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Spanish Word of the Day: Mena 

This word is an acronym which isn’t even in Spain’s official dictionary yet, but you’ll hear it all the time on Spanish news and conversation currently. 

Spanish Word of the Day: Mena 
"Mena" is becoming an increasingly loaded word in Spanish. (Photo by Marcos Moreno / AFP)

Mena has several meanings in Spanish. It can mean ore (a material from which metal can be extracted), it’s also a type of fish (the blotched picarel) and it’s even a Spanish surname.

However, its most common usage in Spain today is to refer to unaccompanied foreign minors. Interestingly, Spain’s Royal Academy of Language has not yet included it in the dictionary.

Mena, sometimes written in capitals MENA, is an acronym for Menor Extranjero No Acompañado

You’re likely to hear mena a lot on the news in Spain or when people talk about migration as there is currently a row brewing over the care and distribution of migrant minors in Spain, as the bulk of them are arriving in the Canary Islands, and authorities there are overwhelmed. 

According to Spain’s Central Register of Foreigners (RCE), there are currently 15,045 menas between the ages of 16 and 23 in Spain.

Those over the age of 18 included in the numbers received mena residency protection because they were minors when they first arrived in Spain, most of the time by crossing on small overcrowded boats called pateras.

Sometimes it’s impossible to know their approximate age without first carrying out an X-ray of their wrist bones.

The vast majority of menas in Spain are male (only 6 percent female), which may explain why most of the time the masculine form is used (el mena/los menas).

These unaccompanied minors mostly hail from North African and sub-Saharan countries, although there are some from the Middle East as well. 

Opinions over Spain’s menas are divided, but what is for certain is that they have been the subject of many fake news stories (bulos, one of our other Spanish Words of the Day). 

Back in 2021, Spanish far-right party Vox sparked controversy with a Madrid election campaign poster that falsely claimed unaccompanied migrant minors receive 10 times more state aid than a pensioner. 

Vox were forced to take down the posters but party leader Abascal is now making the claim again: “Spaniards will have to pay €3,000 a month for every mena”. 

There have also been false claims circulating online that menas could travel for free across Spain using the government’s youth summer travel programme.

Examples of the use of “menas” in the Spanish press in July 2024.

The reality for most foreign unaccompanied minors in Spain is far from cushy and benefits-driven, with reports that the centres where they stay in the Canaries are overcrowded and unhygienic and that many aren’t receiving any form of education or language classes. 

In fact, the word mena is now considered by some to have racist undertones, as it’s been embraced by the far right and thus turned the concept of an unaccompanied minor into something bad. 

Many NGOS are now calling for people to stop using the acronym.

Words such as asylum seeker, migrant or refugee have also acquired negative connotations in some circles of the English-speaking world. 

Therefore, when talking about los menas, keep in mind that it’s becoming an increasingly loaded word, and that you’re probably better off using the full version: menores no acompañados or menores extranjeros no acompañados, or just referring to them as jóvenes (youngsters) or chicos (boys), which is what they are after all. 

Member comments

  1. So happy that The Local has called out this kind of negativity. I have a renewed respect for this fine newsletter.

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Five ways that ‘leche’ means more than just ‘milk’ in Spain

There are over 40 idioms in Spanish that use the word milk. But they aren't always talking about that white stuff made by cows.

Five ways that 'leche' means more than just 'milk' in Spain

The Spanish language just loves to use food and drink in its phrases but the dexterity with which it changes the meaning of the word leche (milk) is quite impressive.

According to the RAE – the institution that safeguards the use of the Spanish language – there are over 40 idioms using the word milk and it can mean a whole host of things.

Let’s dive in and see some examples of the ways leche is used in Spanish:

Ser la leche (‘be the milk’)

This means to be incredible or exceptional and is usually extremely positive. However, it can be used sarcastically as well, so if you do hear it, it might mean exactly the opposite. You should be able to tell by the context.

Me encantan las películas de Al Pacino. Ese tío es la leche.

I love Al Pacino’s movies. That guy’s incredible.

Gracias por ayudarme con la mudanza. ¡Eres la leche!

Thanks for helping me with the move. You’re the best!

Dar(se) una leche (‘to give a milk’)

To hit someone – this can include a slap, punch, or smack. If you use the reflexive verb then it means to hurt oneself by falling, bumping, or crashing into something. Let’s check out some examples:

Si vuelves a hacerlo, te daré una leche.

If you do it again, I’ll give you a smack.

María se dio una buena leche ayer.

María fell over and really hurt herself yesterday.

Estar de mala leche (‘to be of bad milk’)

This means to be in a bad mood. The use of estar and not ser (the two ‘to be’ verbs in Spanish) means that it would be considered something temporary. For someone who is more permanently grumpy or ill tempered, you could say tener mala leche.

Estoy de mala leche porque no dormí nada anoche.

I’m in a bad mood because I didn’t sleep at all last night.

Gerardo tiene muy mala leche.

Gerardo is really grumpy.

A toda leche (‘at full milk’)

This expression means to go at full speed, flat out. This could be in terms of speed over distance or working quickly doing something, like a project or homework.

Fui a toda leche para su casa.

I raced over to their house.

Cagarse en la leche (‘to shit in the milk’)

In Spanish, this phrase is used frequently to express anger, frustration or disappointment, the same way that English speakers would say ‘shit’ or damn it.

¡Me cago en la leche! El fontanero no ha arreglado bien el fregadero.

Damn it! The plumber hasn’t fixed the sink properly.

So there you have it. Five great ways to use the word leche in Spanish. 

Watch Antonio Banderas explain what two of these terms plus a few other Spanish slang terms mean in English: