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How much can you expect to pay for private healthcare in Vienna?

In recent years, the number of public doctors in Vienna has fallen. As a result, many people have turned to private care. But how much can you expect to pay?

How much can you expect to pay for private healthcare in Vienna?
Doctor communicating with patient in her office. Photo by cottonbro studio:

In Austria, private healthcare works alongside the public healthcare system. If you want private care, you typically need to sign up for private healthcare insurance or pay out of pocket initially and later seek reimbursement.

The cost of private healthcare in Vienna can vary depending on factors such as the type of treatment, the provider, and insurance coverage. In general, private healthcare services tend to be significantly more expensive than the services provided by the public system.

Private healthcare insurance 

The monthly cost for private healthcare insurance in Vienna averages around €30 for children and between €45 and €100 for adults.

The cost is determined by your age, health status, and anticipated healthcare needs. When you apply for private insurance, your health and medical history are usually examined.

Signing up for private healthcare insurance at an early age often means lower costs. Existing health insurance contracts are adjusted annually for inflation only, without further adjustments.

UNIQA, Wiener Städtische, Generali Health Insurance, Mercury, Allianz Health Insurance, and the Danube are among the largest and best-known providers of private healthcare insurance in Vienna.

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How does it work?

Every policy is different, but most private insurance work with the public companies, especially since most workers in Austria are insured with one of the public companies via their work or employment – with the majority of them insured by ÖGK.

When you go to an elective doctor in Austria, you will pay out of pocket for your appointment. Later, you’ll need to ask for reimbursement from your compulsory public insurance company. Once you receive confirmation of the reimbursement,  you’ll send all documents (including doctor fees and the public reimbursement) to your private insurance, which will pay the difference between what you paid at the doctor and what you got back from your public insurance.

This is typically done online and could even be partially automated, with doctors sending their fees and payment notes directly to public insurance.

Pay out-of-pocket

If you do not want to sign up for private healthcare insurance, you can stay with your public one, pay out of pocket if you need private services, and later receive a partial reimbursement. 

In general, a visit to a private practitioner costs between €80 and €120, and a visit to a specialist (orthopaedist, dermatologist, cardiologist) between €150 and €200 in the Austrian capital.

The amount of money you can get back if you go to a private doctor varies depending on several factors, including your health insurance company and the specific services provided by the doctor.

For example, with the most common public insurance, Österreichische Gesundheitskasse, ÖGK, around 80 percent of the amount that ÖGK would have spent if the doctor was linked to the public system is reimbursed. It is important to note that this does not correspond to 80 percent of your medical bill but to 80 percent of what ÖGK would have paid for your treatment at a public doctor, which is significantly lower than the amount listed on your bill.

Fewer public doctors in Vienna

In Vienna, there has recently been a decrease in the number of public doctors and an increase in the number of private ones.

Experts believe the reasons are stressful working conditions and limited numbers of contracts for doctors with public healthcare insurance. Public doctors are said not to take enough time for each patient, as the number of patients determines the profit. 

Over the past six years, the increase in private doctors has been particularly notable for doctors specialising in dermatology (rising from 58 percent to 71 percent) and urology (increasing from 55 percent to 62 percent).

READ NEXT: Healthcare in Austria: Why are there fewer ‘public’ doctors?

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Where in Vienna can you join free outdoor exercise classes?

From organised runs to Kung Fu and full body workouts in Viennese parks. Here is what you can participate in for free.

Where in Vienna can you join free outdoor exercise classes?

Exercising outdoors with others is a popular activity in Vienna, especially during the warmer months.

While in the capital, you can enjoy many different group workouts – and without having to reach for your wallet.

Here are some popular outdoor activities that you can participate in completely for free.

Bewegt im Park

In Vienna, free exercise classes are held in parks all over the city as part of Austria’s “Bewegt im Park” (Active in the Park) programme—and anyone can join.

The courses are organised by the Österreichische Gesundheitskasse (ÖGK) and will run until September. Classes include Zumba, yoga, pilates, circuit training and back fitness training.

All courses are run by experienced instructors and take place in different public parks and open spaces across the city.  

There is no need to register in advance for a class. Instead, participants can check which courses are available in their area on the Bewegt im Park website and then simply show up.

For example, in Vienna’s 1st District, there are several classes to choose from, ranging from Tai Chi to dance and Kung Fu. 

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READ MORE: Are these the 5 best parks in Vienna?

Freeletics in Arne-Karlsson-Park

Every Monday and Thursday at 7 pm, fitness trainer Michael Stresser organises a free workout program in Arne-Karlsson-Park in Alsergrund.

All you need to do is charge your batteries, bring a mat, and follow the instructor. 

During about 80 minutes, you will be guided through a wide range of exercises while enjoying motivating music from the speakers. The program offers exercises that are easy to adapt to everyone’s level, and many times, different versions of one exercise are presented as alternatives.

Here, you will be able to train your whole body, and if you go regularly, you are guaranteed to become fitter within a few weeks.

The event is very popular, so if you want to secure a spot, come on time.

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Meetup Groups

In Vienna, the platform Meetup offers a great opportunity to exercise and participate in sports for free in a group setting.

Meetup is a platform for connecting with people with similar interests and scheduling events, such as various sports and fitness activities.

Some groups on the platform arrange free outdoor exercise sessions, like running events, circle workouts, and yoga meetups. 

Running clubs

If you are a runner, you have many possibilities to join organised training session in Vienna for free. 

Vienna City Marathon Runners Club organises regular training sessions throughout the year and is suitable for runners of all levels.

The club offers structured training programs that can help you improve your endurance and technique. The sessions are mainly held in Prater and are supervised by experienced coaches.

Adidas Runners is a global community that offers free weekly training sessions through its local runners club in Vienna. The sessions are open to both beginners and experienced runners and focus on different types of training, such as interval training and long-distance endurance.

The sessions are led by qualified coaches and allow you to improve your fitness, meet other runners and explore Vienna’s neighbourhoods.

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Meet like-minded at the public workout spaces

Vienna offers many public workout areas, so called Aktiv-Parks, spread across different parks and recreational spaces. 

In fact, most parks in Vienna have their own exercise stations designed for full-body workouts. Here, you can find modern workout equipment like pull-up bars, parallel bars, and sit-up benches. 

The stations are great places to visit if you want to enjoy a free workout outdoors, meet new people and socialise.

It is not uncommon for those who frequently visit one of the stations to get together and create a weekly common training plan.

Here, you find the different exercise stations in the city. 

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