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Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Friday

Sweden Democrats spread white power propaganda via anonymous social media accounts, Tidö coalition in crisis talks over far-right troll factory, and Stockholm police investigate suspected shooting near Israeli embassy. Here's the latest news.

Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Friday
Sweden Democrat party secretary Mattias Bäckström Johansson on his way to crisis talks with the right-wing government. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

Sweden Democrat troll factory spread white power propaganda

The Sweden Democrats shared white power material via several of their anonymous social media accounts, reports anti-racism magazine Expo, after a TV4 Kalla Fakta documentary revealed that the far-right party operates a troll factory. The troll factory is closely tied to the party’s communications department, and appears to be designed to promote anti-immigration views and smear opponents.

One account published content featuring Nick Fuentes, a US white supremacist who often praises Hitler, said Expo. Other accounts spread so-called ecofascism, an ideology based on defending the white race’s according to them perceived right to a natural habit. The accounts also glorify the Unabomber, whose bombing attacks between 1978 and 1995 killed three people in the US and injured almost two dozen.

The party told Expo that the white power posts were removed because they had been “flagged up by TikTok” and were “created by a junior member of staff who didn’t understand what kind of content he was spreading”. It didn’t comment on the ecofascism or Unabomber posts.

Swedish vocabulary: a troll factory – en trollfabrik

Government coalition in crisis talks over Sweden Democrat troll factory

The Sweden Democrats on Thursday had a crisis meeting with the other three parties that make up the government coalition, after the TV4 Kalla Fakta documentary revealed that not only does its troll factory smear political opponents, but also its allies.

The Sweden Democrats are not formal members of government, but support them in parliament in accordance with the so-called Tidö agreement struck after the election.

One clause in the Tidö agreement, frequently invoked by the Sweden Democrats themselves, states that the four right-wing parties should treat each other with respect, and the other parties quickly criticised some of the troll factory posts as obvious violations of the agreement.

The Sweden Democrats after the meeting conceded that they had gone too far and apologised for some of the posts, but insisted they would not close down any of their anonymous accounts, as had been demanded by the Liberals, who also make up the Tidö coalition.

None of the other seven parties in the Swedish parliament operate anonymous social media accounts, they told public broadcaster SVT.

Party secretary Mattias Bäckström Johansson said they would delete 45 posts about the other Tidö parties.

“We agree on some of the posts and their tone and that they are not in line with the respect clause in the Tidö agreement,” Swedish news agency TT quoted him as saying. He said they had apologised for these posts, but added: “We don’t apologise for our method.”

The Sweden Democrats had until the publication of the TV4 Kalla Fakta documentary repeatedly denied the existence of a troll factory, despite persistent rumours as well as an in-depth exposé by the left-wing newspaper ETC in the run-up to the 2022 election.

Swedish vocabulary: to apologise – att be om ursäkt

Stockholm police investigate suspected shooting near Israeli embassy

Police were in the early hours of Friday investigating a suspected, but unconfirmed, shooting in central Stockholm.

An area around Djurgårdsbron, Nobelparken and the Oscar Church was cordoned off and several people were being held early in the morning, although police declined to say how many had been taken into custody and on what grounds.

Israel’s embassy is located in the area, although police declined to say whether or not it was the target.

“Police officers who were at Strandvägen heard something they suspected was a shooting at around 2am. It’s not yet confirmed, but a large area has been cordoned off and we have several people in custody who are believed to be connected to it,” a police spokesperson told TT.

Swedish vocabulary: to cordon off – att spärra av

Swedish appeals court throws out Tesla licence plate complaint

A Swedish court of appeal upheld a decision by the district court to throw out a request by US car manufacturer Tesla to force the Swedish Transport Agency to provide them with licence plates, on the grounds that a general court does not have jurisdiction in this case.

The district court and court of appeal argued that Tesla should instead have taken its complaint to an administrative court (förvaltningsdomstol) rather than a general court (allmän domstol). According to the rules regulating the Transport Agency’s role in issuing licence plates in Sweden, their decisions should be appealed to an administrative court – a separate part of the court system which tries cases involving a Swedish public authority, rather than criminal cases or disputes between individuals which are tried by the general courts.

The dispute arose after postal service Postnord, in solidarity with a major strike by the Swedish metalworkers’ union, refused to deliver licence plates to Tesla, and the Transport Agency argued it wasn’t their responsibility to get the plates to Tesla in some other way.

The strike against Tesla has been going on for almost seven months.

Swedish vocabulary: a licence plate – en registreringsskylt or en nummerplåt

Member comments

  1. I’m really happy to see our government and legal system standing up to big US companies like this. It makes me proud to have left the US for Sweden years ago. Many Americans are extremely frustrated with how companies in the US act and conduct themselves. The stereotypes about how the US treats workers are there for a reason, and this kind of behavior from US companies is one of them.

  2. I think unions are a thing of the past when human lives and working class had no value or protection. Nowadays there are laws in place which protect and cover everyone (workplace, work hours, vacation, social and healthcare systems). I don’t understand why company which is compliant with every law in the country should be blackmailed by unions and their disgusting mafia methods. I hope Tesla will give unions good final strike.

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Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Monday

Heatwave alert as temperatures set to rise in Sweden, why you shouldn't get your hopes up for an interest rate cut this week, and Sweden's most bizarre tourist attraction is up for sale. Here's the latest news.

Today in Sweden: A roundup of the latest news on Monday

Heatwave alerts as temperatures set to rise in Sweden

A heatwave is set to engulf large parts of Sweden this week, from Jönköping in the south to Örnsköldsvik in the north-east. 

Temperatures of 25-30C in the eastern half of that region are expected.

Swedish weather agency SMHI has issued a warning of high temperatures, saying the heatwave could cause “increased stress on the body. Risk highest for those with underlying health problems.” 

The heatwave is currently expected to stick around until Friday, a meteorologist told the TT newswire.

Swedish vocabulary: a heatwave – en värmebölja


Sweden expected to keep interest rate unchanged for now

The Swedish Riksbank is set to make its next announcement on the country’s key interest rate, the so-called policy rate, on Thursday.

But no one really expects any other decisions than to leave it unchanged for now. 

Sweden’s inflation rate fell in May, but even before these figures were announced, Riksbank governor Erik Thedéen made it clear that the bank is not planning on lowering interest rates, stating there would need to be “very large changes” to even begin to discuss it in June.

The Riksbank has previously said it plans to lower the interest rate twice this year, but only after the summer.

This means the next interest rate cut could come in August or September.

Swedish vocabulary: to expect – att förvänta sig

Fewer incidents than expected on Midsummer Eve

Midsummer’s Eve, normally one of the days when emergency services get the most phone calls, was quieter than expected.

By midnight on Friday, SOS Alarm received around 11,500 calls to Sweden’s emergency number 112.

“It was pretty much like a normal Friday or Saturday evening,” SOS Alarm spokesperson Staffan Ekengren told TT.

These figures come with two caveats. Firstly, that Midsummer Eve celebrations continue well into the night, and the early hours of Saturday are not included. But Ekengren said that their impression remained that even the peak between midnight and 2am had been relatively quiet.

“We’ve had traditional Midsummer calls: drunkenness, arguments, traffic accidents during primarily the daytime hours, and drowning incidents. The overall feeling is still that it’s been calmer than we’re used to, despite the weather being good,” said Ekengren.

The second caveat is that Sunday, a busy day for post-Midsummer traffic, is also not included in the figures.

Swedish vocabulary: a caveat – en brasklapp

Sweden’s most bizarre tourist attraction for sale

One of Sweden’s most bizarre tourist attractions is again up for sale, for 40 million kronor, reports Upsala Nya Tidning.

Anyone who has driven between Uppsala and Gävle is bound to have noticed the Dragon Gate: a tall, grey Chinese-style building looming over the E4 motorway at Älvkarleby. It looks as misplaced as a red Swedish cottage would in China, but even more eye-catchingly imposing.

The Dragon Gate saga began in 2004, when Chinese billionaire Jingchun Li bought the former Hotel Älvkarlen with the aim of turning it into a hotspot “where east meets west”.  It features among other things an army of 200 replica terracotta soldiers and a huge Guanyin statue.

But the project has faced a series of problems over the years, including delayed openings, and confrontations with Swedish authorities on several occasions over building regulations and working conditions for staff. It has changed owners several times.

Swedish vocabulary: for sale – till försäljning