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‘J-day’: Is Christmas beer launch a Danish version of the Coca-Cola truck?

The first Friday in November is traditionally a busy one in bars across Denmark as brewer Tuborg releases it special Christmas beer, julebryg. What makes the early release of the seasonal beer such a big deal?

'J-day': Is Christmas beer launch a Danish version of the Coca-Cola truck?
Tuborg's famous Christmas beer marketing (and fake snow) on display in 2014. Photo: Linda Kastrup/Ritzau Scanpix

If you’re out at a bar in Denmark this Friday evening, you can expect to encounter hordes of rowdy drinkers, many of whom will be wearing blue (yes, blue) Santa hats and other Christmas-adjacent attire to mark the occasion of j-dag or J-day, the day brewery Tuborg releases its julebryg Christmas beer.

Custom dictates that, at 8:59pm on the first Friday in November, thousands of free samples of the Christmas beer and accompanying themed hats are handed out to those quick enough to get their hands on them, as julebryg is officially released.

Many more bottles of the beer, with its instantly recognisable dark blue label with big white snowflakes, are passed across bars throughout the night in one of the busiest nights of the year.

Sweeter and darker than a regular pilsner, the julebryg also has a higher alcohol percent. While other breweries also produce Christmas beers and promote them at the same time of year, Tuborg has a firm grip on the annual festivities.

“J-day has become a big part of Christmas traditions for many Danes and we are pleased to celebrate this traditional evening with them and ring Christmas in when we present this year’s first Tuborg Julebryg,” Kasper Iwersen, Channel Activation Manager for Tuborg, said in a press statement earlier this week.

The beer will be handed out in dozens of bars in Copenhagen with other cities not far behind. Look out for specially-decorated trucks, artificial snow and various Tuborg freebies like hats and t-shirts, which will be given out as well as the beers themselves.

Tuborg’s marketing of the beer has not changed a great deal since the J-day tradition first emerged in the early 1990s, and the iconic ad featuring Santa’s sleigh and a Tuborg truck, with the words Glædelig jul og godt Tub’år (“Merry Christmas and a Happy Tub-year”) is synonymous with the Christmas party season.

The magic formula behind the success of the event – which is essentially a marketing stunt – is not so simple to pin down.

“I wish I could explain it. If I could give a scientific explanation for its success, we’d be doing other similar events,” a spokesman from Tuborg told The Local back in 2015.

But there is some logic as to why J-day is a repeated hit, according to Professor of Marketing Polymeros Chrysochou of Aarhus University’s Department of Management.

“Firstly, it’s been given specific day when something you haven’t been able to drink since last Christmas is released. From a psychological perspective, it’s as if you’ve been fasting and you’re looking forward to the day you finally get to eat again,” Chrysochou told broadcaster DR in 2021.

Similarities can be drawn between Tuborg’s marketing of J-day with Coca-Cola’s famous use of Santa Claus with his red clothes and white beard, he said to DR.

“If you want to create a tradition like this, you have to respond to consumers. J-day is a good match for Danish culture because there is a special tradition for Christmas beer that is not found in many other places,” he said.

“And it’s a good reason to go out and drink beer,” which Danes are always looking for, he added.

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What’s open and what’s closed in Denmark on Ascension Day?

Ascension Day, an important festival for Denmark's Lutheran Church, always falls on a Thursday, meaning many workers get to enjoy a four-day weekend. Here's what you need to know.

What's open and what's closed in Denmark on Ascension Day?

Kristi Himmelfart, literally “Christ’s journey to heaven day”, is the Danish word for the festival of Ascension, which Christians believe marks the day that Jesus ascended into heaven. 

It is always 40 days after Easter Sunday, and ten days before the Pentecost, which means that its exact date varies from year to year. The earliest possible date is April 30th, and the latest possible date is June 3rd.

But it always falls on a Thursday, offering the opportunity of a klemmedag, or “squeeze day“, when only one work day falls between a public holiday and a weekend, meaning if workers take one day off of holiday, they can enjoy a four-day break. 

The day falls on May 9th this year. 

Who gets a four-day weekend? 

As Ascension falls 40 days after Easter and Easter always falls on a Sunday, Ascension always falls on a Thursday, meaning many people in the country take the Friday (May 10th) off as well, 

Schools in Denmark are closed on May 10th, so many parents are effectively forced to take the day off as well. 

What’s closed?


Denmark is strict with shop opening times on public holidays, with the Lukkeloven, or closing law, requiring most shops to remain shuttered on Ascension Day. 

This includes all major supermarkets, with only smaller local grocery shops with a turnover of less than 43.4 million kroner a year allowed to stay open.

Those that can stay open are likely to include smaller convenience stores from the Dagli’Brugsen and Brugsen chains, as well branches of COOP’s discount chain 365discount, and smaller shops in the Kvickly and Superbrugsen chains.

The closing law allows the Danish Business Authority to grant some grocery stores in rural areas and holiday home areas to stay open on public holidays on a case by case basis, but if you’re travelling out to a rural area, don’t bet on anything being open.

Petrol stations are also allowed to stay open, as are shops selling bread, dairy products and newspapers, garden centres, second-hand shops and pawnbrokers, and market stalls selling food and household products.

But even smaller shops selling durable goods like clothes, shoes, or other items other than groceries must remain closed.

If you’re planning on buying a more upmarket wine or snaps, you should be aware that specialist wine merchants will also be closed.

All shops will, however, be open on Friday May 10th.  


Your local borgerservice, the public-facing service desk at your local town hall, will be closed on Ascension Day itself and some, but not all municipalities also close their borgerservce on May 10th as well, to give all employees a long weekend, so if you need to pick up a new driving license, for example, leave this errand until next week.


Most Danish primary care centres are closed on May 9th, and many will also be closed on May 10th. If you urgently need a doctor, you should ring the number of your local on-call doctor (lægevagt), emergency dentist or emergency psychiatrist, which you can find listed for Denmark’s regional health authorities here.

The person on the phone will then decide whether you need to come into a hospital or emergency clinic for treatment or examination.

What’s open?

Museums and galleries pretty much all remain open on Ascension Day, even those that close over the Easter period, as do restaurants, hotels and the like.