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​​Swedish word of the day: nämndeman

If you are not a judge, but doing a judge’s job.

Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

A nämndeman is a layman who together with a professional judge passes judgements in court. The noun ​​nämnd is a committee of appointed people, a board, or a jury. The adjective nämnd, which means ‘named’ or ‘mentioned’, is also used in the sense of ‘appointed’. So a nämndeman is an ‘appointed man’. In English, you would call this person a ‘lay judge’.  

So, what is a lay judge? Sometimes called a lay assessor, a lay judge is a person assisting a judge in a trial. Not used in all legal jurisdictions, lay judges are appointed (and in the Swedish case politically appointed) and often require some legal instruction. The position is not permanent. 

In Sweden, nämndemän serve next to professional judges in district and appellate general and administrative courts, such as tingsrätt, hovrätt, förvaltningsrätt, kammarrätt, though not in the higher courts, such as Högsta domstolen and Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen. In district court trials lay judges always outnumber professional judges, a situation which is reversed in the appellate courts. 

It is the municipal assemblies that appoint lay judges to the district courts, whereas county councils appoint them to the appellate and county administrative courts. Nämndemän serve for four years, typically a bit more than a day a month. 

Would you like to become a nämndeman?

Then you should know that the position is open to all Swedish citizens over 18 and under 70 years of age, who are law-abiding, not in bankruptcy, and can pass a lämplighetsprövning – a test to see if you are suitable. There are also certain professions that are prohibited from serving, such as judges, court officers, prosecutors, police, attorneys, and other legal professionals.

People working at the following authorities are also prohibited from serving: Skatteverket, Försäkringskassan, Migrationsverket, Transportstyrelsen, and Länsstyrelsen.

An important takeaway here is that you need no legal training to become a nämndeman

You should also know that nämndemän are usually local politicians working at the assembly from which they were appointed, and they are appointed in proportion to political party representation at the last local elections. So if you want to serve you should approach your local party of choice. 

As many of you might imagine, this system of using non-professionals in the legal system is not without its controversies. 

In a famous example from 2018, The Local revealed that two lay judges at Solna District Court appointed by the Centre Party had swung a court ruling based on what party leader Annie Lööf described as “Islamist” values, and in doing so acquitted a man of an alleged assault against his wife. 

In the year that followed that scandal a member of Annie Lööf’s party motioned to abolish the system, a move many would support. But the system has a long tradition, the use of nämndemän in Sweden goes back about 800 years, and such traditions are not easily changed. 

Practice using nämndeman by asking your favourite Swedes what they know about the system and whether they think it is a good system. 

Here are some useful questions. Good luck!

Example sentences:

Bettan, vet du hur nämndemannasystemet fungerar?

Bettan, do you know how the nämndeman system works?

Tycker du att det är bra för rättvisan med nämndemän?

Do you think nämndemän are good for justice?.

Villa, Volvo, Vovve: The Local’s Word Guide to Swedish Life, written by The Local’s journalists, is now available to order. Head to to read more about it. It is also possible to buy your copy from Amazon US, Amazon UK, Bokus or Adlibris.

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Swedish word of the day: arbetstillstånd

Today’s word of the day is one many of our readers from outside the EU are already familiar with.

Swedish word of the day: arbetstillstånd

Arbetstillstånd, as many foreigners living in Sweden no doubt already know, is the Swedish word for a work permit. Like many of the words we feature in this column, it’s a compound word.

The first part of the word, arbet, from arbete, means “work”, both in the sense of a job you’re paid for and in the sense of carrying out a particular unpaid task with some degree of effort, like working in the garden (trädgårdsarbete), for example.

You can use the noun jobb or verb jobba in much the same way. 

Similar words to arbete exist in many other Northern European languages, like Norwegian arbeid, Danish arbejde, Faroese arbeiði, German Arbeit and Dutch arbeid. The Swedish word arvode, which refers to a one-off fee for some sort of work often paid to freelancers instead of a salary, also comes from the same Proto-Germanic root.

The English word “work” also exists in Swedish as verk, where it can refer to a body of work (see also mästerverk, masterpiece), some sort of government authority (like the Migration Agency, Migrationsverket), or a machine or other service like a waterworks (vattenverk) or power plant (kraftverk – like the German electronic band Kraftwerk, but spelled slightly differently).

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The second half of arbetstillstånd, tillstånd, has a few different meanings. It can refer to a state or condition, like hälsotillstånd (health status), or in the phrase sakernas tillstånd (the state of things).

Tillstånd can be both a countable and uncountable noun. If you’re not sure what that means, think of the difference between “money”, which is uncountable (you can’t say “one money”), and “coin”, which is countable (two coins).

You can use the word ett tillstånd on its own, but Swedes more often just combine the word with whatever the permit is for, like an uppehållstillstånd (residence permit), serveringstillstånd (permit for serving alcohol) or a fisketillstånd (fishing permit).

Example sentences:

När kommer försörjningskravet för arbetstillstånd höjas?

When will the maintenance requirement for work permits be raised?

Har du arbetstillstånd i Sverige? Nej, jag har uppehållstillstånd som familjemedlem till någon i Sverige, men jag får arbeta ändå.

Do you have a work permit in Sweden? No, I have a residence permit as a family member of someone in Sweden, but I’m allowed to work anyway.

Villa, Volvo, Vovve: The Local’s Word Guide to Swedish Life, written by The Local’s journalists, is available to order. Head to to read more about it. It is also possible to buy your copy from Amazon USAmazon UKBokus or Adlibris.