France orders cold-callers to use 09 prefix phone numbers

Calls from companies, including cold-calls, are to become instantly recognisable to customers in France under a new rule that requires them to use 09 prefix phone numbers.

France’s telecom authority, Arcep, announced on Monday that it would begin requiring phone calls from ‘technical platforms’, such as call centres, to call from numbers starting with 09.

The prefix is intended to help consumers avoid “fraud and abuse” by allowing them to tell the difference between personal mobile numbers, typically those beginning with 06 and 07, from calls or messages coming from companies. 

This means that automated systems will no longer be able to use mobile numbers beginning with 06 or 07 for cold calling. 

Additionally, automated calling will no longer come from regional numbers – those that begin with 01, 02, 03, 04, and 05.

Another reason for the change is to create a specific, clear “09 category for e-commerce communications (such as deliveries or drop-offs) and SMS reminders and confirmations for events, like online medical consultations. 

Ultimately, the change will allow customers to recognise at first glance the origin of the call and, unless waiting for a delivery or confirmation message, choose not to answer.

The announcement comes as part of a larger modernisation campaign for national phone numbering, which began in 2018.

Member comments

  1. On face value, this seems like a good idea. However, our private house landline number issued by Bouygues Telecom 18 months ago, begins with an 09 prefix. Bouygues Telecom would not issue us with a Morbihan regional number beginning 0297. Does this now infer that when we call people, they will presume that we are a cold-caller?

  2. My house landline, with Orange/Sosh, also begins with an 09 prefix. I was given the option to change my regional number to, what I was told by Orange, was my Broadband number and I chose to do this because I thought it may reduce the number of cold calls I was receiving. It seemed to help for a short period but now the cold calls are as bad as ever. Now everyone will assume I’m a cold-caller.
    What are the Government playing at – surely they must know that 09 numbers can, and often are, used by private households. Also, what are they doing about the fact that registering with Bloctel seems to have no effect whatsoever. Somebody needs to put them straight.

  3. It seems like a good idea but we still won’t know, when a 09 call comes in, whether it is a cold call or something important.

  4. In this day and age, with advertising on or in just about every thing we see there is no need for ANY cold calling. It provides only a service to those trying to sell something – it doesn’t add anything to the individual enjoyment of peace, privacy and life of the subscriber, rather the opposite. It is an intrusion into the peace and security of our homes and to add insult to our cost time. It should be banned completely with severe penalties for those who ignore the ban. Further the companies who supply the telephone numbers should cancel the telephone number of any enterprise cold calling immediately and be heavily fined if they fail to do so.
    This proposal has all the marks of a French governmental fudge. It hasn’t been thought through, it is a light wallpapering over the crack of a growing anger amongst citizens. Frankly it’s a pathetic response to a growing irritation.
    Europe needs to take a lead in this even though there will still be business outside EU’s purview.
    Why is it allowed at all?

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5 things Brits in France need to know about swapping driving licences

Now that the dust has settled from the somewhat chaotic post-Brexit period, the system for swapping a UK driving licence for a French one seems to be running fairly smoothly. There are, however, some things that UK licence holders need to know.

5 things Brits in France need to know about swapping driving licences

This article is aimed at holders of a UK or Northern Ireland driving licence who are living in France – tourists, visitors and second-home owners can continue to drive in France on a UK licence and do not need an international driving permit.

British students who are studying in France on a student visa can continue to drive on their UK licence during their studies – if however they settle in France afterwards, they need to follow the below process for swapping their licence. 

1 You’re special

Well, maybe special is over-stating it, but the system for holders of UK and NI licence holders is different to that of other non-EU nationals, and also different to the system for EU licence holders.

The reason for this is that a pragmatic post-Brexit agreement was (finally) reached between France and the UK, in order to avoid the chaos that was triggered when thousands of Brits in France all tried to swap their driving licences at once.

Unlike almost all other post-Brexit agreements, this one applies both to people who moved to France before the end of Brexit transition period in 2021 and those who have moved here since. 

The below terms apply to everyone who has a UK or NI licence, regardless of their nationality or when they moved to France. 

2 But you still have to swap

It was technically always the case that Brits who were living in France should have swapped their licence for a French one, just as other EU licence holders do now, but in reality many people lived here for years or decades without ever exchanging their licence and there was little or no enforcement of the rule.

That has now changed and you must swap according to the following timetable;

If your UK licence was issued after January 1st, 2021 – you must swap within one year of moving to France.

If your UK licence was issued before January 1st 2021 – you only swap when you meet one of the following conditions;

  • The licence itself or the photocard is within six months of its expiry date. For more people the photocard expiry will come around first, but UK licences also require renewal when the holder reaches the age of 70
  • Your licence has been lost or stolen
  • You have been ordered to exchange your licence by a gendarme after committing a driving offence

For people who are exchanging because the licence is about to expire, it is important that you don’t start the process until your licence is within six months of the expiry date – early applications will simply be rejected.

3 It might not be as much of a nightmare as you think 

Unlike the old days when licence swaps were done by préfectures, the whole process has now moved online and is run through a single, central system.

The online portal for requesting a swap is known as ANTS and you can find it HERE.

If you haven’t used it before you will need to create an online account, or if you already have online accounts for French government services such as Ameli or tax declarations you can login by clicking on the France Connect button.

Once logged in, select Je demande l’échange ou l’enregistrement de mon permis de conduire étranger (I request the exchange or registration of a foreign driving licence) and fill in the details requested on the form such as name, address etc.

You might be pleasantly surprised by the fact the form itself is relatively straightforward (as French admin forms go), asking basic questions such as your personal details and the details of your driving licence.

You will have to upload supporting documents, but these are likely to be things that you already have to hand including

  • Proof of ID (passport or carte de séjour)
  • Proof of address (a recent utility bill or attestation from your utility provider)
  • If your driver’s licence is in a different name to your passport, you will need to supply your full birth certificate

You will also need to supply a photo – you can either use the internet-enabled Photomaton booths – find your nearest here – to create a digital photo with the required security code, or you can use the normal photo booths to print out a physical photo and send it by post after you have made your application. 

Once completed, you can use the ANTS site to track the progress of your application and upload any other documents that are requested.

4 But don’t leave it too late 

If you’re applying because your licence is about to expire then you cannot apply until you are within six months of the expiry date.

But it’s a good idea not to leave it until the last minute as the whole process does take time – things have improved massively since the dark days of 2020 and 2021 when people were waiting for years and their licences expired while they waited.

But it still takes time – the current average for a straightforward application with no extra documents required seems to be between four and five months, although processing times can vary, especially over holiday periods.

It’s therefore a good idea to make the application fairly soon after you enter that magic six-month window.

Once you make the application you should get an automated response acknowledging receipt – this is usually sent by SMS and/or email, it’s a good idea to check your spam folder if you don’t get the email.

Don’t panic if you don’t then hear anything for the next few weeks or even months, this appears to be normal. If your application is complete and there are no outstanding queries or other documents required, the next step will be a request to send in your old UK licence.

You send this by post (recorded delivery with a signature is strongly recommended) and at the same time you can download an Attestation de Depot de Permis de Conduire (certificate of deposit of driving licence) – you can use this to prove your continued entitled to drive in the period between sending in your old licence and receiving your new one.

Your French licence is then sent by registered post, and the window between posting the old licence and receiving the new one is usually not more than a month, you 

5 Help is out there 

If your application runs into problems or you have an untypical situation or find the ANTS website hard to use, don’t panic – help is available.

The Facebook group Driving in France – French Licence Applications is a good place to start with comprehensive guides and knowledgeable admins who are quick to respond to questions.

You can also chat to others in your situation and get updates on how long processing times seem to be.

If you have problems using the online system, your local France Services office may be able to help.

You can also head to The Local’s reader questions section, or email us at [email protected] if you have questions.

Digital licences

You might have heard about France’s new digital driving licence – unfortunately this is only available to people who have French citizenship (including dual nationals).