The new law Swiss drivers in Germany need to know about

If you are caught speeding on German roads after May 1st, you will no longer be able to ignore your fine once you are back in Switzerland.

The new law Swiss drivers in Germany need to know about
If caught speeding in Germany, you will have to pay the fine. Photo by René Ranisch on Unsplash

Until now, fines that German drivers got in countries outside the EU (including Switzerland) were not enforceable.

By the same token, motorists from Switzerland could get out of paying penalties for traffic infractions committed in Germany.

But this will no longer be the case from May 1st.

A new agreement between Bern and Berlin will allow their respective police to enforce traffic violations committed on each other’s territory.

What exactly will change on May 1st?

To put it simply, from this day on you will be required to pay any traffic-related fines you receive while in Germany.

This relates not just to speeding infractions, but also to parking fines.

However, the new regulation applies only if the fine imposed exceeds 70 euros or 80 francs. 

In such a case, German police will send the fine over to their Swiss counterparts, who will then forward it you for payment.

As a reminder, similar agreements already exist with Switzerland’s other neighbours.

Pay you must

If you think you can toss your foreign ticket away once you are safely back home in neutral Switzerland, and stay under the radar — figuratively speaking — you may be in for a rude awakening.

“Traffic fines issued abroad should always be paid, otherwise the issuing authority may take measures against the vehicle owner, even if they live in Switzerland,” the Federal Office of Police (Fedpol) says on its website.

“Measures can include an entry in a search database, a ban on entering the country in future, or high reminder fees. If you return to the country concerned having failed to pay the fine, your car may be confiscated until the fine has been paid. You may even be subject to imprisonment for one or more days.”

READ ALSO: What happens if I don’t pay my Swiss bills on time?

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The best websites for buying a second-hand car in Switzerland

If you are looking for a second-hand vehicle in Switzerland, but are not sure where to look for it then numerous websites can help you in your search.

The best websites for buying a second-hand car in Switzerland

Pre-owned cars are in high demand in Switzerland.

According to data from Swiss Auto Association, in 2022 (last year for which statistics are available), second-hand automobiles were advertised online for an average of 61 days before being snapped up, versus 67 days for a new car. 

In fact, Swiss consumers prefer to buy used rather than new cars, according to Touring Club Schweiz (TCS) motoring organisation.

The main reason is that new cars lose their value almost immediately, while second-hand ones ‘devalue’ much slower.

Where should you look for a used car?

There are several venues for that, both off- and online.

One is to buy it from someone you know, which, of course, is the least risky solution.

You can also look at classified ads in the ‘auto’ section of your local newspaper, or online, in your area.

Alternatively, you can visit physical auto dealerships in your area, and see what used vehicles are for sale there.

But the most practical way is probably to ‘visit’ various websites dedicated to car sales.

Why is this the best option?

The main reason is that each of these sites (see below) lists tens or even hundreds of thousands of automobiles that are for sale in Switzerland at any given time.

The listing includes both new and pre-owned cars, but even so, you will find a larger selection of used vehicles on websites dedicated to car sales than by sifting through newspaper ads.

These are among the most popular ones:





All of these websites are the same, or at least very similar in what they offer — besides the cars, of course.

The vehicles being sold are usually checked by certified dealers, and some offer  limited warranties, which is a good thing to have for a used car (or used anything).

You can choose the geographical area of your search, car type and model, the number of kilometres driven, year of manufacture, and price range.

Is it safe to purchase a car from these websites?

Obviously, the advantage of purchasing directly from a physical dealer, or a private person, is that you can inspect and test-drive yourself.

It goes without saying that you should never buy a big-ticket item like a car sight unseen, based only on a photo.

Therefore, these websites should be resources for you to see what’s available and where, and to compare prices.

You should definitely contact the seller and make arrangements to go see the vehicle and, ideally, have it inspected by a mechanic before actually purchasing it.

READ ALSO: What you should know about buying a car in Switzerland