statutes. These should include a description of the association’s name, its aims and goals, and how decisions will be made. The Swedish Sports Confederation has a helpful template for a new organisation’s statutes here, which covers most of questions you need to agree on. 
  3. You need to hold a meeting where the association is formally established and its board chosen.

What needs to happen in the meeting establishing an association in Sweden? 

Protocols are taken very seriously in Swedish föreningsliv, so the establishing meeting will typically be announced in advance on social media or with a leaflet posted somewhere where those likely to be interested might see it.

The meeting should be open to people unknown to the founding members, and the issues to be discussed should be laid out in an agenda sent out in advance. 

The meeting will normally follow a standard agenda, which will run something like this: 

  • Register of all those present
  • Selection of chair for the meeting 
  • Selection of secretary for the meeting 
  • Selection of two justerare. The job of a justerare is to check that the record of the meeting made by the secretary is accurate. 
  • Determination of the agenda for the meeting
  • Vote on whether the association should be established 
  • Discussion and vote on whether the statutes put forward should be accepted 
  • Discussion and vote on the name of the association
  • Decision on whether there should be a membership fee (and if so, how much) 
  • Decision on a board, with a chair and at least two board members, who will stay in place until the first annual meeting 
  • Decision on date for first annual meeting 

The stadgar will normally state that the call out to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) must take place at least two weeks before it happens, so the next stage is to call an AGM inviting everyone you expect to want to take part in the club. At this meeting, a new board is voted in with the acceptance of all members in attendance. 

How to register a förening 

If you want your club or association to have a bank account, be able to hire premises, apply for grants or work with companies or the municipality, you need to register it with the Swedish Tax Agency.

You can apply for an organisation number through filling in this form here and sending it to the Swedish Tax Agency together with your organisation’s statutes and the protocol from the meeting establishing it. 

What next? 

It can be helpful for sports clubs to be part of an umbrella organisation for their sport, which is perhaps best done through this form on the website of the Swedish Sports Confederation, which will direct clubs to the right organisation. 

You can also apply for grants from your local municipality to help run your club or association, with applications in Stockholm made on this page here, in Gothenburg here, and in Malmö here

Good luck! 

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Säg hej: What are the real rules for greeting people in Sweden?

A recent campaign by the northern Swedish town of Luleå to encourage residents to say 'hi' to each other more has become global news. But what are the real unwritten rules for saying 'hi' to someone in Sweden?

Säg hej: What are the real rules for greeting people in Sweden?

Who would have thought that saying ‘hi’ could be complicated? Swedes, however, are famously reserved, and will do anything to avoid mumbling an awkward hej hej to a neighbour in the stairwell.

A recent campaign by northern Swedish city Luleå, first reported by The Local, has been covered by newspapers across the world. The campaign aims to combat this social awkwardness by getting its residents to say ‘hi’ (hej or more often hej hej in Swedish) to each other in order to fight isolation and loneliness.

It’s a nice idea, sure, but how are Swedes really going to react if you start saying hej to everyone you meet?

Well, it depends on the situation: here are some general guidelines.

READ ALSO: When can you talk to a stranger in Sweden without annoying them?

Are you in a small town or a big city?

If you’re in a small town, on a remote walking path or deep in the Swedish forest, you should definitely greet anyone you meet, although a quick ‘hej hej’ is probably enough. No need to start making small talk about the weather.

Sometimes it can be difficult to know where to draw the greet/don’t greet line here, but if you’re engaging in some sort of leisure activity, like going for a walk or foraging in the forests, you should say ‘hi’ — unless, that is, there is such a high flow of people that you’d be saying ‘hi’ more than once every five minutes. 

It’s also a good idea to say ‘hi’ to people you walk past if you’re in a town small enough for you to be easily identified as an outsider, in order to dispel any suspicions that you’re up to no good.

If you’re in a larger town, or any other sort of area where you’re likely to be walking past other human beings with any sort of regularity, you’re probably alright just giving a slight smile and nod if you end up making eye contact.

If someone says ‘hi’ to you, though, you should always say ‘hi’ back.

Will you be forced to continue chatting?

Swedes hate small talk, so any kind of situation where you could find yourself trapped in further conversation with someone after you’ve said hej should be avoided. If you’re walking past each other on a walking trail, say hej.

But if you’re getting on to a crowded train or bus together, either don’t say hej, or make sure you have an exit strategy, such as sitting in a different carriage or a different part of the bus, so you’re not forced to continue chatting afterwards.

This is one of the reasons Swedes try and avoid saying hej to neighbours in the stairwell – no one wants to risk being stuck in a situation where you’re following your neighbour down the stairs, out the door and to the bus stop in awkward silence.

Are they busy?

Generally, Swedes – as with most people, to be honest – are more likely to say hej when they’re not busy or thinking about something else at the same time. They may stop to say hej on a weekend shopping trip or when out walking their dog, but ignore you by pretending to stare at their phone if they’re rushing to school or preschool pickup.

You might, for example, be expected to say hej to a pensioner taking a break on a bench as you walk past, but probably wouldn’t say hej to someone rushing around the supermarket buying ingredients for dinner after work.

Is it some sort of public holiday?

Similar to the point above, if it’s some sort of public holiday, like Easter, Christmas or Midsummer, and you happen to be out for a walk anywhere other than in a busy city or town centre, you should say hej to anyone you walk past, as well as the appropriate seasonal greeting for the holiday in question.

This is presumably due in part to the fact that Swedes have a very clear boundary between work and private life, therefore assuming that everyone is off work over the holidays and isn’t too busy to say hello.

Do you have a shared activity in common?

If you are going to be in the same place for more than a couple of minutes – you’re walking your dog at the same dog park, or your children are playing at the same playground, for example – then you should greet anyone else your path crosses with, if only to acknowledge their existence.

It’s probably overkill to actually go up to someone for the purpose of saying ‘hello’, but a quick greeting if you happen to be within speaking distance would be fine.

This also applies to things like gym classes or activities with some other sort of club or association, but not if you’re just waiting at the same bus stop.

Do you know this person (even vaguely)?

As a general rule, if you know someone even vaguely, you should greet them, although again, there are exceptions.

Usually, if you’re likely to see them again at some point in some other context, you should say hej. This could include a neighbour, a colleague, or a parent who often drops off or picks up their child from school or preschool at the same time as you.

One exception to this is if you see someone you used to know at some point who you haven’t seen in a while, like someone you went to school with or a former colleague.

This situation can be awkward as if you say hej, you almost have to start a longer conversation with them, which can be annoying if you or they are actually on their way to somewhere else.

You really have two options here: you can either choose to greet them if you think they have time to chat, or you can try and walk past without them spotting you if either of you are in a hurry.

What happens if I get it wrong?

If you don’t greet someone when you should have, no one will actually tell you directly, but they might complain behind your back to someone else that you were a bit rude.

If, on the other hand, you greet people too often and force them to have painful small talk with you, they might complain that you are lite väl mycket (a bit too much), although again they’d never do it directly to your face.

Let’s be honest, though, most people will just say hej back.