Tens of thousands of Germans mark Holocaust Memorial Day

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was among those to hail peaceful gatherings across Germany on Saturday, as the country marked Holocaust Memorial Day.

Munich's Olympic Tower is illuminated in the blue and white colours of Israel's flag, in Munich, southern Germany, on January 27, 2024, marking the Memorial Day for the Victims of National Socialism.
Munich's Olympic Tower is illuminated in the blue and white colours of Israel's flag, in Munich, southern Germany, on January 27, 2024, marking the Memorial Day for the Victims of National Socialism. (Photo by MICHAELA STACHE / AFP)

Tens of thousands of Germans turned out across the country on Saturday to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day, just days after a string of protests against right-wing extremists.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who earlier this month joined a march against the far right, on Saturday welcomed what he said were “millions of fellow citizens marching in the streets” of Germany.

“Never again,” Scholz vowed Saturday as police in the western city of Duesseldorf said about 100,000 people joined the peaceful protest there.

Demonstrations were planned in 300 towns and villages across the country this weekend, according to the alliance “Together against the extreme right”.

In the northern city of Kiel, police said 11,500 people had gathered before midday.

“Democracy is not for the timid”, read placards alongside others saying, “Red card for the AfD” party of the extreme right.

Physiotherapist Johannes Boecker, aged 29, told AFP, “It was important to demonstrate in memory of the victims of national socialism and also against the rise of the extreme right.”

In Stuttgart, where a couple of thousand people gathered, 60-year-old Margrit Walter told AFP: “I want to create a Nazi-free zone for my grand-daughter.”

‘Never again is every day’

Scholz, who had turned out at a protest two weeks ago in Potsdam, close to the capital, said he was delighted to see people “stand up”.

“Never again requires everybody’s vigilance. Our democracy is not a gift from God, it is made by men,” the chancellor said. “Never again is every day.”

Defence Minister Boris Pistorius joined the protesters in his northwestern hometown of Osnabrueck, where he was born.

“There are three times as many demonstrations as last week, particularly in the east of Germany,” said in a statement the citizen’s alliance Campact, which is among the organisers of the protest movement.

It is in the east, formerly communist East Germany, where the AfD finds its biggest following.

Holocaust Day, commemorating the murder of six million Jews during World War Two, falls on the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp by Soviet troops on January 27, 1945.

In Poland, site of the former camp, Auschwitz survivor Halina Birenbaum, aged 95, lamented anti-Jewish protests around the world and the “barbaric and long Russian attack against Ukraine… the barbaric terrorist attacks by Hamas and war on every side.

“For me it makes the Holocaust go on,” she said.

In Germany, this year’s 79th Holocaust anniversary came shortly after a report by investigative outlet Correctiv that revealed that AfD members had discussed the mass expulsion of immigrants and “non-assimilated citizens” at a November meeting with extremists.

The news sent shockwaves across Germany at a time when the AfD is soaring in opinion polls, just months ahead of three major regional elections in eastern Germany where their support is strongest.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser compared the extremist meeting on foreigners with the 1942 Wannsee conference when the Nazis plotted to exterminate European Jews.

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Austrian far-right radical Sellner wins German ban battle

Radical Austrian nationalist Martin Sellner on Friday won a legal battle against an entry ban imposed by Germany following his meeting with the far-right AfD that sparked an uproar in the country.

Austrian far-right radical Sellner wins German ban battle

Sellner had triggered outrage in Germany after allegedly discussing the Identitarian concept of “remigration” with members of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) at a meeting in Potsdam in November.

The city of Potsdam subsequently imposed a ban on Sellner entering Germany.

But the administrative court in Brandenburg state on Friday found in favour of Sellner’s appeal against the prohibition.

READ ALSO: Germany issues entry ban to Austrian far-right activist Sellner

“A real and sufficiently serious threat to public order and public security… was not demonstrated” by the authorities which had initiated the ban, said the court in a statement.

Welcoming the ruling, Sellner wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that he “will return to Germany soon and will push more and louder than ever on remigration and deislamisation”.

Sellner’s Identitarian Movement espouses the far-right white nationalist Great Replacement conspiracy theory.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: Who is Austria’s far right figure head banned across Europe?