Thousands demonstrate against mass tourism in Mallorca

Thousands of people took to the streets on Saturday in the Spanish city of Palma de Mallorca to demonstrate against excess tourism, one of the main sources of wealth in the area, under the slogan "Mallorca is not for sale."

Protesters hold a banner reading
Protesters hold a banner reading "Mallorca is not for sale" during a demonstration to protest against excess tourism and housing prices on the island of Mallorca in Palma de Mallorca on May 25, 2024. (Photo by JAIME REINA / AFP)

The demonstration took place two days after the collapse of a bar and restaurant popular with tourists in Mallorca’s capital city claimed the lives of four people, two of them German visitors, and injured 16. However, the demonstration was organised before this.

The protesters processed through the centre of Palma with those at the front holding a banner with the aforementioned motto and another with the message “If they deny us a roof, they deny us the future.”

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The organisers of the demonstration say that overtourism or the excessive number of tourists has made housing astronomically expensive on the island. Mallorca has fewer than 1 million inhabitants, but 31 million passengers passed through its main airport 2023.

Similar protests have taken place in the Canary Islands, Barcelona and Seville. 

According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Spain, the second most-visited tourist destination in the world after France, received 85 million foreign visitors in 2023.

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Of these, 14.4 million landed in the Balearic Islands, the archipelago of which Mallorca is the main island, followed by Menorca and Ibiza.

As a region, the Balearics received Spain’s second-highest number of foreign tourists in 2023, just behind Catalonia with 18 million.  

Palma de Mallorca airport has Spain’s third-highest number of passengers passing through it, with 31 million travelling through it in 2023, according to data from the Spanish airport administrator AENA.

However, tourism remains a huge part of the islands’ wealth: its contribution – direct and indirect – to the Balearics’ GDP exceeded 40 percent before the Covid-19 pandemic and has already recovered, according to an analysis by CaixaBank.

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Spain considers banning tourist lets in residential buildings

The Spanish government has announced it's studying the possibility of prohibiting tourist apartments in residential buildings where property owners live.

Spain considers banning tourist lets in residential buildings

The Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez, announced this Tuesday that the Government is studying a reform of the Horizontal Property Law in order to allow property owners to prohibit tourist apartments in their residential buildings.

In Spain, each building has what’s known as a community of neighbours, referred to La Comunidad or Comunidad de Vecinos in Spanish, and essentially the Spanish government is considering giving them veto power over tourist apartments in their buildings.

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The announcement was stated in an interview on Telecinco, in which Rodríguez stated that this move comes as a consequence of recent supreme court rulings on tourist apartments in Oviedo in Asturias and San Sebastián in the Basque Country.

In the rulings, the magistrates concluded that the rental of housing for tourist use is an economic activity, and agreed that communities of owners in two separate buildings could ban tourist rentals in several apartments.  

“It will be the neighbourhood communities that will also be able to participate in these types of decisions, because this phenomenon, which is not exclusive to our country, affects the entire world and the main capitals in Europe,” explained the minister.

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Recently, Rodríguez has criticised that the proliferation of tourist apartments causes problems for locals, that it stops them from being able to access decent housing and raises the price of rentals.

She praised the regions which have taken steps to try and put a stop to this and gave the recent example of Barcelona City Council, which announced last Friday that it would eliminate all tourist apartments by the end of 2028.

She believes this move in Barcelona “will benefit citizens who want to live in their city, who do not want it to be a theme park and who prioritise the right to access housing over economic interests”.

Spain’s Horizontal Property Law , which was modified once in 2019, already states that it “requires a favourable vote of three-fifths of the total number of owners who, in turn, represent three-fifths of the participation quotas”. This means that already owners have a big say in whether tourist licences can be granted to apartments in their buildings.

However, the particular wording of the law has been the subject of much legal controversy and judicial interpretation. The reason is because the wording of the law only mentions the possibility for communities to “limit or condition” tourist use, but they do not have the power to “prohibit” since the law does not expressly say so.

Several regions have their own rulings through regional courts, but this new announcement aims to make it universal across the board in Spain and ensure that there’s no room for misinterpretation.

Rodríguez is set to meet this afternoon with the governing board of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and the Housing and Tourism Commissions to address this matter and come to a decision.