Why a German town has held a referendum on pigeons

After months of debate over how to manage its pigeon population, a small town in Hesse has held a referendum with a controversial outcome.

flock of rock doves
A flock of pigeons scramble around bits of bread thrown on the street. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Boris Roessler

Along with the European election and the local district council election, voters in the town of Limburg an der Lahn, also decided on Sunday on the fate of around 700 resident pigeons.

A referendum was held to decide if the local population of city pigeons should be reduced in the next two years. Hundreds of local pigeons are to be killed by a falconer who will lure the birds into a trap and then break their necks.

The city council of Limburg an der Lahn had decided in November 2023 to kill the town’s resident rock doves in this way, which drew criticism from animal welfare organisations. So the question was put to the town’s voters.

A little over 53 percent of the residents who voted in the referendum approved the killing of the pigeons – with a total of 7,530 yes votes cast.

“Today’s result was unpredictable for us. The citizens have made use of their right and decided that the animals should be reduced by a falconer,” Mayor Marius Hahn (SPD) told Der Spiegel about the vote.

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Does killing pigeons ultimately reduce populations?

Research shows that killing pigeons isn’t an effective method for reducing urban populations, because the birds will reproduce more and replenish the population. In fact, populations have been observed to increase above pre-cull numbers in the weeks following pigeon killings.

A well-documented example of this comes from Basel, Switzerland, which had a pigeon population of approximately 20,000. From 1961 to 1985, the city killed around 100,000 pigeons each year, but the population remained stable.

Ultimately a group called Pigeon Action was founded to promote a long term solution to the issue. The group came up with a programme – since referred to as the ‘Basel model’ – that included warning residents against feeding pigeons, and installing pigeon lofts from which eggs are removed. Through these methods, the population was halved within four years.

inside a pigeon house

A volunteer looks after the pigeons in the pigeon house at Berlin Südkreuz station. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sebastian Gollnow

A similar pigeon-control method comes from the Bavarian city of Augsburg. Here the city operates several supervised pigeon lofts where pigeons are cared for by a local animal welfare organisation. 

This allows for new eggs to be swapped for dummies, and has the added benefit of collecting a fair amount of pigeon droppings in one place.

Other cities have tried to curb pigeon populations with feeding bans, because pigeon population growth is directly related to abundant food supplies. 

But in 2021, Berlin’s state animal welfare officer issued a legal opinion that feeding bans against the birds were unlawful. The opinion argued that city pigeons are the offspring of neglected domestic pigeons, and also that feeding bans “do not lead to shrinking populations, but only to impoverishment”.

How are other German cities managing pigeon populations?

Limburg an der Lahn, which sits on the western edge of the German state of Hesse, is not the only town with a pigeon problem. A number of nearby cities, including many in the neighbouring state of Rhineland-Palatinate, are trying various tactics to control local pigeon numbers.

According to Südwestrundfunk (SWR), the cities Neustadt (Weinstraße) and Grünstadt have implemented feeding bans for pigeons. 

The city of Kaiserslautern is trying out the so-called Augsburg model, having constructed pigeon towers where birds are relocated and where their eggs are exchanged for plastic fakes. The towers are maintained and operated by volunteers.

READ ALSO: How a German ’racing pigeon’ went viral after speed camera snapshot

Similar pigeon lofts can be found in Mainz and Pirmasens. There are also controlled nesting sites in Ludwigshafen, and an inner-city pigeon house in Zweibrücken.

Also in Koblenz and Neuwied, pigeon eggs are collected and replaced.

Unfortunately for the pigeons in Limburg an der Lahn, these alternative options were not included in the vote.


pigeon – (die) Taube

referendum – (das) Referendum / (die) Volksabstimmung

feed – füttern

pigeon loft – (der) Taubenschlag / (das) Taubenhaus

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Germany’s parks plant a way forward on climate change

In the castle gardens of Muskauer Park, which straddles both banks of the German-Polish river border, caretakers have mounted a fightback against the impacts of climate change.

Germany's parks plant a way forward on climate change

On the stump of a 150-year-old oak tree, gnawed by parasites and felled in a storm, a tender new shoot represents the estate’s hope of adapting to rising temperatures and more frequent droughts.

As part of a “natural regeneration” project, the sapling was grafted onto its fallen predecessor by gardeners in the first step towards replacing the UNESCO-listed park’s lost trees.

The young oak “will benefit from the roots of the old tree and will be more resistant to threats”, gardener Jana Kretschmer told AFP.

By transmitting their DNA to the new saplings, the older trees “teach” their descendants how to adapt to less hospitable conditions.

“Nature shows the way, humans need only look on,” said Kretschmer.

Drought and pests are among the silent killers encouraged by climate change, which weakens plants and has started to decimate the flora of the parklands on both sides of the Neisse river.

Some 180 beeches, ashes and oaks had to be felled there last year.

“Every year since 2018 we have to cut down more and more trees,” said Kretschmer, the site’s deputy manager, who bemoaned the loss of countless old trees as a “catastrophe”.

Natural cure

In June, 15 German estates presented their plans to protect their gardens against the impacts of climate change.

At Muskauer Park, the groundskeepers are betting on the traditional method of natural regeneration to increase the tree-count.

Importing more resistant species of trees would be an option, but one that would be “neither sustainable, nor intelligent”, said park manager Cord Panning.

A natural regeneration approach moreover promises savings in two scarce commodities: money and water.

Following the method, caretakers select the best young specimens to plant them in place of old trees, eschewing genetic engineering or any foreign transplants.

In time, they hope to restore virtually all of the trees in the 19th century garden that have been lost and felled.

Among the pests to have plagued the trees at Muskauer Park are the tinder fungus and the bark beetle.

“Usually, by the time you realise it, it is too late,” said Kretschmer.

Long dry spells between 2018 and 2020 did nothing to help the situation, leaving the trees ever more vulnerable to attack.

Fungal invasion

Further south in Germany, at Nymphenburg Palace in Munich, the spread of the phytophthora fungus and invasive mistletoe species are depriving trees of water.

“The trees are experiencing dry stress, even in years where rainfall is sufficient,” said Michael Degle, the palace’s landscape architect.

The Munich park has had a system of “sustainable tree management” since 2018, which employs moisture sensors and new pruning techniques.

The project feeds into the joint efforts of over a dozen garden estates in Germany, including Muskauer Park, to develop effective responses to climate change.

But their work is “reaching its limits”, according to the group’s June report.

Already, 20 to 30 percent of their budget is spent on fixing climate damage — a share which is only increasing.

According to their calculations, somewhere between 200 and 250 million euros ($220 and 275 million) would be needed in the long term to protect historic parks from rising temperatures.

The damage to trees at Muskauer Park by a warming climate will be on show at the estate’s open day at the end of September.

An opportunity, according to Kretschmer, to show that trees “are not just wood, but living beings much more clever than us”.