‘Close shave!’ How France’s De Gaulle escaped assassin’s bullets 60 years ago

August 22, 1962: French President Charles de Gaulle and his wife are being whisked by car through the Paris suburb of Petit-Clamart for a flight back to their country home, when a man on the side of the road waves a newspaper.

General de Gaulle with his son Philippe on a boat on the Rhine in Germany
This file photo from September 1962 shows then-President General de Gaulle (L) with his son Admiral Philippe de Gaulle on board a boat on the Rhine between Düsseldorf and Duisburg on a visit to Germany. AFP

The signal has been given.

A group of right-wing extremists spring into action and rake the presidential Citroen DS with gunfire.

Three of the bullets penetrate the bodywork and pass within inches of De Gaulle’s head but he and his wife Yvonne miraculously escape unharmed.

“They’re such bad shots!,” France’s World War II hero later jokes about the attempt on his life which shocks the country and gives De Gaulle an opportunity to boost the powers of his office.

Yvonne’s immediate concern meanwhile is for the jellied chicken she has in the boot of the car, having stocked up on the delicacy while in the capital.

Hail of bullets

Speeding along that summer evening towards a military airfield where they will board a plane taking them to their estate in the village of Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises, the presidential car is flanked by an escort vehicle and two motorcycle outriders.

Night is falling when the signal comes from the mastermind of the attack, Jean-Marie Bastien-Thiry, an engineer in the Air Ministry with the rank of lieutenant-colonel.

Bastien-Thiry is a member of the Secret Armed Organisation, known by its French acronym OAS, a far-right paramilitary group incensed by De Gaulle’s decision to grant independence to Algeria after a brutal eight-year liberation

The dozen-strong hit squad is a mix of “pieds-noirs” — Europeans born in Algeria during French rule which lasted from 1830 to 1962 — as well as former soldiers and students. The youngest is just 20 years old.

They open fire first with a machine gun from a yellow van, then from a second vehicle parked further down the road.

The attack lasts just 45 seconds.

More than 150 bullets are fired and there are eight impacts on the car body. One bullet goes through to the back passenger seat, shattering the window by the president and his wife, showered in glass.

The De Gaulles owe a debt of gratitude to the sangfroid of their driver Francis Marroux, who had also been at the wheel a year earlier when the presidential car survived a first assassination attempt — later attributed to
Bastien-Thiry — in the northeastern village of Pont-sur-Seine.

police photo of colonel jean bastien-thiry

This file photo taken on September 18, 1962 by the French judicial police shows Colonel Jean Bastien-Thiry who organised the August 22, 1962 attack against General de Gaulle in Petit-Clamart, south of Paris. (Photo by AFP)

Marroux manages to keep control of the vehicle and speeds off on two flat tyres under more fire.

De Gaulle’s son-in-law Alain de Boissieu also plays a key role. Sitting in the front of the car he shouts “Get down, father!” to France’s leader.

 ‘Close shave’

The unflappable De Gaulle, aged 71 at the time, initially acts as if nothing has happened. On arrival at Villacoublay military airport he reviews the troops as usual.

But when boarding the plane with Yvonne he admits to de Boissieu: “This time, it was a close shave!”

Jean-Noel Jeanneney, French historian and author of a book on the attack, says a combination of factors explains the failure of the 1962 hit, notably that none of those involved were ready to die for the cause.

Interviewed by AFP in 2012, one survivor of the cell blamed weapons jamming and shooters not being sufficiently trained.

“They’re such bad shots,” De Gaulle tells Prime Minister Georges Pompidou in a phone call on the night of the attack.

News of the assassination attempt spreads quickly.

“Failed attack against De Gaulle” AFP writes in a first “flash” at 8.55pm.

Another follows: “Shots were fired shortly after 8.00pm against General De Gaulle’s car near Villacoublay. No one was hit”.

Later it emerges that a man driving in the opposite direction was hit on the hand by a stray bullet but only lightly injured.

Mastermind executed

The hunt for the culprits is swift and efficient, with one of the suspects spilling the beans on the whole operation after his arrest.

Nearly all those involved are caught, including Bastien-Thiry. Nine men are put on trial, three of whom are sentenced to death.

De Gaulle pardons two of them but refuses clemency for Bastien-Thiry, who is the last person to be executed by firing squad in France on March 11, 1963 at the age of 35.

Ever the strategist, De Gaulle harnesses public outrage over the attack to build support for a constitutional amendment to have the president elected by popular vote, rather than by an electoral college.

The attack he confides to one of his ministers came “at just the right time.”


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S&P downgrades French credit rating in blow to Macron

Ratings agency Standard & Poor's downgraded France's credit score on Friday citing a deterioration in the country's budgetary position, a blow to Emmanuel Macron's government days before EU parliamentary elections.

S&P downgrades French credit rating in blow to Macron

In a statement, the American credit assessor justified its decision to drop France’s long-term sovereign debt rating from “AA” to “AA-” on concerns over lower-than-expected growth.

It warned that “political fragmentation” would make it difficult for the government to implement planned reforms to balance public finances and forecast the budget deficit would remain above the targeted three percent of GDP in 2027.

The S&P’s first downgrade of France since 2013 puts the EU’s second-largest economy on par with the Czech Republic and Estonia but above Spain and Italy.

The announcement will sting for Macron, who has staked a reputation as an economic reformer capable of restoring France’s accounts after low growth and high spending.

The risk of a ratings downgrade had been looming for several quarters, with the previous “AA” assessment given a “negative outlook”.

The surprise slippage in the public deficit for 2023 to 5.5 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) instead of the expected 4.9 percent did not play in the government’s favour.

France’s general government debt will increase to about 112 percent of GDP by 2027, up from around 109 percent in 2023, “contrary to our previous expectations”, the agency added.

Responding to the downgrade decision, Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire reaffirmed the government’s commitment to slashing the public deficit to below three percent by 2027.

“Our strategy remains the same: reindustrialise, achieve full employment and keep to our trajectory to get back under the three percent deficit in 2027,” he said in an interview with newspaper Le Parisien, insisting that nothing would change in the daily lives of the French.

Le Maire claimed the downgrade was primarily driven by the government’s abundant spending during the Covid pandemic to provide a lifeline to businesses and French households.

The main reason for the downgrade was because “we saved the French economy,” he said.

Government critics offered a different rationale.

“This is where the pitiful management of public finances by the Macron/Le Maire duo gets us!” Eric Ciotti, head of the right-wing Republicans party, wrote on social media platform X.

Far-right leader Marine Le Pen called the Macron administration’s handling of public finances “catastrophic” and denounced the government as being “as incompetent as they are arrogant”.

A credit downgrade risks putting off investors and making it more difficult to pay off debt.

Earlier this year, influential ratings agencies Moody’s and Fitch spared handing France a lower note.

S&P also maintained its “stable” outlook for France on Friday on “expectations that real economic growth will accelerate and support the government’s budgetary consolidation”, albeit not enough to bring down its high debt-to-GDP ratio.

“S&P’s downgrading of France’s debt simply reflects an imperative that we are already aware of: the need to continue restoring our public finances,” Public Accounts Minister Thomas Cazenave wrote in a statement sent to AFP.