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French Expression of the Day: À fleur de peau

This very poetic sounding French expression is actually for less than poetic situations.

French Expression of the Day: À fleur de peau
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

Why do I need to know à fleur de peau?

Because if someone tells you this, you may want to stop bothering them.

What does it mean?

À fleur de peau – roughly pronounced ah fleur duh poe – translates precisely as ‘flowering of skin’. 

But in a literal sense, it does not have anything to do with flowers or skin. It actually means ‘to be on edge’ or to be ‘highly sensitive’, you might also say ‘at the end of your rope.’ 

À fleur de peau can also be used to call something superficial (like ‘skin-deep’ in English), but this meaning is less common.

The expression is meant to reference the way one might get goosebumps or have some kind of visible, physical skin reaction to being touched lightly. 

A person might say they are à fleur de peau if they are feeling very overwhelmed or emotionally sensitive, or if they are frustrated and could get angry easily.

You could also say this person is sensible (sensitive) or énervé (irritated).

In terms of the origins of this expression – flowers have long been connected to sensitivity and emotion in poetic speech in France, and the phrase à fleur de has been used to mean ‘on the edge of’ since at least the 16th century. 

Since then, there have been several expressions – including à fleur d’eau (at water’s edge) – that designate being on the edge of something, either figuratively or literally.

Use it like this

Je suis à fleur de peau, la journée a été longue. S’il te plaît, donne-moi un peu de silence. – I am at the end of my rope, the day was really long. Please give me a moment of silence.

Donne-lui un peu d’espace, il est à fleur de peau parce qu’il a passé des heures dans les bouchons. – Give him some space, he’s on edge because he spent hours in traffic.

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French Expression of the Day: Avec des si on mettrait Paris en bouteille

This French expression can help bring the conversation back down to reality.

French Expression of the Day: Avec des si on mettrait Paris en bouteille

Why do I need to know avec des si on mettrait Paris en bouteille?

Because every so often we all have outlandish things to say.

What does it mean?

Avec des si on mettrait Paris en bouteille – roughly pronounced ah-veck day see ohn met-tray Par-ee ahn boo-tie – translates as ‘with ifs we could put Paris in a bottle’. 

As you might’ve guessed, this French expression is not a literal one. In reality, avec des si… is more of a proverb than something you would say in everyday conversation, though don’t be surprised if an older French person uses it to temper your expectations.

People have been speaking this French phrase since at least the 18th century, and it is meant to be a warning against unnecessary or irrelevant speculation and doubt. 

The expression basically means if the impossible were possible (e.g. putting the entire city of Paris into a bottle), then reality would be different, but there is no point in worrying or fantasising about unrealistic things.

A similar English expression might be “if ‘its’ and ‘buts’ were candy and nuts, it would be Christmas every day”.

You might use this French expression if your friend has a habit of imagining the worst case scenario all the time.

Someone might also add it after describing an unlikely hypothetical situation – for example ‘if I were president…’ or ‘if I were the wealthiest person in the world…’

Use it like this

Si je dirigeais le monde, je mettrais fin à la faim dans le monde, mais avec des si on mettrait Paris en bouteille. – If I ruled the world, then I’d end global hunger, but no point in fantasising about the impossible.

Si j’étais maire de Paris, j’exigerais que tous les habitants nettoient les déjections de leurs chiens, mais bon. Avec des si on mettrait Paris en bouteille. – If I was the mayor of Paris, I’d make everyone clean up after their dogs, but whatever. That’s a pipe dream.