Austrian prosecutors to audit all advertisements placed by the Ministry of Finance

A request has been made for the Ministries of Finance to provide all relevant files and emails related to advertisements as corruption investigations expand in Austria

Austrian prosecutors to audit all advertisements placed by the Ministry of Finance
A demonstrator wearing a mask with the face of Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and dressed as a prisoner in handcuffs is seen during a protest in front of the headquarters of the Austrian People's Party OeVP in Vienna on October 7, 2021, a day after Kurz was implicated in a media corruption scandal. (Photo by ALEX HALADA / AFP)

After the execution of house searches and the discovery of evidence concerning the newspapers “Heute” and “Krone”, the investigating Economic and Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (WKStA) has taken further action, broadcaster Ö1 and newspaper Der Standard have reported. 

Specifically, requests for legal assistance have been sent to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Justice, asking that they provide all data, files, and correspondence pertaining related to advertising and marketing. These requests cover the period from 2015 to 2022 and apply to all media. 

BACKGROUND: Austria’s Sebastian Kurz implicated by former ally in corruption scandal

Following remarks and statements made by former Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance, Thomas Schmid, investigations into allegations of bribery and corruption have been reignited, as The Local reported. Schmid has reportedly sought the status of state witness in the case, prompting some under investigation to accuse him of providing false information to gain personal advantages.

The Ministry of Finance has been requested to promptly provide all electronic files, including emails, of the public relations department responsible for allocating advertisements during the eight years, particularly during the coalitions with the FPÖ and the Greens under the leadership of former Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. 

This request encompasses not only data related to “Heute”, “Kronen Zeitung”, and “Österreich” but also includes all of the ministry’s advertising spending, which increased exponentially between 2016 and 2018.

READ ALSO: ‘Reforms needed urgently’: Is Austria becoming more corrupt?

As reported by Der Standard, the Economic and Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (WKStA) has requested information on all advertisements, not just those related to “Heute”, “Kronen Zeitung”, and “Österreich”, from the Ministry of Finance. This is because the WKStA itself found incriminating transactions, rather than the ministry’s internal audit department. The scope of the investigation has, therefore, also expanded to other media outlets. 

The WKStA aims to gain a comprehensive overview of the ministry’s practices in awarding paid publications to identify any suspicious patterns.

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Austrian far-right radical Sellner wins German ban battle

Radical Austrian nationalist Martin Sellner on Friday won a legal battle against an entry ban imposed by Germany following his meeting with the far-right AfD that sparked an uproar in the country.

Austrian far-right radical Sellner wins German ban battle

Sellner had triggered outrage in Germany after allegedly discussing the Identitarian concept of “remigration” with members of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) at a meeting in Potsdam in November.

The city of Potsdam subsequently imposed a ban on Sellner entering Germany.

But the administrative court in Brandenburg state on Friday found in favour of Sellner’s appeal against the prohibition.

READ ALSO: Germany issues entry ban to Austrian far-right activist Sellner

“A real and sufficiently serious threat to public order and public security… was not demonstrated” by the authorities which had initiated the ban, said the court in a statement.

Welcoming the ruling, Sellner wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that he “will return to Germany soon and will push more and louder than ever on remigration and deislamisation”.

Sellner’s Identitarian Movement espouses the far-right white nationalist Great Replacement conspiracy theory.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: Who is Austria’s far right figure head banned across Europe?