Norwegian study highlights importance of whale excrement in ocean fertilisation

Minke whale excrement is "worth its weight in gold" as it plays an important role in fertilising phytoplankton and thereby reducing the cetacean's carbon footprint, according to a Norwegian study.

Minke whale
Researchers believe a decrease in whale populations could lead to a decline in ocean fertilisation. Photo by Karl-Heinz Müller on Unsplash

For the first time, researchers from the Norwegian Institute for Marine Research have studied the concentration of nutrients in whale excrement before it is dissolved in seawater.

“It can sound disgusting, but for the ecosystem it’s worth its weight in gold,” researchers said in a statement Thursday.

“The idea is simply that the faeces fertilize the sea in the same way that cows and sheep do on land,” they continued.

The researchers analysed the excrement of minke whales harpooned by whalers — as Norway is one of few countries allowing the commercial hunting of these cetaceans.

The some 15,000 whales that migrate each summer to the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard in the Arctic release some 600 tonnes of excrement on the surface of the water each day, at a rate of about 40 kilograms (88 pounds) per animal.

According to the study, the daily excrement releases about 10 tonnes of phosphorus and 7 tonnes of nitrogen into the oceans, nutrients that are essential for the growth of phytoplankton — microscopic algae that absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and convert it into oxygen.

Measuring the contribution

The scientists concluded that the minke whale excrement contributed to between 0.2 and 4 percent of daily phytoplankton production in the Arctic Svalbard region.

“The real contribution of whales is probably higher because these estimates do not include urine, which is very rich in nitrogen,” research leader Kjell Gundersen told AFP.

Each minke whale — an animal weighing 40-50 tonnes as an adult that feeds by filtering large quantities of water — releases “several hundred litres of urine” per day.

“If there are fewer whales, there is a risk that there will be less fertilisation of the ocean,” Gundersen said.

“More phytoplankton production also means more CO2 is absorbed,” he added.

“This is positive for the climate,” he noted, “but we don’t know the net balance of whales in terms of greenhouse gases” because cetaceans also emit methane when they breathe.

This question, which is still largely unexplored, will be the subject of a European study that will start in June and last four years.

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Norway to be taken to court by WWF over deep sea mining

The World Wide Fund for Nature's (WWF) Norwegian chapter said Thursday it would take legal action against Norway for opening up its seabed to mining before performing sufficient impact studies.

Norway to be taken to court by WWF over deep sea mining

Already Western Europe’s largest oil and gas producer, Norway could become one of the first countries to authorise seabed mining, arguing the importance of not relying on China or authoritarian countries for minerals essential for renewable technology.

While deep-sea mining is contentious due to its potential impact on vulnerable marine ecosystems, Norway’s parliament in January formally gave its green light to open up parts of its seabed to exploration.

“Norway’s decision to proceed with opening up vast areas of ocean for destructive mining, is an unprecedented management scandal,” Karoline Andaur, CEO of WWF Norway, said in a statement.

“We have never before seen a Norwegian government so arrogantly ignore all scientific advice and defy the warnings of a united marine research community,” she continued.

According to WWF, the impact studies carried out by Norway’s energy ministry did not meet the criteria required by Norwegian law.

During the public hearing process, the Norwegian Environment Agency — a government agency — reached the same conclusion, citing “significant gaps in the knowledge about nature, technology and environmental impact.”

Several countries, including France and the UK, have called for a moratorium on deep-sea mining, and the European Parliament expressed concern following Norway’s decision to move forward.

Meanwhile, Oslo maintains that by allowing the prospecting it wants to fill in gaps in knowledge to determine whether undersea mining can take place without serious impact on the environment. Otherwise, it will not be authorised.

“We believe that a thorough process has been carried out with broad involvement, and that the applicable requirements have been followed,” Astrid Bergmal, state secretary at Norway’s Ministry of Energy, told AFP in an email Thursday.

On April 12th, the Ministry announced that it was opening up an area of the Norwegian Sea and Greenland Seas to exploration, with the aim of awarding the first licences in the first half of 2025.

In early 2023, the Norwegian Offshore Directorate published a report concluding that “substantial resources are in place on the seabed” including minerals such as copper, zinc and cobalt.

Among other uses, they are crucial for the manufacturing of batteries, wind turbines, computers and mobile phones.