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Is Italy really forcing cyclists to get insurance, number plates and indicators?

International media reported recently that cyclists in Italy will soon be made to have licence plates, indicators and insurance under a controversial new law. But is there any chance this could really happen?

Is Italy really forcing cyclists to get insurance, number plates and indicators?
Cyclists on one of Rome’s bike lanes installed in 2021 as bike use increased amid the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Alberto PIZZOLI / AFP)

The improbable-sounding move comes under a raft of planned changes to the highway code  first announced by Italy’s deputy prime minister and minister for transport Matteo Salvini on June 7th.

In an address to parliament, he outlined plans to subject cyclists and scooter riders in Italy to the same rules motorcyclists are currently required to abide by.

READ ALSO: ‘We’re not Denmark’: Is Rome ready for a cycling ‘revolution’?

The plan to tighten road rules also includes tougher penalties for drink driving, and lifetime driving bans for those found guilty of certain serious crimes.

Salvini said there was a need for “more rules, more education, more safety on Italian roads” after the number of annual road deaths in the country rose again to 3,120 in 2022.

But the idea of mandating the use of helmets, number plates, insurance, and indicators for bikes drew widespread ridicule and anger from cycling associations, who said this would do nothing to make the country’s roads safer for cyclists.

Bicycle manufacturers association ANCMA called the proposal “extremely worrying” in a country which instead needs a “structural and educational commitment” to ensure the safety of road users.

“This reform seems to be more about stopping the spread of bicycles than increasing safety on the roads,” the association said.

In a statement, Italy’s Environment and Bicycle Federation (FIAB) said laws like the ones suggested by Salvini “do not exist in any other European country“.

The group insisted his proposed restrictions on cyclists would not help to prevent “the three main causes of road accidents and collisions, namely: high speeds, distraction, and lack of priority at crossings”.

Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure Matteo Salvini has proposed new restrictions for cyclists. (Photo by Tiziana FABI / AFP)

Cycling campaigners point out that Salvini has vocally opposed the introduction of more safe cycling infrastructure in Milan and, since he was appointed transport minister in October last year, significant budget cuts have reportedly led to funding being withdrawn from new bike lane projects.

So far though, Salvini’s latest move is only an announcement and no legislation has actually been put forward – never mind approved.

OPINION: Why cycling in Rome isn’t as crazy as it sounds

A draft law containing the new rules was supposed to be tabled shortly after Salvini’s announcement, but this was delayed as the government shut down many parliamentary activities for a week following the death of former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Salvini now says the bill will be published on Tuesday, June 27th. So we should find out then whether it really includes these proposals or not.

Even if it does, such drafts have to go through a lengthy parliamentary approval process and can be subject to various amendments along the way, meaning anything they contain is far from guaranteed to become law.

Plus there’s the fact that the current Italian government, in which Salvini’s radical right-wing League is a major partner, has a growing track record of making announcements about controversial and unlikely-sounding new rules and restrictions which are then seemingly forgotten about.

Most memorably, ministers in April put forward a draft bill cracking down on the use of the English language, including fines of between 5,000 and 100,000 euros for transgression. But after this made headlines in Italy and beyond, nothing has been said about it since.

Member comments

  1. It would definitely be a much better use of tax payers money to start investing in safe cycling infrastructure and education than this. Maybe even using the money to enforce the rules that are already in existence (speeding, drink driving, talking on a mobile while driving) to improve road safety, rather than bring in a bunch of ridiculous rules that will go unenforced anyway!

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Govt source says Italy considering ‘reciprocal plan’ to swap refugees with US

Italy and the United States are drawing up a plan to exchange a small number of refugees in a reported bid to deter illegal migration, an Italian government source said on Friday.

Govt source says Italy considering 'reciprocal plan' to swap refugees with US

“A reciprocal plan is currently being studied, according to which the US would host refugees present in Libya who want to go to Europe,” a source in Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s office said.

At the same time, “some European Mediterranean states would host a few dozen South American refugees”, the source said.

The source was responding to a report by CBS News in the United States, which suggested that President Joe Biden’s administration was also in talks with Greece.

CBS said refugees would be selected at immigration offices set up by the United States last year in four Latin American countries.

It said 500 people could be sent both to Italy and Greece, though the source in Meloni’s office said that figure was “completely misleading”.

Rome is looking to accept “about 20 Venezuelan refugees of Italian origin” who would be able to work in Italy, the source said.

The plan would be “very advantageous for Italy and the European states of first arrival”, the source said, without elaborating.

A separate source at Italy’s interior ministry said Rome would “never assent to the relocation of hundreds of people on its national territory in view of its already considerable efforts in receiving migrants”.

In Athens, Greek migration minister Dimitris Kairidis dismissed the report.

“The CBS report is untrue. There is neither an agreement nor a request from the US to resettle legal immigrants in Greece,” he wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

More than 2.4 million migrants crossed the southern US border in 2023 alone, largely from Central America and Venezuela, as they flee poverty, violence and natural disasters exacerbated by climate change.

Meanwhile Italy is among the first ports of call for migrants crossing from North Africa into Europe, recording almost 160,000 irregular arrivals by boat across the central Mediterranean last year.

Meloni’s government has made stopping irregular migration into Italy a priority.

It has sought to speed up asylum processing requests while signing new deals with departure countries.

It has also tried to deter migrants by setting up a new processing centre in Albania and limiting the activities of charities that operate rescue boats in the Mediterranean Sea.

Nearly 21,000 migrants have landed on Italy’s shores so far this year, compared to more than 50,000 in the same period last year, according to government data.