French farmer shoots love rival and buries him in shallow grave

French prosecutors have arrested a man who they say shot his rival and buried him in a field before digging him up and burning his body.

French farmer shoots love rival and buries him in shallow grave

The shooter, a farmer in his early 30s, confessed to the killing which he said was prompted by a rivalry for the love of a woman, said Etienne Manteaux, the prosecutor in the eastern city of Besancon.

Police investigated when the victim – 22-year-old Loan Bernede living in Cuisia, a village of barely 400 people in the Jura area – went missing last month.

The suspect said he had found out that Bernede was sleeping with a woman that he, too, had a love relationship with.

He fetched a gun and shot his rival in the head with a .22 calibre bullet, Manteaux told reporters.

The suspect then dumped the body in a shallow grave he had shovelled out in a field on his farm.

Police at first interviewed him only as a witness, finding no reason to detain him.

But then he “panicked” and rushed to dig up and move the body, Manteaux said.

He carried it into an animal trough, poured 10 litres of petrol over it and set it on fire. After a blaze lasting seven hours, he probably discarded the ashes in a river, according to the prosecutor.

Police finally closed in when a witness came forward claiming “somebody close to him” had asked to borrow a van to move the body of a man he had killed.

This had happened in November, around the time that Bernede went missing.

After his confession, the farmer was charged with murder and incarcerated.

The murder weapon has not been found.

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Schoolteacher stabbed by pupil in western France

An 18-year-old pupil was detained in western France on Monday after injuring his schoolteacher and fleeing, authorities said.

Schoolteacher stabbed by pupil in western France

The teacher from the town of Chemille-en-Anjou in western France “suffered a facial injury that is not life-threatening”, said a joint statement from the authorities including the prefect and public prosecutor.

After the attack at the Lycee de l’Hyrome on Monday morning, the suspect quickly left through the window, abandoning his weapon, according to the authorities. He was detained by gendarmes and municipal police.

The officials said in the statement that the young man was not previously known to the police, adding that counselling was provided to pupils and teachers after the attack.

An investigation into “attempted murder” has been launched.

France has in recent years been shaken by a series of school incidents involving attacks on teachers as well as schoolchildren by their peers.

In April, French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced measures to crack down on teenage violence in and around schools, as the government seeks to reclaim ground on security from the far-right ahead of upcoming European elections.