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When do I need to start paying Italian taxes?

Many people living between two or more countries are unclear about whether or at which point they face the requirement to pay income tax in Italy. So what exactly are the rules?

When do I need to start paying Italian taxes?

Question: “We lease an apartment here in Italy and come over a couple of times a year. Since we pay taxes in America, we are unsure if we can apply for an Italian driver’s license or health card, or apply for residency permits. My question is, what would trigger the need to file an Italian tax return?”

As Italy’s revenue office (Agenzie delle entrate) explains, the requirement to pay income tax in Italy is triggered if and when you become a ‘tax resident’ in Italy. 

The revenue office website says you’re considered a tax resident in Italy if, for at least 183 days a year, you:

  • Are registered with Italy’s national population registry office (known as the Ufficio Anagrafe) or
  • Have your “place of residence or habitual residence” in Italy.

Essentially, spending more than six months of the year in Italy means that the Italian tax authorities can view Italy as your primary place of residence.

If you’ve chosen to officially move to Italy, have navigated any visa requirements, and are now successfully registered as a resident with your local municipality, then it’s simple enough: you’ll now need to be prepared to pay taxes in Italy on all income made anywhere in the world.

The tax requirement probably won’t apply if you’re spending less than half of your time at a second home in Italy. This should be the case if you’re a non-EU national subject to the 90-day rule when visiting Italy and other European countries.

READ ALSO: Can second-home owners get an Italian residency permit?

But if you do live in Italy most of the time, or if Italy is where you have most of your business or other interests, you could also be viewed as an Italian tax resident even if you are not legally registered as a resident with the Ufficio Anagrafe.

And, even if you’re not considered an Italian tax resident, be aware that you may still have to pay Italian taxes on any income generated in Italy.

Those who buy a property in Italy are also liable for certain local taxes, regardless of their residency status. You can see more information about these taxes in a separate article.

It’s also important to note that many countries, including the US, have double taxation treaties with Italy which set out the rules on which country should levy certain taxes. These are intended to prevent you from being taxed twice on the same income.

Agreements between Italy and other countries may affect whether you pay tax on certain sources of income, such as pensions, in Italy or in your home country.

Becoming a tax resident

Tax obligations will be one of the most important considerations for anyone deciding whether or not to take up Italian residency

The main thing you’ll need to be aware of is that becoming officially resident means filing annual tax returns with the Italian authorities, even if all your income comes from your home country or elsewhere.

Once you are a taxpayer in Italy, you will have the right to register with the Italian healthcare system. Depending on your circumstances however, doing so may not be free.

Please note that The Local is unable to advise on individual cases. For more details on how the Italian tax rules may apply in your circumstances, seek independent advice from a qualified tax professional.

You can also find more information about Italy’s income taxes on the Italian revenue agency’s website (in English). 

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Reader question: What’s the latest on Italy’s building superbonus?

Italy’s building ‘superbonus’ has been in the news again after a vote on a new amendment. So what exactly is changing this time and what does this mean for homeowners?

Reader question: What’s the latest on Italy’s building superbonus?

If you’re reading this article, there’s a good chance you’re already familiar with at least some of the history behind Italy’s ‘superbonus’, a hugely popular government scheme offering generous discounts to homeowners carrying out renovation works.

The bonus has been in the news again this week after parliament approved a new amendment last Wednesday, leaving many homeowners wondering exactly what is changing this time and what this means for them.

The superbonus has been plagued by credit transfer issues ever since 2021, when banks stopped buying up credits following the introduction of tighter rules aimed at preventing fraudulent claims. 

This created major bottlenecks within the system which ended up stalling thousands of renovation projects and leaving thousands of construction businesses at risk of bankruptcy.

Blocked credits and the scheme’s rising costs (the superbonus’ bill may ultimately stand at 150 billion euros, more than 100 billion over initial estimates) led the government to first slash the maximum available rebate and then scrap the most popular claiming routes for all new claims.

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But after some national banks resumed buying credits last summer, albeit under stringent conditions, the changes approved by parliament last week may once again bring the transfer system to a standstill, putting homeowners and businesses at risk of not being able to claim the bonus (or not doing so in time to avoid default).

As of January 1st 2025, banks and other financial intermediaries will no longer be able to offset superbonus credits bought from homeowners or businesses with social security (INPS) and occupational insurance (INAIL) contributions, according to the latest decree.

Scaffolding on the facade of a building undergoing renovation work in Rome

Scaffolding on the facade of a building undergoing renovation work in Rome. Photo by Tiziana FABI / AFP

This is under plans to prevent superbonus-related fraud (Italy seized ‘fake’ credits for a total of 8.5 billion euros last week), with banks flouting the rule facing fines of up to 30 percent of the unduly offset credit.

The ban will essentially strip banks of one of the most popular instruments used so far to ‘digest’ superbonus credits and will be retroactive, meaning it will apply to credits accrued prior to its introduction next January.

According to Antonio Patuelli, president of Italy’s banking association ABI, banks “will absolutely have to stop” buying superbonus credits as a result of the measure, which in turn may land businesses and homeowners “in situations leading them to default”.

Italy’s campaign group Associazione Esodati del Superbonus has estimated that some 1.5 million families may be left without a way to claim the rebate if no alternative solution is found. 

Last Wednesday, Patuelli stressed the importance of creating “an instrument” capable of purchasing blocked credits and involving both public and private parties.

READ ALSO: Five things non-residents need to know about buying property in Italy

The right-wing Forza Italia party – a member of Italy’s ruling coalition – has also recently advanced plans for the creation of a new credit institution directly controlled by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), though there are no further details on the proposal at present. 

Plans to create a credit-trading platform to unclog blockages are by no means new.

Last April, the government identified the creation of a new trading platform by energy giant Enel X as one of the main solutions to the logjam, but the project was permanently scrapped in early September.  

Blocked or as-yet-unclaimed credits relative to all of Italy’s building bonuses were estimated to stand at a total of 135 billion last November.