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German phrase of the day: Die Nase voll haben

Today’s word of the day is perfectly applicable to the changing weather outside.

German phrase of the day: Die Nase voll haben
Photo: Francesco Ungaro / Unsplash + Nicolas Raymond / flickr

During the third rainfall of the day, you might hear someone mumble “Ich hab’ die Nase voll von diesem Wetter.“ That translates to “I am fed up with this weather.“ Hence, die Nase voll haben is a way of telling the world that you are done with something or that you’ve had enough.

It literally translates to “to have the nose full.“ The origins of that proverb aren’t quite clear, but there are assumptions. One of those is that the notion is connected to health – if you have a “full” (in this case, “blocked”) nose, it can be annoying. So if you say that your nose is full of something, it means that this something is really annoying you.

The use of die Nase voll haben is usually quite colloquial, although it can happen that authorities use is as well. For example, a teacher could tell your child: “Ich habe die Nase voll von deinem Rumgequatsche!” (“I have had it with your chatter!”) or your boss could tell you: “Ich habe die Nase voll davon, das Sie immer zu spät kommen!” (“I am fed up with you always being late.”)

These uses are unprofessional, though, and shouldn’t actually be used. But if someone tells you that they have die Nase voll of something you do, it’s probably best to have a calm conversation about what annoys them and how that could be changed.

Additional examples:

Ich habe die Nase voll von dir!

I am fed up with you!

Ich habe die Nase voll von diesen ständigen Staus!

I have had it with those constant traffic jams!


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Do Austrians still use the formal ‘Sie’ in German?

In Austria, addressing people with "Sie" has been a tradition for quite some time. However, has this tradition become more relaxed in recent years? And if so, how?

Do Austrians still use the formal 'Sie' in German?

In Austria, people have been using “Sie” as a formal way of addressing each other for decades, if not centuries.

Using “Sie” is deeply integrated with Austrian culture and has been passed down through generations as a sign of respect and politeness.

But even if “Sie” is still commonly used in Austria today, younger generations tend to use it less frequently than older ones, and the more informal “Du” is increasing in popularity, Vienna’s IKI language academy told The Local.

The ‘du’ form has gained popularity

In general, using “du” is accepted in less formal settings or when you know someone well.

Over time, the use of “Sie” has decreased in informal and semi-official contexts in Austria, according to the IKI language academy.

The informal “du” form has gained popularity, especially among younger people and in digital communication. In social media, informal meetings, and among friends, the “du” form is more commonly used.

Heike Ziehr, Head of the German Language Department at Sprachenzentrum in Vienna, also agreed that “du” is gaining popularity but added that he does not think it’s appropriate in certain situations.

“‘Du’ is spreading, in social media, leisure time, or at workshops. In the mountains, people always use “du” above 2,000 meters. Occasionally, students address me informally at the university, then I point out to them that it is not appropriate. Sometimes there is a high level of familiarity between teachers and students, and then “du” is often used. I do not recommend it in a professional context”, he said.

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Formal and official situations

How “Sie” is used among the different generations depends on the situation and who is involved in it.

“Sie” is mainly used in formal and official situations in Austria. You use “Sie” in conversations with strangers, in professional contexts, during official appointments, in stores, and generally in scenarios where respect and distance are expected to be maintained.

It is also common to address older people or those in higher positions with “Sie”, as a sign of respect and acknowledgement.

Some examples of situations where you are expected to use “Sie” include when you have a doctors appointment, in formal business settings such as meetings with customers, or in daily life situations where you engage with strangers, such as in restaurants or other service establishments, especially when speaking to staff members.

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