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German phrase of the day: Die Butter vom Brot nehmen

If you're looking for a German phrase that describes one of the most heinous and anti-social crimes imaginable, look no further than this one.

German Word of the day
Photo: Francesco Ungaro / Unsplash + Nicolas Raymond / flickr

Why do I need to know this phrase?

Die Butter vom Brot nehmen (pronounced like this) is another classic example of Germans using food to describe almost any situation in life – and in this case, you can use it to call out people who always seem to be trying to get the better of you. 

What does it mean?

While normally there’s a fairly accurate equivalent to German sayings in English, in this case it’s a little harder to find a direct translation.

As you may realise, die Butter vom Brot nehmen quite literally means: “taking the butter from the bread”. It’s used to describe situations where someone takes something important from someone else, behaves a bit cheekily or tries to get one over on another person in some way. For instance, if there’s one dog at the park that always steals your dog’s ball, that would be a key example of a canine butter-thief. 

You may wonder why this scenario is so emotive for the Germans. Aren’t there worse things to take from someone than a bit of butter? 

Well, one reason could be that butter is viewed as a key component of any Abendbrot ritual: it’s the salty, fatty bit of deliciousness that can perfectly complement your salami and Sauergurke (pickled gherkins) when you’re tucking into a few slices of rye as a light evening meal. And if you find you don’t have at least an inch of butter on both sides of your belegtes Brötchen (filled bread roll), as a German you may well ask for your money back.

READ ALSO: German phrase of the day: Erste Sahne

What else should I know?

If you’d like to start using this fun expression, it’s important to note that you’ll need to use the dative case with it, as in jemandem die Butter vom Brot nehmen. This often applies when something is being given or taken, and means you’ll use dative pronouns such as dir, mir, ihr and ihm to talk about the person losing out rather than their accusative forms of dich, mich, sie and ihn.

Use it like this: 

Willst du mir jetzt auch noch die Butter vom Brot nehmen?

Now you also want to get the better of me?

Er ist ein Typ, der sich die Butter vom Brot nicht nehmen lässt. 

He’s a guy that doesn’t take any nonsense from anybody. 

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German phrase of the day: Gönn dir

This German expression is used in everyday colloquial conversation, especially among young people.

German phrase of the day: Gönn dir

Why do I need to know gönn dir?

Because you’ll hear this phrase a lot in everyday conversations in Germany especially among young people, and it’s often used in advertisements. 

What does it mean?

Gönn dir is a handy little German expression which essentially means ‘treat yourself’, ‘do something good for yourself’, ‘you deserve it’ or even ‘go for it’.

It comes from the German verb gönnen, which is a pretty complicated verb because it doesn’t translate perfectly to English. The infinitive is “jemandem (oder: sich) etwas gönnen”, which normally means ‘to treat someone (or allow oneself) to something’. You may hear “Ich gönne es dir” or “Gönn’ ich dir” but “Gönn dir” is the more shortened colloquial version that has increased in usage over time. 

The expression is basically a message of support for someone’s decision to treat themselves to something nice. 

If you want to use it, you have to make sure it’s in the appropriate setting. It isn’t suitable for formal communication – for instance during a serious phone call with the tax office or your boss (unless you’re good friends). 

It’s a good one to bring out during a text chat. If your German pal is finally booking that weekend trip away – you can write a quick ‘gönn dir!’ to express that you’re very happy for them and approve of this move. It’s often spoken in a positive way with no envy involved but it depends on the context and tone – the verb gönnen can also be used negatively. 

This phrase ‘gönn dir’ has gone mainstream and you’ll find it outside supermarkets and other shops or on advertisements, urging people to buy products as a treat for themselves.

READ ALSO: German phrase of the day – auf dein Nacken

It’s also been used by pop stars in recent years. German rapper Kontra K released his song Gönn Dir in 2013, while TikTok star Twenty4Tim released a song of the same name in 2023. 

Use it like it like this: 

Nach acht Stunden arbeit erst mal Essen bestellt und jetzt bisschen Binge-Watching… – After eight hours of work, I’ve ordered some food and now a bit of binge-watching…

Ja, gönn dir!  – Yeah, treat yourself! 

Ich gönn mir heute meinen Lieblingsschokoriegel.

I’m treating myself to my favourite chocolate bar today.