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How to get planning permission for your French property

If you own property in France and you want to extend it, embark on a renovation project or even - in some areas - paint the shutters a different colour, you will first need to get permission from the mairie. Here's how the French planning permission system works.

How to get planning permission for your French property
Before you - or any tradesmen you hire - can start working on a building project, you may need planning permission. Photo by GERARD JULIEN / AFP

Certain types of building or DIY projects in France require planning permission, known as a Déclaration préalable. You may also need a building permit (permis de construire) depending on the type of project.

This article deals with the déclaration préalable.

Do you need planning permission?

The first step is to determine whether your project requires planning permission at all, which might be more complicated than it first appears.

As a general rule of thumb anything that changes the size of shape of the building – such as an extension – or any kind of structural change requires planning permission.

Likewise a change of use of the building (from residential to commercial, for example) requires a déclaration préalable.

If you’re doing internal renovations they probably won’t require planning permission.

But then there are a whole host of specific works like the installation of a swimming pool (if above a certain size), the installation of a skylight or roof shutter or the installation of a raised terrace that do require planning permission.

There’s also the matter of where you live – if you are in a historic area or near a historic monument you may need planning permission even for small works like changing the doors and the shutters.

Speaking of shutters, some areas – mostly historic areas – have specific rules that say what colours you can paint your shutters and other external structures.

If you live in a mountainous area you may be covered by the Loi montagne, which specifies extra safety standards for buildings (because of the risk of avalanches).

Helpful hints

Although the system is complicated, there are two ways that you can make it easier for yourself.

The first is to use the Service Public website – here – which has a simulator that allows you to click on the type of project you want to do, select whether you are in a protected area or not and then it will tell you whether you need a déclaration préalable.

The other is even easier – go and see your local mayor. The mayor (or their assistant) is usually a mine of valuable information and will be able to tell you instantly whether your project requires planning permission and whether the area is covered by any extra local regulations (historic area, mountain laws etc). 

In smaller villages the mairie might not deal with all queries, but they can tell you which local agency you should direct your déclaration to.

What next

Once you have established that you do need a déclaration préalable, the next stage is to complete the form. 

As the building owner, it is your responsibility to make sure the paperwork is completed, but if you are using a builder or other artisan they might offer to do the forms as part of the service. You can also instruct a professional to act on your behalf in this matter – some real estate agents specialising in foreign buyers or relocation agencies might offer planning permission help as part of their service (which you will pay for, of course).

If you’re doing the paperwork yourself, the next stage is to find the form.

Depending on the type of project there are different forms – the one for works being done on a private home can be downloaded here, and you can find the other options here

If you’re in a commune with more than 3,500 inhabitants, your mairie might offer an online service to submit the form. In smaller places you will usually have to submit the form by post or in person, although some mairies offer an option to email it.

The form

The form requires your personal details, plus the details of the property and exactly what works you intend to do.

If you’re a second-home owner then the address asked for with your personal details should be your full-time home (even if that is outside France), while the property address is the French address you are working on.

You will then need to tick the boxes to describe the work you are doing. It’s a good idea to add a little description of the works you intend to do, just so everyone is clear what you are doing.

Supporting information

The second section of the form is dedicated to pièces jointes – which are supporting documents to add. Exactly what you need to add depends on the nature of your project.

Decision stage

You then send the completed form to the mairie. In smaller villages there might be an arrangement where a slightly larger commune deals with planning applications. Your application won’t be rejected if you sent it to the wrong place, but it will just take longer so it’s a good idea to check with your local mayor where you should send it.

Your mairie should give you an récépissé (receipt) for your application with a registration number. If you make the application online you should get this via email.

The mairie then has one month to notify you of any problems with the application, or to request more information.

Technically, if you don’t get a response within a month then you can start work, but it’s usually a good idea to check with the mairie before you start a project if it’s complicated or expensive.

If the project is approved you can request from the mairie a certificat de non-opposition (certificate of non-opposition) which may be needed for insurance purposes or if you are taking out a loan.

The mairie can either approve your application, refuse it, authorise it with certain conditions or postpone the decision. The postponement can be made for us to two years, but only under certain circumstances – usually related to planned public works that your project could make more difficult or expensive. This postponement is known as sursis à statuer.

You have the right to appeal against a refusal, imposition of conditions or a postponement.


The final step, which is often forgotten, is that once your project is finished you must inform the mairie that the works are all done. This process – which is called a Déclaration attestant l’achèvement et la conformité des travaux (DAACT) (declaration of completion and conformity of works) is so that the mairie can check that your project is completed in accordance with local rules and the conditions of your planning permission.

You can find details of this here.

Other paperwork

As mentioned above, you may also need a building permit – permis de construire – for your works. If any part of your project involves people working close to a main road (for example painting the frontage of your house if it adjoins a road) you may also need to request a full or partial road closure, for safety reasons.

You can speak to your local mairie about arranging this. 

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Brits still buying in France despite post-Brexit fall in property sales

New data on property sales revealed a post-Brexit fall in the number of Brits buying second homes in France - but estate agents say that UK buyers are still a big force, but now they're more likely to move to France than buy a holiday home here.

Brits still buying in France despite post-Brexit fall in property sales

The number of Britons buying second homes in France has been falling over the past few years, according to a report from Notaires de France.

While second homes in France remain popular purchases and a significant number of buyers are foreign, the number of Britons buying property in France has fallen steadily and continuously in recent years, according to the Notaires de France report.

Revealed: Where foreigners are buying second homes in France

The data showed that Brits have fallen to fewer than 20 percent of all foreign non-resident purchasers in 2022.

But real estate agents who specialise in helping Brits find properties in France say that the market remains buoyant – but these days people are more likely to make the move permanently.

Joanna Leggett, marketing director at Leggett Immobilier, told The Local: “Where we used to be 50-50 second homes and main residences, it seems to be more like 75 percent to 25 percent now towards permanent homes.”

Brexit has complicated life for British second-home owners in France, who must now either limit their visits to 90 days in every 180 or go through the time-consuming process of getting a short-stay visitor visa. 

But Chloe Williams, sales director with Beaux Villages Immobilier, said that France was still proving a popular market with Britons. 

READ ALSO French property: How to get a mortgage in France

“Comparing the number of enquiries in the first four months of 2024 with 2023, we haven’t seen any reduction in the number of British buyers wanting to know more about buying a property in France,” she said. “In fact, the number of enquiries via our website is higher than this time last year.

“We are still seeing lots of Brits looking to buy a second home to enjoy for holidays and then move permanently for retirement.”

Joanna Leggett, agreed. “There was a massive peak in 2020 where [website hits] went right up. That was the Covid time. But then it dropped right down in 2021. In 2022 it went right back up again. And in 2023, it’s gone back to what the average was [prior to the pandemic]. We’re expecting it to be the same again [in 2024].”

Leggett said that the biggest shift in the market was that Britons were moving away from second homes in favour of moving to France permanently, thanks in part to the rise in remote working.

And Britons entering the second homes market tended to be younger. “We find that the people buying holiday homes through us aren’t retirees that can spend six months in any one go in France,” she said.

“When we look at the average age of our clients, the biggest bulk of them is between 41 and 60. 

“That age group doesn’t get three-month holidays. They probably get five weeks, whenever they can, unless they can work from anywhere – which a lot of people can do, now.”

READ ALSO Explained: How to convert a French second home into your main residence

And post-Brexit bureaucracy is not as off-putting as it could be. Williams explained: “The change in the visa rules post-Brexit has made some buyers hesitate and we have found it helpful to be able to point people towards professional services who can advise on visas.  

“In our experience, the French government is very helpful and welcoming to people wanting to move to France. We also have an expert adviser to whom we can direct people for full support and assistance.”

Leggett, meanwhile, sees hope in efforts to convince the UK and EU parliaments to move ahead with proposals that would allow British second homeowners to stay for longer periods visa-free.

“We’ve seen a huge drop since 2020 … but it’s levelled out again and [interest in French property] doesn’t seem to be going down. If anything, it’s probably going up.”

Both Leggett and Williams agreed that the south-western Nouvelle Aquitaine region was the popular choice among Britons moving to France. 

“Brittany is always popular, but it does seem to have gone down a little bit. And Nouvelle-Aquitaine is definitely the highest. I’m not sure if that’s the influence of TV programmes in the UK though. A Place in the Sun is on every day at different times, and I’m wondering if it’s because they tend to concentrate on those areas that they’re pushing more people there.

“We’ve done quite a few TV shows and we noticed the increase. Even when the Chateau DIY programme came out, it increased the hits to our website by 800 percent. 

“They didn’t all buy chateaux. The increase on looking at chateaux and then looking at something else. It’s just the power of TV.”

READ ALSO Where in France are locals protesting about second-home owners?

Williams, too, said that her experience was that Britons were particularly interested in properties in the warm southwest of the country – tallying with the Notaires’ report which revealed that Britons accounted for 45 percent of all non-French non-resident purchases in Nouvelle Aquitaine region.

“The Dordogne continues to be a very sought after area,” she said, “only a day’s drive from the northern ports and tunnel, it is perfect for a second home in France.   However many people are attracted to value-for-money property in the Haute Vienne and Charente.”

Leggett added: “I would have thought that the Cote d’Azur would have been higher, you know? But it’s too expensive, and Brits don’t have the highest funds. The Americans are actually the highest spend. Their average spend is nearer €600,000, whereas the Brits are coming in at just over €200,000 on average.”

Notaires de France said American buyers tended to focus their French property search on Paris, she said. But they also loved chateaux. “They just love the history which they don’t have in the States,” she said.

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