‘I’m terrified’: Your views on proposals for compulsory French tests for residency permits

France's Interior Minister has put forward plans to make a language test compulsory for certain types of long-term residency permits - although many readers of The Local support the basic principle, others told us of their fear that they would not be able to pass a written test.

'I'm terrified': Your views on proposals for compulsory French tests for residency permits
The prospect of having to do a French exam has worried many foreigners in France. Photo by FREDERICK FLORIN / AFP

There is still plenty that we don’t know about Gérald Darmanin’s proposal – which has not even gone before parliament for its first reading yet – here’s everything we know so far.

We wanted to know the reaction of the international community in France to the proposals, which would be the first time a formal language test is required for residency in France (although citizenship does have a language requirement).

Hundreds of people responded to our survey asking foreigners in France to share their views.


Firstly we asked ‘is it reasonable for a country to require its long-term residents to be able to speak the language?’.

Most people did not disagree with the principle, 33 percent said it was reasonable in all circumstances while a further 35 percent said it was reasonable in certain circumstances.

However 31 percent said they did not think it was a reasonable requirement, and one percent were not sure.

Liz Watkins-Young said: “It’s not unreasonable to require someone who lives long-term in your country to speak some level of your language in order that they can function and contribute to society. However I don’t think that’s the same level as someone seeking citizenship, where the right to vote and your responsibility as a citizen would require a higher language level.” 

“If someone is planning to live in a country long term they need to speak the language,” said Gilly Jones-Farrow in Perpignan. “A test to see if you have basic knowledge would be good, supported by government funded lessons to improve your skills.

“Too many English who live in France live in an expat bubble where only English is spoken. That’s okay but when they need to speak French they can not. Immersion totale worked for me. No English TV or radio and making French friends who don’t speak English.”

Another reader told us: “You need a basic level of language simply to be able to manage your affairs; to be able to communicate for instance with the tax office, with doctors, dentists, hospitals, your French neighbours, and also to understand what is going on in the country that you now live in.

“In the UK, we don’t expect foreigners to communicate with us in THEIR own language, do we? So why should the French need to be able to speak English in order to be able to communicate with us in France?”

TEST Is your French good enough for citizenship or residency?

Exemption for pensioners

But although many people agreed in principle, they were still worried about being able to pass the test.

The government has so far not revealed what level of French would be required, although it seems unlikely that it would be higher than the B1 level that is required for citizenship. 

While some readers told us that they have already got French citizenship – and therefore passed the B1 French test – others were worried about their language abilities.

The main theme that emerged was concern that older people would be more likely to struggle with gaining a formal qualification and therefore should be exempt from the language requirement.

The language test for citizenship used to have an exemption for the over 60s, but that was scrapped in 2020 – there is as yet no detail on whether the residency test will have any exemptions for certain groups.

Eloise Clark, living in Paris, told us: “As an older learner, I know I will never be fluent. Yet, I get by pretty well. What is the objective? I am not working, I am not dependent on the French state.”

Robert Heuer, living in Alsace, told us: “Just because I don’t speak French very well, doesn’t mean that I don’t love France or that I don’t have anything to give to my community. I work every day on my French but I don’t think I will ever be able to test the test.”

Jo Ann Alexander in Paris said: “We moved here for me to help my chronically ill daughter with child care. I am 72 and am not at B2 level. My husband, age 88 with dementia is also here for family support. Our only daughter and grand daughter are here.”

Pretoria Trevarton in Haut-Vienne, told us: “I’m in my 70s and never had any French language lessons at school. I’m trying hard to learn French, taking lessons, listening to CDs and practising but as I can’t even remember some things in English, I am struggling with learning French. But I’ve taken a semi-derelict house and turned it into a lovely home, as have many Brits I know.”

Several people also pointed out that the last two years have not been very conducive to picking up language skills. Chris Well in Paris said: “I arrived under Covid restrictions and am still reluctant to socialise a lot with other people. Therefore my ability to learn and listen to native speakers in a conversational context has been restricted.” 

Couples and learning disabilities

Other than the concern about elderly people struggling with language tests, several people raised other issues – will there be an exemption for people with learning disabilities? Would this mean that couples would be split up if one of them could not pass the language test? 

Michelle Leigh in Paris said: “I have a learning disability and it’s a very difficult language. I’m trying to juggle home responsibility, job, and I want to stay with my partner, but I can’t learn French fast enough.”

Sarah Bond said: “It would terrify me to have to take an exam/test even though my French isn’t bad. Not sure my husband would pass as his level of French is quite basic. What would happen to a couple if one person is not able to pass the test?”

Alice Yarrington in Charente added: “I am very dyslexic and I find writing incredibly hard.”

Angela Railton in Percy-en-Normandie said: “For myself, having only a temporary residency (Withdrawal Agreement) card as I was a few weeks short of the 5 years requirement when I had to apply, I will not be able to apply for a permanent card for another 4 years, by which time I will have been resident for nearly 10 years and the tests will be well in place by then! I am elderly with a medical condition affecting my brain. I don’t think my chances now of passing a test are at all good.”


Several of you also told us that you feared the policy was part of a general drift to the right by the French government, which could make life more difficult for foreigners in France.

Angela Railton in Percy-en-Normandie said: “It does seem to be a sop to the far right and may be the thin end of a wedge ending up with policies like Marine Le Pen’s, which are very disturbing indeed.”

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Ask the expert: What are the French immigration laws for ‘pacsé’ couples?

The French civil partnership known as Pacs is an alternative to marriage - but the situation is complicated if you're hoping to get a French visa or residency permit through being pacsé with a French or other EU national, as immigration lawyer Paul Nicolaÿ explains.

Ask the expert: What are the French immigration laws for 'pacsé' couples?

In a 2018 judgement, the Conseil d’Etat, France’s highest administrative Court, put an end to a long-running controversy as to whether or not an individual, signatory of a civil partnership under French law (Pacs) with a European citizen could be considered as a family member of the latter and therefore benefit from favourable EU regulations on immigration.

One of the core principles of the European Union has always been to facilitate the movement of European citizens within the territories of the Member States. And obviously, expatriation is a much more attractive option if family members are allowed to remain united without time limit and with rights equivalent to those of local citizens.

These assumptions form the basis of the European directive 2004/38/EC of 29 April 2004 on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States.

This regulation gives a precise definition of a “family member” that includes the spouse, the descendant, the ascendant in a state of dependance, and also “the partner with whom the Union citizen has contracted a registered partnership, on the basis of the legislation of a Member State, if the legislation of the host Member State treats registered partnerships as equivalent to marriage and in accordance with the conditions laid down in the relevant legislation of the host Member State”.

In other words, if a civil partnership, implemented by an EU Member State such as France, confers on its signatories the same status and the same rights and obligations as a marriage contracted in the same country, then civil partners must be considered as spouses under the EU aforementioned directive, and therefore benefit from the right to move and reside freely within the EU.

Quite logically, the issue was raised concerning the French civil partnership implemented in 1999 and called Partenariat civil de solidarité (Pacs).

After all, Pacs and marriage have in common the same obligation of common life, a commitment to mutual material support and the same consequences on taxes. In the meantime, unlike marriage, Pacs contracts have little to no effect on parentage, nationality, property, and inheritance and are much easier to rescind.

READ ALSO What are the differences between Pacs and marriage?

The first answer given to that question by the French legislative power in 2006 was that Pacs and marriage were not equivalent.

In the following years however, several administrative Courts have ruled otherwise, in contradiction with French national law, and considered that the most important aspects of a Pacs contract make it roughly similar to a civil marriage.

The final word belonged to the Conseil d’Etat, France’s highest administrative Court, which in 2018 overturned this position and definitely ruled that, due to the essential differences between Pacs and marriage, only married spouses are considered family members under EU law.

In practical terms, the main outcome of this legal controversy is that non European nationals cannot apply for a French visa or residence card as family members of an EU citizen, simply due to the fact that they signed a Pacs contract with an EU national.

Of course, other solutions exist for them but, undoubtedly, they do not benefit from EU law and remain under a much less favourable status than spouses of EU citizens residing in France.

READ ALSO What type of French visa do I need?

Their main option is to apply for a residence card under the status vie privée et familiale (private and family life), but in this case préfectures require the proof of a stable and continuous common life of at least one year.

If you find yourself in this situation, be careful to submit your application file through the appropriate procedure. Any confusion, even due to the préfecture itself, could induce frustrating delays and put you in a precarious situation.

Paul Nicolaÿ is a French lawyer based near Paris and specialising in French immigration and nationality law – find his website here.