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German phrase of the day: Hinter den Kulissen

This useful German phrase describes a lot of things that never make it into the public eye.

German phrase of the day
Photo credit: Francesco Ungaro / Unsplash + Nicolas Raymond / flickr

Whether it’s an Instagram influencer presenting a picture-perfect life or the dramatic scenes of a Blockbuster movie, the worlds created for us on screen aren’t always what they seem. 

If you want to peak behind the curtains and understand the work that goes into creating a cinematic masterpiece or a social media persona, the German phrase hinter den Kulissen is a good one to know. 

What does it mean?

Hinter den Kulissen (pronounced like this) can best be translated as ‘behind-the-scenes’, with Kulissen describing the staging and backdrops that you find on a traditional theatre set.

You’ll likely come across this phrase in promotional content for films or TV shows, where audiences might get a sneak peak at what goes on beyond the view of the cameras.

READ ALSO: German word of the day – Schweigen

More broadly, however, the phrase is used to describe anything that is deliberately concealed from the public or that goes on behind closed doors. In fact, a good alternative phrase to hinter den Kulissen is hinter verschlossenen Türen, which means exactly that. 

If a seemingly happy couple suddenly announce they’re splitting up, you may ponder with a mutual friend what really went on hinter den Kulissen. Or after pulling off a perfect presentation at work after weeks of stress, you may wearily tell a colleague that, hinter den Kulissen things didn’t go as smoothly as it may have seemed.

With the internet making it easier than ever to create a public persona that has nothing to do with our private ones, asking what really goes on hinter den Kulissen has never been more relevant. 

Use it like this:

Es lohnt sich immer, hinter den Kulissen zu blicken.

It’s always worth looking behind the scenes.

Er sieht immer sehr glücklich aus, aber hinter den Kulissen soll er wirklich deprimiert sein. 

He always looks happy, but behind the scenes he’s apparently very depressed. 

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German phrase of the day: Start ins Wochenende

This practical German phrase may come in handy today, and also next Friday - and likely the one after that.

German phrase of the day: Start ins Wochenende

If you work in an office, you may hear this phrase going around on a Friday afternoon.

Alternatively, you might notice it pop up in social media posts around the same time as excitement builds for the days to come.

What does it mean?

Start ins Wochenende literally translates to “Start into (the) weekend”, but is probably better understood as the beginning of the weekend.

It’s a bit like a simple German version of “TGI Friday” – the abbreviated version of the well-known sentiment, “Thank God it’s Friday!”. But instead of focusing on the fact that the work days are behind you, Start ins Wochenende encourages you to look forward to the good times to come.

You’ll likely hear this phrase couched into well-wishes from your colleagues as you leave the office, or from acquaintances that you bump into on a Friday afternoon: “Habt einen wunderschönen Freitag und Start ins Wochenende” (Have a wonderful Friday and beginning of the weekend).

You can also use it when talking about anything you did on a Friday – or a Saturday morning – that helps you relax and shift your head space toward relaxation and enjoyment for the weekend.

Alternatively, it might be said with a tinge of bitter irony when something unfortunate happens.

For example: “Mein Flug wurde wegen eines technischen Problems gestrichen, was für ein toller Start ins Wochenende” (My flight was cancelled because of a technical problem, what a great start to the weekend).

READ ALSO: German word of the day: Verschlafen

Use it like this:

Der perfekte Start ins Wochenende. 

The perfect start to the weekend.

Mein idealer Start ins Wochenende ist eine Massage am Freitag und ein Brunch am Samstag.

My ideal start to the weekend is a massage on Friday and brunch on Saturday.