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Five UNESCO recognised sites in France you should visit

France is now home to 51 UNESCO World Heritage sites, all of which would make for a lovely visit. If you are feeling spoiled for choice, here are five of The Local's favourites.

Five UNESCO recognised sites in France you should visit
The Cathedrale Sainte-Cecile in Albi. (Photo by Marco Bertorello / AFP)

Maison Carrée

Located in Nîmes in southern France, Maison Carrée was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in September 2023, bringing the total number of French UNESCO sites up to 51.

Built at the start of the previous millennium, between 1 AD and 10 AD, the Maison Carée is one of the best preserved Roman Temples in the world. 

The “Maison Carree” (“square house” in French) in 2022 (Photo by Pascal GUYOT / AFP)

The Museum de la Romanité attributes Maison Carrée’s ‘excellent state of preservation’ to its “continuous use since the 11th century.”

The temple has been used as a private residence, namely during the Middle Ages, and then later it became the property of the Augustinian monks. 

It has also been used as a stable, government office and even the headquarters of the archives of Nîmes before it became a museum and designated historic site.

The Episcopal city of Albi

Also located in the south of France, the town of Albi sits along the Tarn river. The Old City, or the Episcopal city of Albi, was first recognised as a UNESCO site in 2010. 

The cathedral  of Sainte Cécile is made from brick, not stone and it also stands out for its fortifications. It was constructed in the 13th century, shortly after the brutal religious conflict between Catholics and the dissident Cathar sect.

Cathedrale Sainte-Cecile (Also known as the Albi Cathedral) in Albi (Photo by Marco Bertorello / AFP)

The Bishop involved in constructing it hoped that the monument would show his power and unity with the king, as well as his disdain for heresy and resistance against religious enemies. 

The interior is decorated with frescos and stained glass.

While in the area, you can also visit the Pont-Vieux, which is one of the oldest bridges along the Tarn and gives a lovely view of the Old City, while the town also boasts an impressive museum dedicated to the painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, who was born in the area. 

Canal du Midi

Measuring 240km in length, the Canal du Midi gained UNESCO status in 1996 for its ‘outstanding engineering and artistic design’. 

It was built in the 17th century, with the original goal of linking the Atlantic Ocean with the Mediterranean Sea.

A lock on the Canal du Midi, near Mas-Saintes-Puelles, southern France (Photo by ERIC CABANIS / AFP)

The Canal runs from Toulouse to the Étang de Thau in Sète, near Montpellier, and it is one of the oldest canals still in use.

A feat of engineering and great technical achievement, its creator, Pierre-Paul Riquet, inspired many of the canals to follow. In fact, Thomas Jefferson, the third US president and minister to France at the time, visited the Canal du Midi in 1787 to get inspiration for future canal projects in the nascent United States.

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Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Reims 

France is home to many ‘Notre-Dame’ (Our Lady) cathedrals, but the one in Reims, the unofficial capital of France’s Champagne region, stands out.

It was named as a UNESCO site in 1991, but it has been a very important French landmark for centuries. During the Ancien Régime, many French kings were crowned at the Reims Cathedral. 

The Notre-Dame de Reims cathedral in Reims (Photo by FRANCOIS NASCIMBENI / AFP)

Known as one of the great masterpieces of Gothic art, construction on the cathedral began in the 13th century. It was heavily bombed during World War I, and the resulting repairs took almost two decades.


The fortified medieval town of Provins is located a little over an hour’s drive outside of Paris.

Named a UNESCO site in 2001 for its beautifully preserved medieval architecture and 11th century city walls, it was once a trade hub during the Middle Ages. If you happen to visit during the month of June, you can also enjoy their famous Medieval Festival. 

The site is especially known for having hosted trade fairs, where merchants would transport goods between Europe and the East.

Do you have a French UNESCO recommendation? Share your tips in the comments below

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Can I use my American Express card in France?

If you are travelling to France with an American Express card, there are a few things you ought to consider beforehand.

Can I use my American Express card in France?

While many European establishments do accept American Express cards, outside of the US they are significantly less common and many businesses, especially smaller ones, refuse them. 

Why are American Express cards not accepted?

According to Forbes, it has to do with the fact that American Express is known for charging “higher merchant fees than other credit card networks.

“In other words: It’s more cost-efficient for many businesses (especially low-margin ones) to take Visa or Mastercard instead.”

The business magazine also noted that American Express credit card transactions made up just 4.61 percent globally. Whereas Visa and Mastercard transactions were significantly more common – making up 38 percent and 24 percent of the market share respectively.

READ MORE: Is it a good idea to rent a car in Paris?

What should I do if I have an AmEx card?

Travel blogs often recommend that AmEx holders bring along a Visa or Mastercard as well, in case they run into issues.

You can also consult American Express’ interactive map, which shows the businesses in France that definitely accept the card.

However, the map may not show every business that accepts AmEx, so feel free to ask (est-ce que vous acceptez les cartes ‘American Express’?) before sitting down for a meal or making a purchase. 

You can also look to see whether the store displays an AmEx sticker in the window. 

Generally, American Express cards are less likely to be accepted in small businesses – neighbourhood restaurants, cafés or independent shops – due to the reasons outlined above. You have a better chance of your AmEx card being accepted in larger companies and chains.

It’s also not accepted by all French apps for payment – so for example if you’re buying national rail tickets you can use AmEx for the SNCF Connect app, but it is not accepted by the Paris public transport app Ile de France Mobilities (which offers digital Metro, bus and tram tickets).

Any other things to consider?

Contactless payment (sans contact) is becoming much more common in France, albeit only for lower-value purchases.  If your AmEx card does not have the chip that allows you to tap and pay, then you may want to take cash out or bring another card along. 

If you still have an old-style card that requires swiping and signing, be aware that most smaller French businesses do not have this payment option.

ATMs should accept your AmEx card, so you should not have any issues being able to put in your pin number and take out cash, though there may be fees.

You’ll also want to look into the transaction fees associated with your card. Some AmEx cards offer the benefit of no foreign transaction fees, while others still charge them.

Finally, while AmEx no longer requires cardholders to inform them ahead of time if they will be travelling abroad, they still recommend “keeping your contact information updated in case we need to contact you while you’re away” and “downloading the Amex mobile app to conveniently manage your account on the go.”

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