Austria tops table for use of online government services

Out of the German-speaking countries, people living in the Austria are the most likely to be familiar with digital government services – and to like using them.

Austria tops table for use of online government services
People in Austria are the happiest with digital government services across the German-speaking world. Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Some 80 percent of people in Austria are at least familiar with the e-government options existing through government online portals. Some 73 percent say they come with clear advantages and 70 percent use them regularly in Austria.

That’s according to the e-Government Monitor study for 2023, which finds that Austria comes out far ahead of its other German-speaking counterparts in Germany and Switzerland.

Some 60 percent of people in Switzerland use government digital services regularly compared with Austria’s 70 percent, with 68 percent of Swiss-based respondents saying they consider themselves to have a good awareness of the e-Government options available.

By contrast, only 30 percent of people in Germany feel they have this level of awareness.

Some 38 percent of all smartphone users in Austria have the ‘Digitales Amt’ app downloaded onto their phone, which allows people easy access to view tax assessments or file returns online, as well as to use the Handy Signatur or ID Austria functions. These authentication services allow users to, among other things, sign contracts digitally – without needing to be somewhere in person or sending a signed copy through the post.

It also allows people to use their digital ID as a driver’s licence valid anywhere in the EU, which means people can simply use their phone if asked for their licence, rather than needing to make sure their licence is on them.

The most commonly used service among people in Austria who use e-government offerings is online tax filing – with 94 percent of people who regularly use digital services in Austria saying they use this function. Around 70 percent have used it to apply for certain benefits. 55 percent have used it to change their registered address.

Digitization State Secretary Florian Tursky (ÖVP) says the report is good news for people in Austria, who have taken well to the digital services offered by the state.

There is still some room for improvement though. Around 26 percent of people in Austria say many online options are hard to find. 29 percent say the registration process is also too complicated.

EXPLAINED: What you need to know about Austria’s new digital ID?

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When are Austria’s school summer holidays in 2024?

Austrian kids have plenty of opportunities to go on holidays, with small breaks throughout the year and their big summer holidays. Here are the dates for 2024.

When are Austria’s school summer holidays in 2024?

For kids around the globe, summer break is the highlight of the year. This excitement is no exception in Austria, even though the country may be better known for its wintertime attractions. 

Austrian families eagerly anticipate the summer months, with the nation boasting a wealth of lakes, hiking trails, and engaging activities suitable for all ages.

Summer in Austria is not only about local adventures. The extended school break also provides a prime opportunity for many families to embark on international travels. Popular beach destinations such as Italy, Croatia, and Spain are often top choices for Austrians seeking sun and relaxation.

Knowing the exact dates of the school holidays is essential, whether you are an Austrian resident planning your summer activities or a tourist hoping to experience the country’s summer charm. 

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2024 summer holidays

The summer holidays are the main vacation period for schoolchildren in Austria. The exact start and end dates vary yearly and depend on the state. Here are the dates for 2023:

Burgenland, Lower Austria and Vienna: June 29th to September 1st;

Carinthia, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol, and Vorarlberg: July 6h to September 8th.

Other holidays coming up

Besides their summer holidays, in October, children get their “Autumn break” (Herbstferien), which this year will be from October 28th to October 31st in all states.

Finally, by the end of December, they will have a Christmas holiday, which will be from December 23rd to January 6th.

This is valid for all compulsory schooling, meaning Volksschulen, Mittelschulen, Sonderschulen, Polytechnische Schulen, and Berufsschulen.

Of course, schools are also closed during official bank holidays in Austria. The country is very generous with its holidays, and there are 13 federal ones every year. 

READ ALSO: Which days off will workers in Austria get in 2024?

The next ones are August 15th, October 26th, November 1st, and December 8th.

Christmas Day (December 25th) and St. Stephen’s Day (December 26th) are also public holidays, but schools would be closed nonetheless due to the extended Christmas break.

Some provinces also have local holidays and celebrations, so staying in touch with your school and following the official announcements is worth it.