Denmark likely to ban Sankt Hans bonfires due to dry weather

Denmark’s customary midsummer Sankt Hans celebrations are likely to be partially curtailed this year with bans on bonfires likely due to the risk of wildfire.

Denmark likely to ban Sankt Hans bonfires due to dry weather
Sankt Hans celebrations in 2015. The bonfires could be cancelled this year due to wildfire risk. Photo: Sophia Juliane Lydolph/Ritzau Scanpix

Emergency services consider bonfires unlikely to be permitted on Sankt Hans, June 23rd, unless there is rainfall between now and then, broadcaster DR reports.

“Unfortunately we already have to state that, provided the weather leading up to Sankt Hans doesn’t offer up a certain amount of water, [bonfires] don’t look very likely,” the Danish Emergency Management Agency (Beredsskabstyrelsen, DEMA), said in a press statement.

That is because “the overall risk level with many small fires simultaneously across the country, in towns and all types of nature” would be too high in relation to wildfire risk, the agency said.

DEMA is scheduled to hold a national meeting on June 19th, where a final decision will be made on this year’s Sankt Hans bonfires.

READ ALSO: Why does Denmark celebrate Sankt Hans Aften?

“We are following the situation closely in all fire service districts and conditions will be taken into account day by day and hour by hour,” the statement read.

Weather forecasts currently do not suggest rain is likely to be forthcoming.

Last month was the driest May in Denmark for 15 years, and meteorologists are not predicting any rain in the coming days.

Much of the Nordics are in the midst of an unusually spring dry spell, raising concerns about forest fires, particularly in Sweden.

Sankt Hans Aften, when people sing in chorus before lighting a giant bonfire and eating and drinking late into the light summer night, is normally one of the highlights of the Danish calendar.

In addition to bonfires, Danes gather to sing in chorus on June 23rd, with Midsommervisen (“Midsummer’s Song”), also called Vi elsker vort land (“We Love our Country”) the traditional song for the occasion.

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Parts of Denmark to be hit by close to a whole month’s rain on Tuesday

Parts of Denmark could get as more than 40mm of rain on Tuesday, on the final day of the wet weather the country has suffered since Saturday.

Parts of Denmark to be hit by close to a whole month's rain on Tuesday

The low pressure front that has been moving through Denmark will hit the islands of Funen and the west of Zealand in the morning on Tuesday, hitting the Kattegat straits and eastern Jutland at around midday before moving north over central and northern Jutland over the afternoon.  

According to a forecast by public broadcaser DR, the heaviest rain will be in the northern part of Juland, where most areas will receive between 25mm and 35mm of rain, with areas receiving over 40mm, close to the average of 47mm for the the entire month of May. 

Police on the island of Funen have called on all motorists to make sure their lights are working properly and to turn them on, saying there have already been accidents today due with motorists whose rear lights are not working, meaning they cannot be seen in the heavy rain. 

There were two accidents on Tuesday on the motorway between Middelfart and Odense. 

Tuesday marks the third day in a row when there have been heavy downpours over parts of Denmark, with Morud in the north of Funen on Sunday suffering a cloudburst which led to 27mm to fall in just 30mm.

Earlier on Tuesday 18.8mm of rain fell in just 30 minutes in Roskilde, during a thunderstorm.