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EXPLAINED: How wealthy are Norwegians really?

Norwegians are the seventh wealthiest group of nationals in the world, according to the Global Wealth Report for 2023. The Local takes a closer look at the figures on wealth and income in Norway.

Pictured are crowds on a busy Oslo street.
A new report has named Norwegians as the 7th wealthiest nationals on the planet. We've taken a closer look at the numbers. Pictured are crowds on a busy Oslo street. Photo by Nick Night on Unsplash

The average Norwegian adult has an estimated wealth of around 4.05 million kroner or 385,340 dollars, according to the Global Wealth Report from Swiss Banking giants UBS and Credit Suisse.

The figure is an increase of over 400,000 kroner from the previous year, and Norway was the highest-ranked country where the level of wealth has increased since last year. Switzerland was the wealthiest country in the world, with an average wealth of 685,230 dollars.

The USA, Hong Kong, Australia, Denmark and New Zealand were the countries with a higher average wealth than Norway.

In median terms, Norway was the eighth wealthiest country in the world. The median wealth of the average Norwegian adult was 1.51 million kroner or 143,890 dollars. The bank used assets such as property, shares, and funds when calculating wealth.

The median figure is much lower as it isn’t as influenced by the highest earners in the same way the average wealth is.
While global prosperity dropped worldwide in 2022, the number of Norwegian adults with a net worth of more than one million dollars increased significantly.

The number of Norwegians with an estimated wealth of over one million dollars rose from 247,000 to 352,000.

As the figures for wealth include any property owned, it’s worth pointing out that Norway is a nation of homeowners. Figures from the national data agency, Statistics Norway, showed that 76.4 percent of households owned a home in Norway.

The high levels of homeownership will have undoubtedly lifted the figures up. The average home price in Norway was 3,944,271 kroner at the end of July 2023. House prices have risen by 5.2 percent in 2023.

The global wealth report outlines that asset growth in 2020 and 2021 was due to a rise in the value of assets such as housing. The report pointed to house prices rising as a factor in why wealth grew in Norway in 2022.

Additionally, the report found that households in the Nordics had higher levels of debt than their gross wealth.

How much money do Norwegians earn?

Figures from Statistics Norway show that the average wage in Norway was 53,150 kroner in 2022. Men earned, on average, 56,250 kroner and women earned 49,280 kroner. The median salary was lower at 49,400 kroner per month.

Figures also show that immigrants in Norway make less money than their Norwegian counterparts.

READ MORE: Do foreigners get paid less than Norwegians?

Is there a lot of inequality in Norway?

When it comes to inequality, analysis from Statistics Norway from 2021 shows that inequality in Norway is increasing, and researchers from the national data agency Statistics Norway believe that the disparity is much more significant than the statistics show.

According to UN estimates, around 10 percent of the population in Norway lives below the relative poverty line. This is defined as those who earn less than 60 percent of the median income.

A 2021 report from Faktisk, a Norwegian fact-checking website that is a collaboration between several major media companies, found that while the rich in Norway were getting richer, it could still be classified as one of the countries in Europe with the lowest levels of income inequality.

This means there is less disparity in earnings in Norway than in other countries. The one caveat to this analysis is the age of the data, as two years have passed since the Statistics Norway and Faktisk reports.

While income inequality is low, the Global Wealth Report wrote that wealth inequality was relatively high in all Nordic countries.

“Income inequality is low in the Nordic countries, but wealth inequality is not. The generous public pensions and other forms of social insurance that make wealth accumulation less important mean that middle-class people often have low personal assets by international standards. As a consequence, the relative wealth of the top groups that own concentrations of shares or other business equity is greater than in many other advanced countries,” the report said.

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How much money do you need to live on a single income in Norway?

Norway is known just as much for its high wages as its steep cost of living, so how much money do you need to live a decent quality of life on a single income?

How much money do you need to live on a single income in Norway?

Depending on your situation, getting by on a single income in Norway can be difficult or relatively straightforward.

This is because if you are the sole provider for a family, you will need to stretch your money further with childcare costs and larger accommodation with extra  bedrooms.

Meanwhile, if you have received a work permit and your partner has a family immigration permit and plans on starting work once they are a bit more settled, then you may not feel as much pressure to get by on a single income as you know more money will be coming in soon.

If you are a single, young professional, you won’t have children to consider, and you could save money by living in a house share rather than your own apartment.

Still, without another person to split the rent and food bill with, you may find it much harder to save for a home in the long term or build up savings.


The average monthly wage in Norway in 2023 was 56,360 kroner. Workers covered by collective bargaining agreements are expected to receive an average pay rise in excess of five percent this year.

Immigrants earn less than their Norwegian counterparts, with the average wage among foreign nationals being 50,270 kroner. All wage figures collected from the national data agency Statistics Norway are pre-tax.

Even among foreigners, wages vary. The highest earners among immigrants tend to come from North America and Oceania, while those with the lowest average salaries hail from Africa and countries that joined the EU after 2004.

READ MORE: How much money do Norway’s different foreigners make?

Obviously, there are large differences in earnings between occupations. Foreigners in senior leadership positions had an average pay packet of 74,170 kroner per month, compared to the 38,270 kroner monthly salary of a cleaner.

Those in the top one percent of earners made around 150,000 kroner per month.

Regional differences can affect your needs

Where you choose to live will likely impact how easy it is to get by on a single income. Your location could end up affecting your wage, with those in Oslo earning around 10,000 kroner more than residents in most other counties.

The higher earnings in Oslo are just as well, as according to figures from rental agency, the cost of renting in the capital ranged from 7,535 kroner for a room in a shared flat to 20,483 kroner per month for a 3-room apartment.

In Bergen, the cost of a room was 5,751 kroner each month, while an apartment was 15,119 kroner. The prices in Trondheim and Stavanger were somewhat similar.

If you are living more rurally, you will then need to consider additional costs such as running a car. You may even wish to have a car if you live in a city but have kids to ferry around.

READ ALSO: Can you get by in Norway without a car

What typically goes into a budget in Norway?

Norway’s National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO) has a calculator that crunches the numbers on how much you can expect to spend in a month before rent and expenses.

Their budget shows a single man aged between 31 and 50 should expect to spend between 12,167 kroner per month. This includes money spent on public transport, groceries, clothing and leisure.

This budget isn’t set in stone because, depending on your hobbies and interests, you may have much higher leisure costs.

Still, when you consider this and the average cost of renting, then a single professional earning close to the average wage should be able to get by either in a studio apartment, renting a room, or in a 1-bedroom apartment.

When earning an average salary of around 56,000 kroner per month, you can expect to take home 40,810 kroner after tax each month.

Things are a bit tighter for a couple aged between 31 and 50 with two young children (one of whom goes to kindergarten). The monthly outgoings for a family in this situation would be 30,474 kroner. The figures include childcare, leisure, personal care, food, and equipment for the kids.

If this family had the same earnings of 56,000 kroner each month or 40,810 kroner after tax, then you may struggle as the budget doesn’t account for rent or mortgage payments.

Without kids, the couple’s monthly outgoings would drop to 20,154 kroner per month, making surviving on the monthly average much more achievable.

How much money do you need for a good life, then?

The average earnings in Norway should allow most people to lead a decent quality of life, depending on their expectations.

Single earners should be able to cover all their essential costs and still have money to save. How much household income is left over will be determined by several factors such as where you live, whether you have children and what kind of expenses you have overall.

Other things, such as how often you want to eat out, go on holiday will affect how comfortable you will be on this salary.

Those with a family to support will have a much harder time of things unless they are earning well above the average wage.