Swedish police chief warns of ‘unprecedented’ wave of gang killings

Gang wars are causing an "unprecedented" wave of violence in Sweden, said national police chief Anders Thornberg at a press conference held after a spate of fatal shootings in the past couple of weeks.

Swedish police chief warns of 'unprecedented' wave of gang killings
Swedish police chief Anders Thornberg. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

In recent years, Sweden has seen gangs fighting over arms and drug trafficking, involving firearms and explosive devices.

“There have recently been murders and explosions on an unprecedented scale,” police chief Anders Thornberg told a press conference.

“Several boys aged between 13 and 15 have been killed, the mother of a criminal was executed at home, and a young man in Uppsala was shot dead on his way to work”, he added.

The police chief emphasised that the orders often came from high-level gang criminals based abroad, without mentioning any nationalities.

There have been several shootings in Sweden this week: four in the university city of Uppsala – two of them fatal – and two in Stockholm, where a 13-year-old teenager lost his life.

Last year, 90 explosions and 101 attempted explosive attacks were recorded, according to data from the Swedish police.

So far this year over 100 explosions have already been recorded.

The conflicts between these criminal gangs are costing innocent lives, said Thornberg.

“Citizens are afraid, insecurity is increasing. And this at a time when we have raised our terrorist alert level in the country.”

Several gang crimes have been foiled in recent days, he added, stressing the importance of preventive work.

“Several people have been arrested and weapons confiscated in Uppsala alone, where the situation is very serious,” added Ulf Johansson, a police officer in the Uppsala region, which is 70 kilometres north of Stockholm.

In 2022, there were 391 shootings in Sweden, 62 of which were fatal, compared to 45 people killed by gunfire the previous year.

Member comments

  1. This is terrible, so many innocent lives lost or affected.

    Something perplexing are the reasons – the fighting is over arms and drugs?
    Sweden is a small country. From an economic perspective, why would gangs operate in such a tiny market?
    Surely, for organized crime bosses, there are other places in the world that would be more lucrative with fewer legal impediments?

    Something seems off – maybe some good, old investigative journalism might provide clearer answers?

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Swedish police working with UK police over missing Brits

Police in southern Sweden are in contact with their counterparts in the UK over two British men reported missing on Monday, although they still cannot link the disappearances to bodies found in a burnt out car.

Swedish police working with UK police over missing Brits

The British media have identified the two missing men as Juan Cifuentes and Farooq Abdulrazak, 33 and 37, who ran the Empire Holidays Travel Agency in London and whose families have reported them missing. 

Police in southern Sweden on Monday confirmed that they were in contact with the British police over two men, who were last seen on camera driving over the Öresund Bridge in a Toyota RAV4 car they had hired in Denmark.

The car was found in the industrial area of Fosie with two bodies inside, which police have so far been unable to identify. 

READ ALSO: What we know about the suspected murder of two Brits in Malmö

“We have been in contact with the British police concerning the two British citizens who have disappeared. It is too early to say if it was them who were found in the car,”  Kerstin Gossé, a press spokesperson for the police in Malmö. “So far as I know, those two people have not been found.”

Police in Sweden are still waiting for the formal conclusions of a forensic examination of the two bodies, which were so severely burned that they are difficult to identify. 

“We have carried out several forensic examinations, but still cannot with any confidence say anything about the idenities [of the two bodies],” Gossé added.