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A language expert’s three top tips for learning Norwegian

Learning Norwegian can seem like an intimidating prospect. The Local asked Norwegian language expert Tor Mæhre for his top three tips to help you learn Norwegian more efficiently. 

Pictured is somebody learning.
Here is a Norwegian language expert's top tips for learning Norwegian. Pictured is somebody learning.Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

While the sheer number of fluent English speakers in Norway and the existence of jobs where Norwegian won’t be the primary working language means that it is entirely possible to get by in the Nordic country with a limited grasp of the local tongue. 

However, learning the language can considerably improve your life in Norway, boosting your career prospects, helping you feel more settled and making it easier to make friends with the locals. 

Unfortunately, learning a language can seem like an incredibly daunting ordeal, and the fear of plunging into the deep end only grows the longer you leave it. But, it doesn’t have to be that way, as language expert Tor Mæhre told The Local. 

“My advice is to start small. If you’re in Norway, just speak with the shop staff: “Hei” or “god dag” is a good starting point. If you’re not in Norway, you can try looking for a tutor on different teaching platforms or with a local teacher. Just a 30-minute lesson will be a huge leap when starting out,” he said. 

Mæhre is perhaps better known among language learners as the man behind Norwegian with Tor, the online platform he set up to help teach Norwegian online to students of all ability levels. 

After starting teaching Norwegian five years ago, Mærhe has grown a social media following, with over 60,000 followers on Instagram, while also sharing videos on TikTok and Youtube

Getting to grips with a new set of grammar rules can be one of the most intimidating challenges when learning a new language. Although, the language expert, now based out of Bergen on the west coast of Norway, explained that compared to other languages, Norwegian is relatively straightforward. 

“I will say that starting out, you’ll see that Norwegian grammar is surprisingly simple. It’s only at a higher level (A2 level +) you’ll be confronted with confusing clauses and conjugations etc. So, for beginners, Norwegian is probably the best choice if you are allergic to grammar,” Mærhe explained. 

He also shared three expert tips for learning Norwegian with The Local. 

Tip one: Listen carefully

“My first piece of advice is to listen carefully. The pronunciation is probably the most confusing part of the language since written Norwegian (bokmål) is not the same as spoken Norwegian. This is due to all the dialects in our country and also due to odd rules regarding specific words,” the language expert said. 

Tip two: Don’t get overwhelmed 

“My second piece of advice is to not get overwhelmed. Don’t listen to difficult podcasts or watch movies without subtitles at the start. Secondly, we have hundreds of dialects here. So, begin easy and learn, for example, southern (Oslo dialect). Learn the fundamentals here, and later on, you can try out other dialects if you’d like,” Mærhe explained. 

Tip three: Do what works best for you 

“My third piece of advice is to find resources you’d like to learn Norwegian from. Some people like YouTube. Some like Duolingo. Some like Instagram. We’re all different. You find plenty of free resources out there. And when you’re ready to take the next leap, you can think about buying a book or potentially a language course,” Mærhe said. 

“When speaking of resources. I share videos and posts every day on my own Instagram page, where you can hear and read Norwegian on a daily basis. It’s an excellent start for you who are eager to start out,” he added. 

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The Norwegian vocab you need to understand the citizenship process

Many people who have settled in Norway aim to become citizens. The process involves some specific terminology you'll want to familiarise yourself with.

The Norwegian vocab you need to understand the citizenship process

Norway, a country often dubbed the envy of the world due to its social safety net, high standard of living, and jaw-dropping natural sights, often leaves a lasting impression on those who move here.

Therefore, it’s no surprise that many who move to this Scandinavian country develop a connection to it, leading them to consider becoming Norwegian citizens.

READ MORE: How long does it take to get Norwegian citizenship in 2024?

However, the journey to Norwegian citizenship is not without its complexities. The process is layered with various steps and requirements that can vary depending on your background and individual circumstances.

Adding to the challenge is the specific terminology used in the citizenship process.

Basic considerations

Like any legal procedure, obtaining Norwegian citizenship (Norwegian:statsborgerskap) involves a host of specific terms and phrases that are crucial for applicants to understand.

In this article, we will focus on the process for European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) nationals, as put forward by the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI).

First of all, if you live in Norway with a valid residence permit (Norwegian: oppholdstillatelse), note that it’s essential to ensure that your residence permit remains valid not only when you apply but also while your application (Norwegian: søknad) is being processed.

If your permit is close to expiring, remember to renew it (Norwegian:å fornye) at least one month before it expires (Norwegian: å utløpe).

The requirements (Norwegian: kravene) for Norwegian citizenship aren’t uniform for everyone.

Factors such as age, who you are married to, and when you arrived in Norway can affect how long you must have lived in Norway before applying.

You can learn more about the application process – and challenges often related to it – in The Local’s deep dive on the topic.

Other key requirements: Application fee, language and social studies tests

An application fee (Norwegian: søknadsgebyr) must be paid when you submit your citizenship application (Norwegian: søknad om statsborgerskap).

Verifying your identity is usually done through presenting an ID document (Norwegian: ID-dokument), such as a passport (Norwegian: pass).

Applicants must have been residing permanently in Norway (Norwegian: bo fast i Norge) at the time of application and plan to continue living in the country.

Typically, applicants aged between 18 and 67 years must pass Norwegian language tests (Norwegian: norskprøve) and a social studies test (Norwegian: prøve i samfunnskunnskap).

You can find out more about the two tests here (for the Norwegian language one) and here (for the social studies test) in our explainers.

The standard citizenship requirement involves having lived in Norway for at least eight of the past eleven years, with each residence permit valid for at least one year.

There are several exceptions to this rule, relating to refugees (Norwegian: flyktninger) and asylum seekers (Norwegian: asylsøker), financially independent individuals, and those who were born in Norway or moved to the country before the age of 18.

Other requirements exist, which we cover in more detail in articles that focus on the application process itself.

Dual citizenship and other important details

Since January 1st, 2020, Norway has allowed dual citizenship (Norwegian: dobbelt statsborgerskap), which means you can retain another nationality (Norwegian: å beholde det andre statsborgerskapet) without losing your Norwegian citizenship.

However, it’s important to check the regulations (Norwegian: reguleringer) of your current country of citizenship because some countries do not allow dual citizenship.

Understanding the terms we highlighted above not only eases communication with immigration authorities (Norwegian: immigrasjonsmyndigheter) but also enhances your own understanding of the process’s requirements and expectations.

This, in turn, helps alleviate stress and build confidence, making the entire process more managable.

Note that, as we have explained, becoming eligible for Norwegian citizenship is a process which takes years.

When you finally submit your documents (Norwegian: å sende inn dokumenter), you could find out whether you have been successful in a couple of months or up to two years. 

The Local has an explainer that looks at why some Norwegian citizenship applications take much longer than others.

Keep in mind that if you’re unsure about any details of your citizenship application, it’s always best to reach out directly to the UDI.