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PODCAST: French driving laws explained and has Macron made France more attractive?

The Talking France podcast is back with a look at France's big business news, tax cuts for the middle class, an Airbnb warning for property owners and whether French drivers are as bad as their international reputation suggests.

PODCAST: French driving laws explained and has Macron made France more attractive?

Host Ben McPartland is joined by The Local France editor Emma Pearson and political expert John Lichfield (while reporter Genevieve Mansfield takes a well-earned break) to look at all the latest news and talking points from France.

We’ll start with tax cuts – who gets those €2 billion in middle class tax cuts announced by Emmanuel Macron – and can France really afford it?

You can find Talking France on Spotify, Apple or Google podcasts, download it HERE or listen in the player below.

Talking of the (property-owning) middle classes, we also have some advice for people thinking of renting out their French property on Airbnb. 

French leaders have been at Versailles this weekend seducing (in the financial sense) foreign investors – so we’re taking a look at how France got from being the country that foreign businesses leaders love to slag off as one of lazy workers and incomprehensible rules to the number 1 destination in Europe for new foreign investment.

Talking of international reputations – are French drivers really as bad as the stereotype suggests? And how does priorité à droite work?

And just in case that seems a bit serious, we’re also taking a look at some of the fun stuff to do this summer in France and you can find some great suggestions in the article below.

READ ALSO: 26 festivals and events to enjoy in France this summer

You can find all episodes of Talking France HERE, and if you like what you hear, please consider leaving a review or just telling your friends about us. The podcast is free to listen to, but relies on members of The Local to fund our journalists.

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PODCAST: Elections to take France into ‘dark territory’ and explaining the second homes crackdown

With all the latest elections news and a look at the party manifestos, plus France's 'second homes ban' and Olympic deals - the Talking France podcast is back.

PODCAST: Elections to take France into 'dark territory' and explaining the second homes crackdown

Host Ben McPartland is joined by The Local France’s Emma Pearson, Genevieve Mansfield and John Lichfield to discuss all the latest from France.

Naturally we’re starting with France’s highly dramatic parliamentary elections – which are producing twists, turns and high-stakes moments on a daily basis.

You can find the Talking France podcast on Spotify or Apple, download it here or listen on the link below

From the latest polling to the possibilities for a new prime minister, politics expert John Lichfield gives us the benefit of his analysis.

We’re also taking a look at the party manifestos and explaining exactly what happens on Sunday night, what it means for the following week and how France’s two-round voting system works.

Away from politics we’re talking a look at the proposed new law for local authorities on second homes – it’s been described as a ‘ban on second homes’, but in reality the law is much more limited than that.

And, believe it or not, there are some deals to be snapped up for the Olympics this summer – from tickets to travel and accommodation, prices have been dropping.

Talking France is a free podcast made possible thanks to the financial support of members of The Local. You can find out how to support us here, or you can help by leaving us a nice review on your podcast platform or just telling a friend.

Further reading