Swisscom customers set to pay more for internet, phone and TV

You’re soon likely to be paying more for your internet package, if you’re a Swisscom customer. 

Swisscom customers set to pay more for internet, phone and TV
The price of one of Swisscom's bestselling combo packages will increase for current customers from September. Photo: Swisscom

The ‘inOne home light’ package, which combines internet, phone and television – one of the company’s best sellers – will no longer be available from later this month. 

Higher price, higher speeds

Customers will instead be upgraded to a ‘Basic Home’ plan, which will cost 59.90 Swiss francs per month, 9.90 francs more than the previous monthly rate. 

Those who are being upgraded will continue to pay the current rate of 50 Swiss francs until the end of August, after which the new charges will take effect.

In better news, the new plan offers faster internet speeds, up to 50 Mb/s for both uploading and downloading.

The price to make a phone call will remain the same – 0.04c per minute when calling a landline, and 0.27 cents when calling another mobile.

The package’s offer of over one hundred TV channels, with 60 in HD, will also remain unchanged. 

No more basic multiroom offer

Additionally, the company are also withdrawing the ability to add a Swisscom box to a second TV in their home for a surcharge of 5 francs.

Instead, new customers will be required to sign up for a ‘Multiroom Max’ subscription that will cost 9.90 francs a month. 

Further Swisscom boxes can still be obtained for 99 francs, but customers with SmartTVs will be able to connect their devices for free through the Blue TV app

Customer dissatisfaction

The move was met with dissatisfaction from some Swisscom customers. 

One user wrote on the company’s community forums: “I am very unhappy, about that thinking. Can you imagine the damage you do to our country, with a price increase of 20 percent?”

Another replied: “I am surprised and disappointed. As already mentioned by other customers, an increase of almost 50 percent in a few years is absurd for a user who does not ask for any increase in internet speed.”

A third user was very blunt: “That means, when can I cancel?”

Customers who are unhappy with the new offer are advised by Swisscom that they can cancel or switch their package at any time.

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‘Can’t make friends’: Why Switzerland is less popular with foreign residents?

Switzerland has fallen in popularity among international workers and students, according to survey results released this week. Do you agree with the conclusion?

'Can't make friends': Why Switzerland is less popular with foreign residents?

The country slipped to 34th place out of 53 surveyed countries in the annual Expat Insider 2024 survey conducted by Internations.

This is a drop of 11 places compared to 2023.

Why the drop in ranking?

Switzerland an expensive place to live, and it’s hard to make friends – at least, that’s the verdict of many survey respondents. (Let us know your own thoughts in the comments section below)

Some 60 percent of respondents said they were dissatisfied with the cost of living in Switzerland, compared with a global figure of 39 percent. 

Some 63 percent judged housing affordability negatively, with 22 percent giving it the worst possible rating. 

This is substantially higher than the global figures – 47 and 14 percent respectively.

Furthermore, 49 percent found it hard to find a place to live when arriving in the country. 

This is another increase, on the worldwide figure of 34 percent. 

READ MORE: How hard is it to make friends in Switzerland?

Those who responded to the survey also indicated they struggled to make connections.

The country’s lowest rankings came in local friendliness (47th) and feeling welcome (46th).

Only 46 percent of respondents felt that the Swiss are friendly to foreigners (versus 61 percent globally) and 62 percent said they found making friends locally difficult (compared to 41 percent overall).  

READ ALSO: Readers tips – How to make friends in Switzerland?

Is it all bad news?

No. Those taking the survey indicated that they enjoyed a comfortable life, pointing to several responsible factors. 

Switzerland ranked 12th in terms of quality of life, with 47 percent identifying leisure options and 33 percent choosing healthcare as the determining factor. 

Additionally, 58 percent of respondents reported an income of over 100,000 US dollars a year (compared to 20 percent globally) and 57 percent said they were happy with their financial situation (54 percent worldwide). 

READ MORE: In which jobs in Switzerland do foreign workers earn more than the Swiss?

Switzerland’s transportation networks and travel infrastructure were also a big hit with international residents. 

93 percent indicated they had the opportunity to travel, compared to a worldwide figure of 83 percent, putting the country in first place for the category. 

93 percent also rated local transportation positively, over twenty percent higher than the global figure of 72 per cent. 

The report’s Expat Essentials Index also revealed that it’s generally easy to get things done online, an area of particular interest to international residents. 

The country ranked 10th in access to high-speed internet, 15th in access to online services and 16th in online availability of administrative services. Overall, it ranked 12th in terms of digital life worldwide.