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How to refer to all the family members in Spanish

Family is very important is Spanish culture, so it's a good idea to learn early on who everyone is and how to refer to them. From the easier ones like 'hermano' to the harder ones like 'suegra', here are all the terms you need to know.

How to refer to all the family members in Spanish
Do you know your 'cuñados' from your 'yernos' in Spanish family talk? (Photo by CRISTINA QUICLER / AFP)

If you have Spanish friends or family, you’ll soon realise that large family gatherings are an important part of life in Spain, particularly during big holidays.

To help you remember how to refer to everyone or to know who everyone is talking about, we’ve put together a little guide to family members in Spanish. 

As we move away from the immediate family, it gets slightly more complicated, but let’s start with the easy ones.  

Madre is of course the word for mother, but Spanish children often use other words too including mamá, mami and ma. To use it in a sentence for example you might say ‘Mi mamá es la mejor’ (my mum is the best).

Padre is the Spanish for father and is often also called other words such as papá, papi and pa. Remember to put the accent on the end of papá otherwise you’ll be writing el Papa, meaning the Pope or la papa, meaning the potato. Example: ‘A mi papá le gusta el helado’ (my dad likes ice cream).

To refer to both parents at once, you would say padres.  

Esposo/a – Husband or wife. For husband, you can also say marido, but you shouldn’t refer to your wife as a ‘marida’. She would be your mujer or esposa instead.
Example: ‘Este es mi esposo’ (This is my husband).  

Pareja – Partner. Not everyone in Spain gets married of course, so to describe your partner you just use pareja, regardless of whether it’s a man or a woman. To say boyfriend or girlfriend, you say novio/a. Example: Mi pareja tiene un viaje de negocios. My partner has a business trip.

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Hermano/a – Brother or sister depending on if it ends in the masculine ‘o’ or the feminine ‘a’. Remember that for almost all the terms below, if you use the masculine plural version such as hermanos, it will refer to both your male and female relatives. Example: ‘Mi hermana es mayor que yo’ (My sister is older than me).  

Hijo/hija – Son or daughter, again depending on what ending you use. You may also hear mijo or mija used by Spanish mothers, which is a shortened version of mi hijo or mi hija. Example: ‘A su hijo le gusta leer’ (His son likes to read).

Abuelo/a – Grandpa or grandma. You may also use the diminutive terms abuelito or abuelita, or the shortened version abu. Different regions and different families may often also use other terms, such as yaya for granny or nanna or yayo for poppa. Example: ‘Mis abuelos viven en Francia’ (my grandparents live in France).

Tío/a – Uncle or aunt. Be careful with this one though as you’ll often hear people referring to each other as tío or tía in everyday speech when the person they’re talking to is not even a relation of theirs. It’s just a colloquial slang term to use when talking to friends. A colloquial way of referring to your aunt or uncle in Spanish is also tita or tito, as well as los titos to refer to the two of them or other uncles and aunts. Example: ‘Mi tía es escritora’ (my aunt is a writer)

Primo/a – Cousin. If you are referring to your cousins in general you can use primos. A first cousin is a primo carnal or primo/a hermano/a, whereas a second cousin is a primo/a segundo/a. It can sometimes be used as slang to refer to a friend, in the same vein as tío/a. Example: ‘Mis primos tienen una casa grande’ (my cousins have a big house).  

Sobrino/a – nephew or niece. Again for both of them, you can use the masculine sobrinos. You can also shorten it to sobri, applicable to either both sexes.
Example: ‘Tengo 7 sobrinos’ (I have 7 nephews and nieces).

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Nieto/a – Grandson or granddaughter. A great-grandson or great-granddaughter is bisnieto or bisnieta. Example: ‘Su nieta es una famosa bailarina’ (Her granddaughter is a famous ballerina). 

Bisabuelo/a – Great-grandfather or great-grandmother.
Example: Mi bisabuela cumplirá 100 años el próximo año’ (My great-grandmother will turn 100 next year).

Tatarabuelo/a – Great-great grandfather or grandmother. If you want to go further back you keep on adding more tatatas to refer to great-great-great grandparents. Example: ‘Mi tatarabuelo viajó a España desde Chile’ (my great-great grandfather travelled to Spain from Chile). 

Suegro/a – Father or mother-in-law. Example: ‘Mi suegra hizo el pastel para nuestra boda’ (My mother-in-law made the cake for our wedding).

Cuñado/a – Brother or sister in law. Example: ‘A mi cuñado le gusta ir de pesca’ (My brother-in-law likes to go fishing).

Familia política – In-laws. It may seem bizarre to refer to your in-laws as your ‘political family’, but that’s how it is in Spain. Example: Estas navidades me toca cena con mi familia política. This Christmas I’m having dinner with my in-laws.

Yerno – Son-in-law. Example – Mi yerno es un juerguista (My son-in-law is a party animal).

Nuera – Daughter-in-law. Unlike the other names above where you exchange an ‘o’ or an ‘a’ for masculine or feminine, for son or daughter-in-law, there are separate words completely.
Example: ‘Mi nuera es de Argentina’ (my daughter-in-law is from Argentina).

Padastro/a – Stepfather. Example – ‘Mi padrastro tiene 55 años’ (my stepfather is 55 years old).

Madastro/a – Stepmother. Example: ‘Mi madrastra no es como las madrastras de los cuentos de hadas’ (my stepmother is not like the stepmothers in fairytales).

Hijastro/a – Stepson or stepdaughter Example: ‘Su hijastro se va a Jamaica’ (Her stepson is going to Jamaica).

Hermanastro/a – Stepbrother or stepsister Example: ‘Su hermanastra es la hija de su madrastra’ (His stepsister is the daughter of his stepmother).

Madrina – Godmother. Example: ‘Ella era la madrina del bebé’ (She was the baby’s godmother).

Padrino – Godfather Example – ‘Mi padrino solía comprarme dulces’ (My godfather used to buy me sweets).

Ahijado/a – Godson or Goddaughter. Example: ‘Aquí hay una foto de mi ahijado’ (Here is a photo of my godson).

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How much does it cost to hire a babysitter or nanny in Spain?

Understanding the going rate and requirements for a babysitter or nanny in Spain depends on where in the country you are and what exactly you’re looking for.

How much does it cost to hire a babysitter or nanny in Spain?

If you’re looking for childcare in Spain, you’ll likely come across a few different terms. 

Canguro – literally meaning kangaroo, in Spain canguro is also used to refer to someone who provides childcare, usually a babysitter – ie. someone who cares for children on a special occasion or for a specific period of time.

Niñera – a niñera, on the other hand, is more like a nanny, and someone who cares for children on a more regular basis. 

Often niñeras will pick the children up from school, feed them, supervise them, help with homework, and generally play a much larger role in the child (and family’s) life. Sometimes niñeras may also have some cleaning duties, depending on the arrangement they have with the family.

Au pair – In Spain you’ll also hear au pair used, which in Spanish has pretty much exactly the same meaning as it does in English. That is to say, a carer, usually female, usually younger, who may take a year or two out to care (and often teach) children while living with the family.

Generally speaking, however, canguro is most used in Spain but many Spaniards will use canguro and niñera interchangeably as both are childcare jobs usually paid by the hour, whether it be regularly or a one off.

READ ALSO: What childcare options are available over the summer in Spain?

What is the average price of a babysitter or nanny in Spain?

Based on data collected by from thousands of registered babysitters and nannies, the average price of a babysitter in Spain in 2024 is €8.93 per hour.

However, the average price varies depending on where you are in Spain. 

The region with the highest average babysitter or nanny rates is the Balearic Islands, with an average price of €9.28, followed by the Basque Country, with an average price of €9.25. At the other end of the scale, the region with the lowest average hourly rates is Extremadura, with an average price of €8.65.

However, the difference between the highest and lowest average price in Spain is only around 50 cents, so we can work on the rough assumption that nannies and babysitters in Spain will ask for anything roughly between €8.50-€9.50 per hour.

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Obviously, the greater the responsibility in the role the more they would likely ask for. Factors such as the babysitter’s experience, the number of children to be looked after and other tasks the babysitter is asked to do can influence the rate.

If you’re employing a nanny with greater responsibilities, many may ask for more than the going rate for a babysitter.

You should really be paying at least minimum wage, even though some regions don’t on average and many people will of course enter in private arrangements with babysitters below this rate. With a recent increase in the SMI, domestic workers like nannies and babysitters should receive at least €8.87 per hour, according to the Spanish government.

What about the requirements? 

When it comes to hiring a babysitter in Spain, recommends a thorough selection process to find the best candidate for your children. To make sure he or she has the required experience, you should ask for references from families they’ve previously worked for.

Many families choose to interview potential candidates, and perhaps even see how they get on with the children, and they can also request to see their CV or Informe de Vida Laboral (Work Life Report) to check qualifications and previous work experience.

Once you’ve chosen a candidate and agreed an hourly rate and schedule, there are various administrative procedures you’ll need to do and several documents you’ll need to draw up a contact (though remember, many families prefer to employ babysitters and nannies informally or off the books).

For a contract, you’ll need their ID or passport, residence permit if they aren’t from an EU country, Social Security card, a document that proves their address, and many families also demand a criminal record certificate.

Of course, when formalising the contract, everything must be specified: type of contract (temporary or permanent); hourly salary; hours; and responsibilities.