Spanish film director accused of sexual assaults

Sexual assault accusations levelled against Carlos Vermut, a rising star of Spanish cinema, have already provoked a social media storm.

Spanish film director accused of sexual assaults
Carlos Vermut has been accused of sexual assault by three women in the pages of the El Pais newspaper. (Photo by Mathew Tsang / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)

Three women accused Spanish film director Carlos Vermut of sexual assault in an investigation published Friday in the daily newspaper El Pais that has already outrage.

None of the women, all of whom either worked in or studied the audio-visual industry, filed complaints against Vermut for fear of the effect it would have on their careers, the paper reported.

Vermut, whose real name is Carlos Lopez del Rey, is a rising star in Spain’s independent cinema. In 2014, he won two top prizes at the San Sebastian Film Festival for “Magical Girl”, his second feature.

The alleged assaults happened between May 2014 and February 2022, the paper reported, adding that two of the women were younger than the film-maker who is 43 years old.

One of the three women told El Pais how she had met the director in a bar. But what started as a consensual relationship with him degenerated into one in which he forced her to have unprotected sex him, she alleged.

Another of the women alleged that she had been subjected to frightening rough sex to which she had not consented.

The third woman, a student of cinema, accused Vermut of having tried to force her to have sex with him.

All three women asked to remain anonymous in the El Pais report.

Vermut, interviewed three times by El Pais, has denied all the accusations against him.

He said he was not “aware of having practised sexual violence against any woman”, although he had engaged in consensual rough sex.

The allegations have sparked outrage in Spain.

“All my love and solidarity to the victims,” wrote cinema producer Agustin Almodovar, brother of award-winning director Pedro Almodovar, on X, the former Twitter.

The far-left party Sumar also posted a message of support on X.

“Many thanks to the women who had the courage to tell their stories. You are not alone,” the party, which is part of the ruling left wing coalition, wrote.

Since the start of the #Metoo movement in 2017, a string of major figures from the world of cinema have been accused of sexual violence.

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Spain seizes 11 tonnes of counterfeit football jerseys

Spanish police have seized over 11 tonnes of knock-off football team shirts in a crackdown on counterfeiting ahead of this weekend's Champions League final and the upcoming Euro 2024, they said Friday.

Spain seizes 11 tonnes of counterfeit football jerseys

Officers found the jerseys of different Spanish football clubs and European national teams, along with counterfeit luxury watches, leather goods and electronic equipment, during searches of 15 heavy-duty trucks, police said in a statement.

“The counterfeits were destined for various organisations based in Spain, which intended to distribute them through street sales, social networks and websites,” the statement said.

Police said they seized over 46,000 counterfeit items — including over 36,500 jerseys — with a street value of more than €6 million ($6.5 million).

The operation, which is ongoing, began in April after Spain intercepted two tonnes of counterfeit football jerseys from China.

This led to the discovery that “a large shipment of counterfeit goods” was arriving in Spain “to be supplied to criminal organisations that intended to place counterfeit sports kits on the illicit market on the occasion of the Champions League final and Euro 2024.”

Real Madrid will seek to win Europe’s biggest club prize for a record 15th time when they take on Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League final on Saturday at Wembley Stadium in London.

Germany will host the 2024 European Championship finals from June 14 to July 14.

Counterfeits are a global phenomenon, whether for fashion, toys, electronics, food or pharmaceuticals, estimated by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to represent 2.5 percent of world trade.