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How would Spain react if there was a major blackout?

Doomsday series and fake news have made the prospect of a national and Europe-wide outage seem outlandish, and yet we come close to such a critical event. How would Spanish authorities react if there was a days-long power cut?

blackout spain
There is no nationwide action plan available if Spain were to be hit bit a major blackout. Photo: Paul Torres/Unsplash

In January, 2021, a technical fault at an electricity plant in Croatia almost knocked out Europe’s entire power grid.

In 2003, 56 million people were left without electricity for several hours in Italy and Switzerland, but there have been outages that have affected far more people and lasted longer, such as the 2012 India blackouts that cut off the supply of electricity for two days to 620 million people. 

Even the entire island of Tenerife in Spain’s Canary Islands has been hit by two major outages in recent years.

Sri Lanka, Turkey, Zanzibar, Brazil, Pakistan, Venezuela – there are countless other blackouts over the past two decades caused by software errors, network overloads, accidents and adverse weather conditions. 

Most feared of all is the prospect of a solar storm so powerful that the grid couldn’t be restored within a matter of hours, days or weeks. 

Such an apocalyptic scenario was depicted in the 2022 Movistar+ series Apagón (Blackout in English), which follows several people in Spain as they survive in a world without electricity.

The prospect of a solar storm setting us back two centuries seems far-fetched and has been exploited and overblown by fake news sources.

A geomagnetic storm caused by a solar storm did cause a nine-hour outage in Quebec in 1989, meaning that it isn’t impossible but by no means as permanent a blackout as some doomsdayers fear. 

However, as the Covid-19 pandemic taught us, even the most unfathomable can sometimes become reality.

So what if this scenario were to hit Spain or the world as a whole?

Spain’s Environment Teresa Ribera flatly ruled out that this could affect Spain and defended that “we can rule it out from our future concerns” despite the fact that Europe’s electricity grid is linked from London all the way to Istanbul.

According to Ribera, the Spanish energy system “is almost an energy island and as we have almost double the installed power than what we use, the risk of a type of blackout due to a system failure in third countries is very limited”.

Madrid authorities are not so convinced by the national government’s stance, and in 2021 called for a nationwide action plan ready to be executed jointly across the regions in the event of a major blackout. 

In 2017, the Spanish Association of Civil Protection for Spatial Weather filed in the Spanish Congress a request to develop a national ‘anti-solar blackout’ plan but this somewhat bizarrely got passed on to the agricultural department and forgotten about. 

They ended up drawing up their own report studying what could be done in all manner of scenarios: accidents at power generation plants, scarcity of essential supplies (food, water, fuel and electricity), and meteorological events. 

After the freak snow storm that brought the Spanish capital to a standstill for several days that very year, it comes as no surprise that Madrid authorities want to be prepared in future.

Protocol measures went from establishing shelters, to a hierarchy of importance in terms of essential services and infrastructure, from the fire service to hospitals.

Specific recommendations for citizens included stocking up on electric generators, batteries, candles, analogue radio receivers and basic foods that do not require cold storage.

But the truth remains that there is no handbook available for Spain’s national government to execute in the event of a major blackout. 

What it has established recently is its SMS alert system, whereby everyone on the country’s phone network receives a message warning them of imminent dangers or risks. 

At this point in time, Spanish authorities simply don’t consider the risk of a major blackout to be worrisome enough to require a detailed action plan. 

The impossibility of Spain being completely off the grid is shared by those in charge of it – Red Eléctrica de España (REE) – but a Europe-wide blackout would undeniably still bring problems to most of the 48 million people living in this country.

READ ALSO: What are the chances of a big earthquake happening in Spain?

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EXPLAINED: Spain’s new monthly pass to access porn websites

Spain's government will soon launch an app which forces people who want to watch porn online to use their official digital ID in order to get a monthly pass for adult content websites, a move aimed at protecting children from pornography.

EXPLAINED: Spain's new monthly pass to access porn websites

In Spain, the average age of a child’s first exposure to pornography is between eight and nine years old and 50 percent of children between 11 and 13 years old actively watch or look at this type of content, according to data collected by the Dale Una Vuelta association, which aims to help porn addicts.

The association has been asking for regulation for years, particularly because last year it was revealed that there has been a rise in sexual attacks by minors who watch porn. There has been a total increase of 116 percent in sexual assaults carried out by children in the last five years.

READ ALSO – ‘Learning through porn’: Concern in Spain over rise in sexual attacks by minors

Digital Transformation Minister José Luis Escrivá explained that the app should be fully operational within the next couple of months.

Essentially it will be able to verify the user’s age and issue a credential, which will be valid for 30 days. This will prevent anyone under the age of 18 from accessing a porn site. 

Users must request authorisation through the Beta Digital Wallet application, which will be downloadable onto a mobile phone.

The person must then identify themselves using an electronic DNI, digital certificate or Cl@ve.

Based on the data collected, the person’s age will be verified before they can access a site. This will expire after one month, when they will have to reapply for more credentials.

It works in a similar way to a mobile phone wallet. When you access an adult content platform, the website itself will provide a QR code that must be scanned from the application to prove that you are of age.

Monthly renewal is necessary to prevent web pages from keeping all of the users’ browsing data.

Currently, only adult content platforms in Spain will be required to carry out this verification, but the Ministry has requested the collaboration of other places such as social networks or instant messaging apps.

The National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) will also manage a list of pages with adult content not subject to Spanish jurisdiction, with the aim that browsers will be able to verify the age of those who want to access it, before revealing any content.

The Digital Wallet can also be used to store other official documents, such as university degrees, registration data or electronic DNI.

However, cybersecurity experts say the app will be subject to basic technical flaws, which will make the system totally ineffective.

The initiative has also raised all kinds of ethical, technical and legal questions, with many saying they people shouldn’t have to identify themselves in the same way they do to pay their taxes to be able to access porn. 

The monthly pass has been jokingly dubbed in the Spanish press as pajaporte, a play on words between paja (wank) and pasaporte (passport). 

Minister Escrivá has justified the plan by saying that we need to tackle the problem of children accessing porn. “The data we see regarding minors’ access to adult content and its possible consequences are what have led us to develop this tool as quickly as possible,” he said.