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San Lorenzo: The best stargazing spots in Italy’s cities

August 10th is San Lorenzo, Italy's annual star-gazing festival. Here's where to try and catch the sight if you're in a major Italian city this year.

August 10th, the 'Notte di San Lorenzo', is Italy's favourite night for stargazing.
August 10th, the 'Notte di San Lorenzo', is Italy's favourite night for stargazing. Photo by Mariana SUAREZ / AFP.

One of the most romantic nights of the year in Italy is San Lorenzo, when shooting ‘stars’ can be seen across the sky.

In fact the spectacle is a meteor shower known as the Perseids – fiery debris from the Swift-Tuttle comet. As Earth’s orbit passes through the comet’s trail once a year in the summer, its inhabitants get a front-row seat to these unusually bright meteors, or fireballs.

The shower is known in Italian as le lacrime di san lorenzo, or ‘San Lorenzo’s tears’. August 10th is the name-day (onomastico) of San Lorenzo.

There’s a good chance of seeing falling stars any day this week, with August 12-13th tipped as the best nights to see a meteor shower. But the 10th is when you can really join Italians in celebrating the festival, with many towns and cities putting on events.

Here are your best bets for joining in the fun and doing a little star gazing if you’re in a major Italian city this year.


Gianicolo (‘Janiculum’) Hill, which overlooks the city of Rome, is one popular viewpoint to head for; and for those who want to lay down their blanket without having to make too much of a schlep there’s Circo Massimo, an ancient Roman chariot racetrack in the middle of the city.

It’s worth noting that due to their central locations, however, neither spot will have perfect visibility.

If you want somewhere a little further out (with less light pollution) there’s Parco degli Acquedotti, a park set amongst ancient Roman aquaducts in the south-east of the city; and Parco della Caffarella.

Both parks are ungated (something of a rarity for Rome), meaning they’re open 24 hours a day.

This year, Cinecittà is inviting those in the area to its newly opened ‘Roma World’ park a little outside the city. Entry will be free from 6pm, with access to telescopes and even an astronomer on hand to guide you.

The moon rises on Rome's ancient forum.
The moon rises on Rome’s ancient forum. Photo by VINCENZO PINTO / AFP.


At 8.45pm, Villa Vogel will once again put on Sotto le stelle‘ (‘Under the Stars’), a star-watching session led by the Florentine Astrological Society, with free watermelon and use of the park’s carousel.

If you’re not in the mood for an organised activity, the Pian dei Giullari, not far from Piazzale Michelangelo near the centre of Florence, is recommended or those who can’t get too far out of the city.

For those who have access to a car and can head a little further afield, the stone quarries of Maiano in the Fiesole area; or further out, the hill of Monte Morello, are both good star-gazing destinations.

Florence's Palazzo Vecchio lit up at night.
Florence’s Palazzo Vecchio lit up at night. Photo by FILIPPO MONTEFORTE / AFP.


If you want a peaceful spot outdoors to watch for shooting stars, one option is Parco di Trenno (also known as Parco Aldo Aniasi). This 50-hectare stretch of meadow and woodland sits between Milan’s San Siro stadium and the perhaps better-known park at Boscoincittà. Boscoincittà however closes at 8pm, while Parco di Trenno is ungated and remains accessible at night. 

Another ungated city park featuring meadows, woodlands and seemingly endless wide open spaces, Parco Nord is, as the name suggests, in the northern part of Milan. Like Parco di Trenno, it’s a peaceful space but it is still within the city, meaning visibility will still be affected somewhat by light pollution.

Unfortunately the Giardini Indro Montanelli planetarium in Porta Venezia, which usually organises a guided star-gazing for San Lorenzo on August 10th, is currently closed following the damage caused by Milan’s recent storms.

If it’s more of an organised activity you’re looking for, there are multiple events planned in nearby Varese, Bergamo and Monza.

The roof of Milan's duomo cathedral illuminated for a nighttime concert.

The roof of Milan’s duomo cathedral illuminated for a nighttime concert. Photo by GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP.


A half hour train ride away from Bologna city centre, the Planetarium of San Giovanni in Persiceto is once again hosting a series of events from 9.30pm onwards on August 10th, 11th and 12th.

Entry is free and no advance booking is required; attendees are invited to lie down on the lawn to look up at the sky.

Bologna’s Battiferro is hosting an evening of food, theatre and stargazing on August 10th, with dinner from 8pm, a show about falling stars at 9pm, and lights out to watch the sky after that. Tickets are €7.

If you have access to a car, a 40 minute drive southwest of the city, the Felsina Astronomical Observatory on August 11th and 12th is hosting two evenings dedicated to the meteor shower. Children can enter for free, while adults are asked to pay a €5 contribution.

If you’d rather do your own thing, Villa Ghigi, just outside the city in the southwest, is a recommended spot for stargazing, as is Parco Cavaioni a little further out.

Closer to the city centre (with its attendant light pollution) there’s Villa Spada and the Giardini Margherita.

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MAP: The parts of Italy getting the most tourism in 2024

New research has pinpointed the most over-touristed Italian cities in 2024; and beyond the usual suspects, there are some surprises.

MAP: The parts of Italy getting the most tourism in 2024

When Italy’s tourist numbers returned to post-pandemic levels a couple of years ago, there was widespread relief – but the mood quickly soured, as locals complained of being pushed out of their homes to make way for holiday lets.

It’s no secret that Italy has struggled to manage its tourist inflows in recent months, with some key hotspots becoming increasingly overwhelmed by visitors.

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Now new findings from Rome-based research institute Demoskopika shed light on the most overtouristed parts of the country; and while some destinations come as no surprise, others are more unexpected.

According to Demoskopika’s Comprehensive Tourist Overcrowding Index, Rimini – a seaside town in Emilia Romagna popular among Italian holidaymakers – is Italy’s most overcrowded province, followed by Venice.

Bolzano, Trento and Verona, in northeast Italy, all have ‘very high’ levels of tourist overcrowding, along with Naples and Livorno on the Tuscan coastline.

Areas with ‘high’ levels of overcrowding include Milan, Florence and Rome, alongside Forlì-Cesena and Ravenna in Emilia Romagna, Grosseto in Tuscany, Savona, Imperia and La Spezia in Liguria, Aosta, and Verbano-Cusio-Ossola in Piedmont.

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The parts of the country suffering the least from overtourism are concentrated in the south, with Benevento and Avellino in Campania, Rieti in southern Lazio, Reggio di Calabria, Isernia in Molise and Enna in Sicily at the bottom of the list.

Demoskopika’s overall index is based on five criteria: the number of tourists and hotels/holiday rentals per square mile; the ratio of tourists to residents; how booked up tourist accommodation is; and the share of municipal waste attributable to the tourism sector.

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“Overtourism not only threatens the sustainability of our most beloved destinations, but also risks compromising the experience for visitors and the quality of life for residents, said Demoskopika President Raffaele Rio.

“It is essential to implement tourism management policies that include time and number limitations for accessing the most at-risk places, along with strategies to promote alternative destinations that are less well-known but equally rich in culture and beauty.”

“It is time to act with awareness and responsibility, to ensure that tourism continues to be a source of cultural enrichment and economic development without becoming a burden for future generations.”