Spain imposes corona tests for China arrivals starting Saturday

Passengers arriving at Spanish airports from China will be screened for Covid starting Saturday, authorities said, following an explosion of cases in China.

Covid test
Spanish authorities announced that passengers arriving from China at Spanish airports would be tested for coronavirus starting on Saturday. Photo by Guido Hofmann / Unsplash

The measure will remain in place until at least February 15th, Spain’s health ministry said in a statement, with travellers arriving from China required to undergo a temperature check and a Covid-19 test.

“A major concern lies in the possibility of new variants appearing in China that have not been controlled,” Spanish health minister Carolina Darias told a press conference on Friday.

“Given the health situation in that country, we know the importance of acting with coordination, but also the importance of acting quickly.”

The first flight from China that will be affected by the new rules is scheduled to arrive at Madrid airport on Saturday at 6 pm (1700 GMT), the ministry’s statement said.

Coronavirus infections have surged in China, overwhelming hospitals as the country unwinds hardline controls that torpedoed the economy and sparked nationwide protests.


A growing number of countries, including the United States, have imposed restrictions on all visitors from mainland China after Beijing decided to end mandatory quarantine on arrival, prompting many jubilant Chinese to make plans to travel abroad.

But the European Union’s health agency said Thursday that such restrictions weren’t warranted in the bloc.

Chinese citizens have been largely confined to their country since Beijing pulled up the drawbridge in March 2020

But Darias said China was set to lift its travel restrictions on January 8, which would likely cause a “significant” rise in people travelling abroad.

In 2019, around 700,000 tourists with Chinese residency visited Spain, according to Spain’s tourism ministry.

That figure dropped sharply to about 130,000 in 2020 and 30,000 in 2021, according to the Spanish statistics institute.

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VIDEO: Four injured after ceiling collapses at Valencia airport

Four people have been injured at Valencia airport in eastern Spain when part of a ceiling collapsed in the departure lounge. 

VIDEO: Four injured after ceiling collapses at Valencia airport

The incident occurred at around 18:45pm on Sunday in the terminal departure gate. According to sources Aena, the body that runs Spain’s airport network, the four passengers suffered minor injuries and were treated by airport staff.

“I heard a thunderous noise and then I noticed how several debris hit my head, my arms…. We were very lucky. The worst thing is the fear and the psychological impact,” said one of the four injured.

Aena sources added that the four injured passengers also inhaled dust after the accident, but were all able to continue their respective journeys after receiving medical assistance.

Shortly before the roof collapsed, a Guardia Civil officer warned one of the passengers to stand back. “He told me to stand further back, as he could see that the ceiling was affected. I didn’t think much of it,” they said.

Shortly thereafter, a wooden structure and part of the ceiling collapsed and debris fell on the four people. Three of them were seated while waiting for their flight and one was standing. “I’d gotten up to buy a bottle of water and the ceiling fell just as I was about to sit down again,” said another injured traveller.

The victims suffered contusions to the head, arms and other parts of the body. “Large chunks of ceiling, wood and light bulbs fell. One of the debris broke when it hit my sister in the head,” she added.

Aena has opened an investigation into the incident.

READ ALSO: Valencia and Alicante airports ‘on brink of collapse’ ahead of busy summer