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Douze points: Why is French an official language of so many organisations?

If you're tuning into the Eurovision Song Contest or the Olympic Games you'll quickly notice that announcements are always made in two languages - English and French. So how did French come to be an official language for so many international organisations?

Douze points: Why is French an official language of so many organisations?
French has long played a major role in international diplomacy (Photo by AFP)

If you live in France, speaking the language is pretty much de rigueur, but Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish and Arabic are more widely spoken.

Despite this, French is an official and working language of international organisations including;

  • The United Nations
  • The European Union
  • Unesco
  • NATO
  • Interpol, the World Trade Organisation
  • The International Olympic Committee
  • The International Red Cross
  • international courts

You’ll hear it this weekend, from Liverpool, if you tune in to watch Eurovision as the venue hosts switch, almost seamlessly from one language to another – countries around Europe (and a few others, bonsoir Australia) will be waiting on tenterhooks to see if they get the maximum douze points or the dreaded nul points.

READ ALSO ‘Edith Piaf meets electro’ – 5 things to know about France’s 2023 Eurovision entry

French speakers

French is the official language of 32 states and governments, and is spoken by about 321 million people, according to the international Observatoire Francophonie. It is the fifth most commonly spoken language on the planet – we’ve mentioned the top four already. And – with English – it is one of only two languages spoken on every continent.

It is the 3rd-most used language of business and the fourth-most common language on the internet.

Between 2014 and 2018, the number of French speakers rose 9.6 percent, according to official figures, with Africa seeing the fastest growth. Some estimates suggest that it could become the most commonly spoken language in the world by 2050, such is its growth.

But if its only the fifth most-spoken language, why don’t we see English and Chinese as the official languages of the Olympics? Or Spanish used at Eurovision?


While clearly some of the history of the French language is linked to colonialism – particularly in the many African and Asian countries that have French as one of their official languages – it doesn’t explain the dominance within European and global organisations. 

There’s no official history of the French language’s changing role – but, as well as its importance for business and online communication, French remains the second most important language for diplomacy. About 100 years ago, it was diplomatic top dog.

It wasn’t until 1919 that English started replacing French as the lingua franca of world diplomacy – the Treaty of Versailles was one of the first major international diplomatic documents written in English and French.

Until then, French was the language of diplomacy, as it had been since at least the 17th century – some historians dare to venture as far back as the 100 Years War.

By World War II, however, it had lost that role.

Its dominance in international relations could be attributed to France’s dominant role as a European power up to the 19th century, as the language flourished along with the country. 

French politicians have fought to maintain French as a key international language of diplomacy, with some success, as it is still officially, as well as culturally important – despite the rise of English.

READ ALSO Ghosted, crush and the metaverse: The new words added to the French dictionary

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Fortress Europe? The Nazi ‘wall’ that failed to prevent D-Day

As the 80th anniversary of D-Day approaches, what became of the German-built Atlantic Wall defences intended to keep the Allies at bay?

Fortress Europe? The Nazi 'wall' that failed to prevent D-Day

Fearing an Allied invasion of occupied Europe, in 1942 Adolf Hitler ordered the building of a 5,000-kilometre coastal defence system studded with bunkers, gun emplacements, tank traps and other obstacles.

More than 20 million cubic metres of concrete and 1.2 million tonnes of steel went into building thousands of fortifications linked by barbed wire along the Atlantic and North Sea shores, from France, through Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark to Norway.

Some 300,000 workers of all nationalities worked on the French section of the wall alone, some of them prisoners press-ganged into labour, but also hard-up people desperate for work, or German factory workers.

Entire communities were forced off their land to make way for Hitler’s biggest defence project, which took over two years to build.

In the Dutch capital of Amsterdam, thousands of homes, seven schools, three churches and two hospitals were demolished in the name of defending ‘Fortress Europe’.

In 1944, with an Allied invasion appearing imminent, German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel was entrusted with bolstering these defences.

The Allies had managed to dupe the Nazis into thinking that they were planning a landing on France’s north coast, near Calais, which meant they had left long stretches of coast wide open for invasion, including what would become the Normandy landing beaches.

Rommel rushed to station more than 2,000 tanks, assault cannons and tank destroyers along the Normandy coastline, including so-called ‘Czech hedgehogs’ – spiky steel anti-tank obstacles – and wooden poles nicknamed ‘Rommel’s Asparagus’ used to try prevent gliders and paratroopers from landing.

Over five million mines were planted along the beaches. But it was too little too late.

The Wall proved inadequate in the face of the  planning that went into the D-Day landings of June 6th, 1944.

That evening, 156,000 Allied soldiers punched a hole in the defences of 80,000 German soldiers.

The US suffered heavy losses, especially on Omaha beach, where its soldiers found themselves trapped on the narrow beach beneath high cliffs of sand and stone.

British, French, Americans and Canadian forces established a beachhead in Normandy in a matter of days, which they used to land 800,000 troops and over 100,000 vehicles by the end of June.

Within 11 months, Germany surrendered.

Remnants of the Atlantic wall remain scattered along the coast of Europe but many have been swallowed by the sand or sunk into the sea.

Some have been converted into museums, as at Batz-sur-Mer in France, at Ostend, Belgium and Noordwijk in the Netherlands.

In the northern French city of Cherbourg, graffiti artists have transformed one bunker into a spaceship, while in the Brittany village of Saint-Pabu another has been renovated and turned into a Airbnb rental.

In 2014, the Dutch government launched an annual ‘Bunker Day’ when fortifications are thrown open to the public.