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15 things to do in Austria in summer 2022

Visiting Austria for the first time? Or perhaps you want to impress visitors with your adopted home? Whatever the reason, here’s 15 ways to while away the summer days in the Alpine Republic.

15 things to do in Austria in summer 2022
Exploring Austria's wineries is a great activity for the summer. (Österreich Werbung, Fotograf: Harald Eisenberger)

Explore the Alps

For many people, summer is not really summer in Austria without a hiking adventure in the Alps.

A top recommendation is the Salzburger Almenweg, which was named as one of the best hut-to-hut walks in Austria by Lonely Planet. This hike is around 350km and takes approximately one month to complete all 31 stages, or they can walked individually in short trips.

Scenes from The Sound of Music were even filmed in the area, giving fans a chance to reenact the famous scene of Maria skipping through the meadows (if that’s your thing).

Another long distance hike to add to your must-do list is the Adlerweg (Eagle’s Trail) that can take up to four weeks to complete. The trail traverses classic alpine landscapes in Tyrol from St Johann to St Anton am Arlberg. The best time to hike this route is between June and September when the trails are snow-free and the huts are open.

For a day hike, check out the Pinzgauer Spaziergang Trail from Zell am See to Saalbach. The 17km route takes hikers across the top of the Schmittenhöhe at 2,081 metres above sea level, with the option to reach the start and end points with a gondola.

READ MORE: How to explore the Austrian mountains in the summer like a local

Acquaint yourself with a Heuriger

A Heuriger is a tavern where local makers serve their new wine. They are found in eastern Austria and are especially popular with locals in Vienna during the summer and early autumn months.

A must-visit Heuriger (according to locals) is Mayer am Nussberg, which is located in the middle of a vineyard with views overlooking the capital. Guests can sample a variety of wines by the glass or the bottle, including the Mayer am Nussberg classic house red and white wines. Snacks and regional delicacies are also available to order alongside the wine.

Visitors can make their way to the winery via the Heurigen Express (which runs from Vienna between April and October), by a hiking trail from the Kahlenberg Station or on tram line D.

A word of advice though: Mayer am Nussberg is only open on good weather days from Thursday to Sunday (as well as public holidays), so don’t try to visit when it is raining.

FOR MEMBERS: The best Austrian wineries to visit this summer

Visit a traditional Austrian hut

Hiking up a mountain is not really worth the effort unless you stop for lunch and a cold beer (or soft drink of your choice) at a traditional Austrian mountain hut.

In fact, some huts can only be reached by foot, like the rustic Gruttenhütte in the Wilder Kaiser mountains that sits at 1620 metres in the Kaisergebirge in Ellmau, Tyrol.

Whereas others, like the Pritzhütte on the Katschberg in Salzburgerland can also be reached by horse and carriage for a romantic alternative to hiking.

Then there is the Schiestlhaus, which sits at 2154m in the Hochschwab mountain range in Upper Austria. These mountains are easily accessible for people living in Vienna and there is even accommodation at the hut for people that want to stay overnight.

Plus, Austria is now home to its first – and only – meat free mountain hut in Salzburg’s Lungau Riedingtal Nature Park, where not even a sausage graces the menu.

Hut manager Evelyn Matejka told Der Standard that the Franz-Fischer-Hütte serves dishes like cheese dumplings, lentil stew and potato gröstl, and has since been awarded the environmental seal of approval by the Alpine Association.

So it appears that vegetarianism can work in the Austrian mountains.

FOR MEMBERS: Discover Austria: Five beautiful hikes and destinations south of Vienna

Eat and drink as the locals do

First, no Austrian summer is complete with sipping on a chilled Hugo on a terrace – whether in a city centre or lakeside.

A Hugo is an aperitif of prosecco, elderflower syrup (Holunderblütensirup), a splash of sparkling water and fresh mint leaves. It’s a refreshing drink that is often served across Austria in spring and summer. 

However, despite its popularity in Austria, the Hugo isn’t an Austrian invention. The Hugo actually originates from South Tyrol in Northern Italy and was apparently invented by barman Roland Gruber in 2005 in the town of Naturno (just don’t tell any Austrians).

When it comes to food, it doesn’t get more Austrian than the Schnitzel.

In case there are some readers out there that are unfamiliar with the Wiener Schnitzel, it is a piece of veal that is breaded and fried, then served with potatoes and a wedge of lemon.

National Geographic describes the dish as “unassuming” but don’t let that fool you. The schnitzel dominates most menus in Austria – whether at a mountain hut or in Vienna – and can even be found in restaurants specialising in international cuisine.

Then there is Austria’s thriving cheese industry, which is not to be overlooked, so be sure to sample a selection of protected Austrian cheeses this summer, including Gailtaler Almkäse, Tiroler Bergkäse, Tiroler Graukäse and Vorarlberger Alpkäse.

READ ALSO: Which Austrian cheeses are protected foods and why?

Swim in a lake

Spending time at a beautiful lake is a quintessential way to enjoy summer in Austria and should not be missed.

For people in Vienna, it’s incredibly easy to make a day trip to Neusiedler See in Burgenland, or lake Neusiedl, also known as the Sea of the Viennese. The journey takes around one hour by car or 40 minutes by train.

The lake is huge at 315 square metres of surface area, and it reaches the border with Hungary. The Austrian side is particularly packed in the summer months, as Vienna residents flock to the See to enjoy swimming and water sports.

Other stunning Austrian lakes to add to an itinerary include Hintersteinersee in the Wilder Kaiser National Park in Tyrol. The crystal clear water is freezing (it was created in the last ice age) but on a hot day it’s a great way to cool off and be surrounded by nature.

Finally, there is the famous Schwarzsee in ritzy Kitzbühel. This is the warmest moor lake in Tyrol but it is packed with visitors during the peak summer months of July and August. Families especially like this lake for the water slides and children’s play area. There is also a section without facilities that is free to enter and is known locally as “the wild side”.


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How to spend a summer afternoon in Austria like a local

Practice Fingerhakeln, prepare some Gurken salat, go hiking or try swimming in a lake. Here are the best ways to enjoy a hot summer afternoon like a true Austrian.

How to spend a summer afternoon in Austria like a local

Summer is here, and while in Austria, you might want to experience a summer afternoon in true Austrian spirit.

Here, we will tell you what you should consider doing to enjoy the sunny weather like a typical Austrian.

Enjoy traditional Austrian games in parks

During hot summer days, spending time in a park can provide some shade and lower temperatures. 

It is also a perfect place for exploring some true Austrian traditions.

For example, you can enjoy practicing the traditional Austrian sport Fingerhakeln. Here, you need two participants to hook their middle fingers into a leather strap and then they need to try to pull the other competitor over a marked line. While this sport is more common at traditional events, it is also an activity that you can enjoy in a park with friends.

Nageln is the name of another traditional game that you can play in a park, although it demands higher motivation since you have to carry some heavy things to the park.

In this game, participants take turns hammering nails into a wooden log using the narrow side of a hammer. The person using the lowest number of hits wins. The game is usually played during traditional festivals but can also be a fun challenge in a park.

While not a game, the traditional Austrian folk dance Schuhplattler is still a perfect afternoon activity in a park. To perform the dance you need to rhythmically stomp your feet and slap your thighs, knees, and soles of your shoes with your hands. You can find a tutorial here.

You can often see people practicing the dance in parks during festivals or cultural events, and then you can just ask to join in.

Fingerhakeln – Finger hooking is an old alpine strength training, mainly in Bavaria and Austria. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Enjoy a picnic with Austrian delicacies 

Even though typical Austrian delicacies such as Germknödel (dough with butter and jam) and Hirn mit Ei (brain with egg) might not be the most suitable options for an afternoon picnic, other Austrian typical snacks definitely are. 

Pretzels and Schinken-Käse-Toast (toast with ham and cheese) are probably the most easily prepared ones, and both are very typical Austrian. If you instead want something healthier and fresher, it is a good idea to make a typical Gurkensalat with thinly sliced cucumbers, onions, and dill, tossed in a light vinegar dressing.

If you have a grill nearby, why not grill yourself a Käsekrainer? This Austrian sausage is filled with cheese, and if you put some mustard on top of it, you have a classic Austrian treat in your hand.

In case you want some comfort food on the picnic, Erdäpfel Salat or Käsespätzle, which is similar to macaroni and cheese, might be your best solutions. These two dishes are also perfect for sharing.

If you search for something more fancy to put on your picnic table, you can create a charcuterie board with Austrian cured meats, such as Speck (smoked ham), Landjäger (dried sausage), and Blunzen (blood sausage). Add some pickles, olives, mustard, and crusty bread, and you can feel like a true Austrian.

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READ ALSO: Seven ‘weird’ foods in Austria you need to try at least once

Visit a beer garden

Spending summer afternoons at traditional Austrian beer gardens is a must for many people in Austria.

Beer gardens are social hubs where people of all ages come together to relax and enjoy the warmer days. Here, you can have fun in a lively atmosphere and sometimes even listen and dance to Austrian traditional live music.

Austrian beer gardens are great places to spend time with friends and meet new people over a shared appreciation of Austrian beer and snacks such as different sausages, salads with pumpkin oil, bread, and maybe some Leberkäse.

Many beer gardens also offer opportunities to try different brews while learning about Austria’s brewing traditions.

Enjoy a hike 

Hiking has a long tradition in Austrian culture, dating back centuries. It was historically a means of transportation and exploration in the rugged terrain of the Alps. 

When you live in Austria, you are likely to live close to some mountains or at least some hillier areas. This gives you a great opportunity to enjoy a sporty afternoon exploring your beautiful surroundings.

Austria is a country offering hundreds of indicated hiking tracks, even if you live in the less mountainous regions, such as in Vienna and Burgenland. 

Since the summer tends to be hot in Austria, and especially in Vienna, hiking in some forested area can provide shade and lower temperatures.

And remember, even if Austrians like their beer, they also like doing sports.

Hiking can be a good idea to avoid the summer heat. Photo by Jake Melara on Unsplash

Go to a ‘coffee house’

Since Austrian summers tend to be hot, it can be necessary to seek relief in cooler places during the afternoon. This gives you the perfect opportunity to experience the traditional coffee culture.

Inside most coffeehouses,  especially in Vienna, you can find a wide range of classical coffee options prepared by skilled baristas.

Whether you prefer a creamy Wiener Melange (espresso with steamed milk), an Einspänner (espresso with whipped cream), or a refreshing Eiskaffee (coffee with ice), there is usually something to suit everyone’s taste.

READ NEXT: Caffeine, war and Freud: A history of Vienna’s iconic coffee houses

Show your swimming skills at a nearby lake

Do not be surprised if you see sporty Austrians performing intensive freestyle (front crawl) swim training in a nearby lake.

If you cannot swim confidently, then taking up open water swimming can open doors to friendships with the locals. Watch some videos, hire a trainer, or ask someone to show you the techniques.