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Italian expression of the day: ‘Nuovo di zecca’

If an item you'd like to buy on Ebay is described as ‘nuovo di zecca’, don't worry - it’s got nothing to do with ticks (or any other bug for that matter).

Nuovo di zecca - Italian word of the day
Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

Spend enough time on any Italian e-commerce platform or flea market and this is an idiom you’ll surely come across.

Nuovo di zecca’ is a very popular expression among Italians and it’s often used when someone is selling (or offering to sell) something to someone else.

While native speakers usually have no trouble understanding what is meant by it, non-native ones are likely to find the expression a bit of a head-scratcher. That’s because the word ‘zecca’ can be misleading.

Much like the word ‘riso’ (which means ‘rice’ but can also mean ‘laughter’), ‘zecca’ is one of those very few Italian words that have two different meanings. As the owners of furry pets might perhaps know, the term is most commonly used to refer to ticks, the very unfriendly, blood-sucking bugs pestering dogs and cats alike.

However, ‘zecca’ is also the Italian word for ‘State Mint’. In particular, the noun refers to the Zecca dello Stato, the state-controlled body that has been producing Italian coins, banknotes, passports and postage stamps since 1928.

It was precisely the latter meaning of the word that gave birth to the popular expression ‘nuovo di zecca’. Although the idiom can be rendered into English with adjectives such as ‘brand-new’ or ‘mint’, the most faithful literal translation would be ‘fresh from the mint’ (‘nuovo’ means ‘new, fresh’, whereas the preposition ‘di’ here is used to mean ‘from’ somewhere).

The expression, therefore, is used to refer to any item that – just like the coins coming out of the mint’s press – is in pristine, never-been-used-before condition. Here’s a couple of examples:

Q: Quanto costa quel paio di jeans?
A: 50 euro. Sono nuovi di zecca. Mai indossati prima.

Q: How much for that pair of jeans?
A: 50 euros. They’re brand-new. Never been worn before. 

Q: Belli orecchini!
A: Grazie. Li ho comprati su Vinted per soli 20 euro. Sono nuovi di zecca!

Q: Nice earrings!
A: Thanks. I bought them on Vinted for just 20 euros. They’re in mint condition.

Now that you have an idea of what the expression means and how it is generally used, you’ll be able to navigate Italian e-shops with renewed confidence and business acumen.

However, keep in mind that the expression ‘nuovo di zecca’ is sometimes deliberately misused by sly sellers looking to pass off second-hand items as brand-new. So, always carefully check the items that you’re interested in and, if you feel like you’re being duped, here’s how you might reply:

Q: Questo anello è nuovo di zecca! 
A: Ma figurati! Ha moltissimi graffi. Li riesco a vedere da qua.

Q: This ring is brand new!
A: Oh, please! It’s got lots of scratches. I can see them from here.

Is there an Italian word or expression you’d like us to feature? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

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Italian word of the day: ‘Choc’

This Italian word looks like it might be related to tasty breakfast pastries, but you’re more likely to see it in newspaper headlines.

Italian word of the day: 'Choc'

You may come across the word choc in Italian in some unexpected contexts. While it looks like it might be an abbreviation of the Italian word for chocolate (cioccolato), that would be choco.

It’s pronounced much like the English ‘shock’, and has roughly the same meaning.

As in French, choc is used in Italian as an adjective meaning ‘shocking’. But if you’re already familiar with the French usage, be aware that it doesn’t have quite as many different applications in Italian.

And it’s not a word you’ll hear used in spoken Italian very often. You’re far more likely to see it written down, and almost always in news headlines.

In fact, choc is one of those words – like ‘maxi’, ’tilt’, and ‘boom’ – which can be categorised as giornalese: language used almost exclusively by Italian newspaper editors.

You might spot it above reports of, for example, un arresto choc (a shock arrest), dati shock (shocking data), bollette choc (shocking utility bills) or even scontrini choc (shocking bills or receipts).

 A headline in Italian local newspaper GenovaToday

‘Shocking bill in the centre: 8 euros for a caffè marocchino’: A headline in Italian local newspaper GenovaToday on May 27th, 2024.

You might also see the English ‘shock’ used as an adjective in the same way. This is especially common in advertising: phrases like prezzi shock (‘shocking prices’ – by which we imagine retailers mean ‘shockingly low’…) can be a little jarring to Anglophones.

While we wouldn’t recommend peppering your Italian-language speech with either ‘choc’ or ‘shock’ – unless you want to sound like an over-enthusiastic advertising executive – at least you won’t be surprised (or shocked) when you see these words used around you.

Do you have an Italian word or phrase you’d like us to feature? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

Make sure you don’t miss any of our Italian words and expressions of the day by downloading our new app (available on Apple and Android) and then selecting the Italian Word of the Day in your Notification options via the User button.