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EXPLAINED: Can I keep money I find in Switzerland?

Most people rejoice at the sight of a lost franc on the side of the road and put it in their pocket without hesitation. But what if you find a whole wallet full of cash or even valuables? We look at the rules around finding money in Switzerland.

There are rules on finding money in Switzerland.
There are rules on finding money in Switzerland. Photo: Pixabay

Can I keep money I find?

No, unfortunately the finders keepers law does not apply to found money and valuables in Switzerland which must be handed over whether the owner is known to you or not.

The handling of lost money is regulated in the country’s Civil Code under the section “Found” (ZGB 720 ff.).

According to the law, you must report any money or valuables worth over 10 francs you find to the police or if found on public transport, the theatre, or another public or private building hand them to your nearest lost and found office. The lost money or item will then remain with the office until the owner is found.

Money and goods worth less than 10 francs must not be reported to the police, but you should still make an effort to find the owner.

What if I can’t find the owner?

If you have done everything in your power to find the owner but failed to do so within 5 years, then the money or valuable is yours.

However, the prerequisite is that you did not have to give the money to an administration, supervisor, or tenant. Because in this case, this person is considered the finder – not you.

Am I entitled to a finder’s reward?

Yes, Swiss law stipulates that you will receive a finder’s fee if you return found money or valuables to the owner. Though there is no fixed amount typically, 10 percent is considered reasonable in Switzerland.

However, since the law does not specify an amount, you can’t assume that you’re automatically entitled to ask for 10 percent. If you happen to find a fair chunk of cash, you are particularly unlikely to be paid out 10 percent.

Any expenses, such as shipping, or travel (bus, train ticket) will need to be covered by the owner, however. 

READ ALSO: The seven things you should know about about Swiss money

What happens if I keep the money?

If as a finder you do not fulfil your duties and return the found money or valuables, this will be considered embezzlement and in a country with a love for both rules and the law, this is not recommended – even though embezzlement in Switzerland is only punishable upon request.

This means that the owner of the lost money or item must report the crime – which can result in a fine or even imprisonment for up to three years – otherwise the offense will not be prosecuted.

Swiss money

Do you have to give back money you find? Photo: Pixabay

What if I find stashed away money inside a bought item?

If you find money stashed away inside a sofa you just bought at an antique shop, you may be tempted to keep it – but you can’t. Even though you have technically paid for the sofa itself, the same rules apply here: the found money must be reported and returned. Sorry.

What if I find money on my property?

Sadly, even if money ends up in your garden or the wind is kind enough to blow it through your front door, you are still required – by law – to report and return the money to the owner.

However, if it turns out to be a find that may have been buried or hidden on your estate for a long period of time without a chance of finding the original owner, then it is considered a treasure. Unlike money or valuables, treasures belong to the owner of the property or movable object, such as a car, in which they are found.

Who owns historical treasures on my property?

If you find treasure on your property of scientific value, such as a historic relic, then you may not keep it. Instead, it is regarded as the property of the canton you reside in. However, in this case you are entitled to a reasonable finder’s reward, though again how much is not specified.

If you think you may have a treasure that could be of scientific value buried in your garden or within your property’s walls, you must contact the canton and allow authorities to dig it up. Any damages to your property will be covered.

Do I have to return wrongly transferred money?

Yes, you absolutely must. In this case, the person or company that has transferred the money by mistake can reclaim it and in a worst-case scenario you can be prosecuted should you choose not to give it back. In any case, the transfer can be traced easily in today’s modern world so it’s best to give it back.

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Switzerland labelled a ‘pimp state’ for its attitude towards prostitution

Switzerland has been blasted as being a "pimp state" for its laws around prostitution, in a special UN report set to be released on Friday.

Switzerland labelled a 'pimp state' for its attitude towards prostitution

Reem Alsalem, the UN’s special rapporteur on violence against women and girls, was set to present her annual report to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva today.

In it, she is particularly critical of Switzerland’s stance on prostitution, which is not only legal in the country, but also treated like any other service industry.

Alsalem said this approach has led to a “significant increase in foreign women” engaged in prostitution in the country, calling Switzerland a “pimp state” which benefits from taxes levied on sex workers and brothels.

In response, PROCORE, the national network for the rights of sex workers, countered that prostitution, as it is practiced in Switzerland, cannot be equated with violence and coercion.

READ ALSO: Five things that reveal Switzerland’s unique attitude to prostitution

Prostitution has been legal in Switzerland since 1942, though, like everything else in this country, it is heavily regulated.

However, the rules are intended to protect sex workers and allow them to work freely — that is, to rule out any attempts by third parties at foul play (read more about this below).

Today, there are more than 20,000 prostitutes of all genders registered in Switzerland.

Interestingly, the trend in this ‘profession’ mirrors the one observed in the country’s labour market in general: because of the high earning potential, Switzerland is a mecca for foreign sex workers, mostly from South America, Eastern Europe, and EU nations.

All of them are considered to be self-employed contractors and can choose venues where to ply their trade, such as brothels, clubs, or streets.