Germany unveils new plan to become more immigrant and digital-friendly

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has called for a "national effort" to make the country more modern, efficient and desirable overall. Here’s what’s behind his so-called Germany-Pact unveiled in parliament on Wednesday.

Germany unveils new plan to become more immigrant and digital-friendly
Chancellor Scholz before the parliamentary session on Wednesday. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Kay Nietfeld

In the Bundestag’s general debate on Wednesday, Scholz proposed a “Germany Pact” (Deutschland-Pakt) to modernise the country, which some have dubbed the “sick man of Europe” amid recent economic troubles.

 “Speed instead of standstill, action instead of sitting it out, cooperation instead of bickering. That is the order of the day,” Scholz said, wearing a black eye-patch which has sparked pirate memes over the past days. 

“Only together will we shake off the mildew of bureaucracy, risk aversion and despondency that has settled on our country over years and decades.”

On behalf of the Christian Democratic (CDU/CSU) parliamentary group, CSU state group leader Alexander Dobrindt accepted the chancellor’s offer. 

But he also called on Scholz to first ensure unity within Germany’s coalition government, the so-called traffic light coalition composed of the the centre-left SPD, Greens and liberal FDP. 

“First put an end to the squabbles in your own shop,” he said. “Then you can talk about whether you can cooperate with us.”

In recent weeks, the traffic light coalition had been caught up in massive disputes, especially over the implementation of a costly and controversial heating law (Heizungsgesetz) and the new basic child allowance (Kindergrundsicherung).

In surveys, more than two-thirds of Germans say they are now dissatisfied with the work of the coalition government.

But with the following proposed measures, Scholz wants to turn the tide, ideally allowing for faster implementation and less in-fighting.

He also said he hopes to make Germany a more attractive destination for those from abroad by minimising bureaucracy and speeding up immigration procedures.

READ ALSO: Could backlogs at Germany’s foreigners’ offices stifle skilled immigration?

Less effort for energy approvals: Up to now, the energy turnaround (Energiewende) has been hampered by the fact that in Germany many approvals have to be obtained from different authorities for new projects – for example, the construction of wind turbines. 

Scholz called for approvals to accelerated, building permits for more, much-needed housing are to be issued more easily, and masts for fast mobile internet be erected faster and more efficiently.

– Lower burden on companies: In order to ease the burden on companies during the transition to more sustainability, they are to be offered investment aid, among other financial relief measures, said Scholz. They should also receive better conditions for depreciation, so that they have to pay less tax. 

Scholz also called on Germany to cast more attention to the research and development of companies aimed at the future, such as those working with artificial intelligence. He called for the establishment of more high-tech production – such as computer chips – and start-ups.

Modern administration: Public authorities and offices would be further digitalised – by the end of 2024, important services such as applications for a new driving licence or identity card, or for parental allowance (Elterngeld) and citizens’ benefits (Bürgergeld), would be possible “end-to-end”, or fully, online according to the new plan.

READ ALSO: Is Germany a ‘failed state’ for public digital services?

– Recruiting more foreign workers: Scholz pointed out that 13 million workers would retire by the middle of the next decade. He appealed for the Skilled Workers Immigration Act – set to go into effect in March 2024 – be implemented right away so that skilled workers would not have to wait months for a visa or a work permit. 

For companies, the biggest factor of uncertainty is the shortage of labour, said Scholz.

READ ALSO: EXCLUSIVE: Germany’s new skilled worker law to come into force ‘in March 2024’

Are these goals just being announced now?

The goals are not new. What is new, however, is that Scholz is now looking for a broad alliance to implement them. His offer was addressed to the16 state premieres, district councillors, and mayors throughout the country. 

It was also addressed to the “democratic opposition”, which Scholz used to refer to all opposition parties except the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD).

 In the Bundestag, these are the CDU and its Bavarian sister party CSU as well as Die Linke, or Left Party.

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EURO 2024

Germany prevents hundreds of illegal border entries ahead of Euro 2024

Police detected well over a thousand illegal entries or attempted entries into Germany shortly before the start of the Euro 2024 championship.

Germany prevents hundreds of illegal border entries ahead of Euro 2024

German authorities put temporary border controls in place on June 7th in the run up to the UEFA European Football Championships in a bid to clamp down on any violence. 

Police announced that shortly before the start of the tournament on June 14th, 1,400 unauthorised entries were detected during border checks.

A total of 900 people were prevented from entering Germany or deported during this time, while 173 arrest warrants were served, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser told German newspaper Bild am Sonntag.

“This shows that our measures are working,” Faeser said, adding that the aim is to recognise and stop possible violent offenders at an early stage. 

According to the minister, 19 perpetrators wanted by police due to politically motivated crime were also found, while 34 people smugglers were arrested.

The extended checks are taking place at the borders with Denmark, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg where no checks were previously carried out.

READ ALSO: Germany to check passports at Danish border during the Euros

Travellers from the Schengen zone may also face random checks during air travel, at ports or on buses and trains. 

The controls are in force until July 19th – a few days after the Euro 2024 final on July 14th.

Travellers should be prepared for possible longer waiting times at borders – and should carry valid ID as well as any travel documents they need to enter Germany. 

READ ALSO: What to know about Germany’s extra border checks for Euro 2024

22,000 officers on the job

Security is a huge factor for the event that sees 24 teams competing in several German cities. Millions of visitors from all over the world are heading to Germany to stadiums and fan zones across the country.

A total of 22,000 federal police officers are on duty to ensure security during the event – the largest deployment in the history of Germany’s police force, according to Faeser.

“They are protecting our borders, airports and rail traffic,” said the minister.

Existing controls at the borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland were recently extended by six months until mid-December. The ministry said the aim is to continue combating smuggling offences and limiting irregular migration.

Spike in number of unauthorised entries on eastern borders

It comes as the number of migrants at the German borders with Poland and the Czech Republic – along the so-called ‘Belarus route’ – has risen again.

Police recorded 2,215 unauthorised entries on this route between the beginning of January and the end of May, authorities told DPA.

In January and February there were 26 and 25 respectively, in March the number rose to 412, in April to 861 and in May, according to initial data, to 891.

A total of 1,021 unauthorised arrivals have been detected in Brandenburg since the beginning of the year, 867 in Saxony and 327 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

But despite this recent rising trend, the overall figures are significantly lower than last year. By the end of May 2023, federal police had recorded 6,000 unauthorised entries on the ‘Belarus route’, as reported by Mediendienst Integration, which processes police statistics.

Poland and the EU have accused Russia and Belarus of deliberately helping people from crisis regions to enter the EU without permission by providing visas and logistics since 2021.

Poland has now erected a 5.5 metre high fence at its external EU border. But according to Polish border guards, people are still trying to cross the border. Since the beginning of the year, 16,500 attempts have been registered, compared to 11,200 in the same period in 2023.