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What financial proof can I show for Spain’s non-lucrative visa?

An NLV is one of the residency options for non-EU nationals who want to move to Spain, providing they have enough financial means. But what exactly counts as financial proof? Can you show evidence of rental income or pensions or does it have to be money in the bank?

What financial proof can I show for Spain's non-lucrative visa?
If the required amount for an NLV you and your partner is €34,741, the general recommendation that is to prove that you have at least €35,000. (Photo by MIGUEL GUTIERREZ / AFP)

Spain’s non-lucrative visa – visado de residencia no lucrativa – allows non-working individuals with a reliable source of income or substantial savings to live in the country for more than three months and is valid for one year.

The visa, which is also referred to as the non-working residence visa at some consulates, could be for those who want to retire in Spain, those who receive a passive income from their home country or simply those who want to spend a year living in Spain and have ample savings to do so.

For 2023, applicants need to prove that they have 400 percent of the annual IPREM (Indicador Público de Renta de Efectos Múltiples).

In 2023 the annual IPREM is €7,200, so four times this amount is a total of €28,800.

For every family member included in the residency application, it’s an extra 100 percent of the IPREM, which is an extra €7,200 for the year.

This means that a couple will need to prove savings or passive income of €36,000.


In recent years, many applicants have been confused about the exact nature of the non-lucrative visa, using it to live in Spain, but to continue working remotely for companies abroad. This in fact isn’t allowed as you are still earning money and working in Spain, even though it’s for a foreign company. Many consulates are cracking down on this, meticulously checking that you’re not still receiving funds for working.

But what exactly counts as proof of income and what can you show to the consulate to show how much you have?

This is where it starts to get tricky because, in fact, different Spanish consulates around the world define savings and assets slightly differently and are asking for different methods of proof.

Spanish Consulate in London

The Spanish Consulate in London states that applicants for the non-lucrative visa need to have:

“Financial means required to cover the living expenses and, where appropriate, those of their family members, for one year…The availability of sufficient financial means will be evidenced by the submission of original and stamped documents that verify the perception of a periodic and sufficient income or the holding of an estate that guarantees the perception of that income. If the financial means come from shares or participations in Spanish companies, mixed or foreign companies, based in Spain, applicants shall prove, by certification thereof, that they don’t carry out any work activity in such companies and will submit an affidavit to that effect”.

This means that the consulate will accept passive income as well as savings, such as rent from a property or dividends from a company, as long as you’re not actually working for that company. Proof could include documents such as bank statements and contracts.

Spanish Consulate in New York, US

The Spanish Consulate in New York states:

“The applicant must submit the originals and a copy of the documents proving that they have sufficient financial means to cover the expenses of residing in Spain for the initial year of the residence permit, or accrediting that they have a regular source of income, for themselves and, where applicable, for the family members accompanying them… Foreign documents must be legalised or apostilled and, where applicable, must be submitted together with an official translation into Spanish.”

While the wording is slightly different from the Spanish Consulate in London, they also state that they will accept proof of a regular source of income, so again in theory they will accept income from passive sources such as rental income.

Spanish Consulate in Sydney, Australia

The Spanish Consulate in Sydney, Australia uses the same wording as the consulate in New York.

Spanish Consulate in Toronto, Canada

The Spanish Consulate in Toronto, Canada is far more specific about what type of proof and types of passive income it will and won’t accept. It states that applicants need:

“Three most recent bank statements. Bank statements from other countries must be legalised. Investments will be considered a supporting document. You must have the total quantity when you apply for the visa. The applicant must submit the originals and a copy of the documents proving that they have sufficient financial means to cover the expenses of residing in Spain for the initial year of the residence permit, or accrediting that they have a regular source of income, for themselves and, where applicable, for the family members accompanying them.”

READ ALSO: Non-lucrative vs digital nomad visa – Which one should you choose to move to Spain?

What the experts say

Immigration lawyers at the international relocation company Where Can I Live suggest that you should prove that you have slightly more than the required amount because “Applying with the exact amount does raise questions”.

For example, if the required amount for you and your partner is €34,741, they suggest that you actually prove that you have €35,000 instead, to act as a financial buffer. They also suggest you have a financial buffer for each family member on your application, showing you have more than the required amount each time. 

They say that “savings can be in a bank account in your home country. But, for some nationalities, including China and Russia, the funds should be deposited into a local Spanish bank account”.

Immigration lawyers at Balcells Group based in Barcelona say: “Many times the different Spanish consulates request a bank certificate of liquid money in your account. The exact date of the certificate must be as close as possible to the application day. Bear in mind that it will depend on the consulate, but the government will usually look at bank statements from the last six months”.

Legal experts at Immigration Spain say that there are two ways of proving income: “Either proving that you have sufficient means for the whole period beforehand (for example in a bank account) or by accrediting the existence of any type of source that periodically generates income, such as a pension or the rent of a house you own”.

They suggest that the proof can be in the form of “Bank statements, property deeds, certified checks or credit cards, as long as they are accompanied by a bank certification that accredits the amount available as credit on the card”.

READ ALSO: What are the pros and cons of Spain’s non-lucrative visa?

What the applicants say

In reality, applications can always play out a little differently, so we had a look at what type of proof real people were asked for when they applied for Spain’s non-lucrative visa. These experiences were published on the Spanish NVL Facebook group.

One person who applied through the San Francisco consulate said: “As long as you show the required amount over three months’ worth of statements, you can use your savings account. I used my combined checking and savings account + Roth IRA investment”.

Another person applying through the Manchester Consulate in the UK said: “We presented six months of bank statements. Translation of bank statements was not required – they do spend some time going through them looking at funds coming into the accounts and questioning where from. They are looking for evidence that you are still working which would be an automatic no no. As long as you have proof of funds then that is ok, that’s all they are interested in…. There is no request for any information about mortgages/credit card debt at your appointment so if you have those then just don’t refer to it in any of your paperwork. On the bank statements, they have to be stamped by the bank so a downloaded statement from online banking could get refused. We use Barclays and you can get a stamped print from a machine in the branch which was accepted”.

Another applicant in Chicago in the US said they needed: “Proof of adequate liquid financial resources and income: Bank statements from the last three months from all your bank accounts; social security benefits, private or public retirement benefit other (Army Veteran, Teachers’ unions, etc); proof of sufficient periodic income, including but not limited to: investments, annuities, sabbaticals and any other source of income, providing sufficient funds to live in Spain without working…. If you are not officially retired you cannot present your retirement plan (IRA, 401-K) as proof. You also need the last three years of complete TAX IRS returns”.

READ ALSO: How to renew your non-lucrative visa in Spain

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Visas and work: How Indians can move to Spain in 2024

Many Indians are attracted to Spain because of its excellent quality of life, work opportunities and strong community that have already settled here. But, moving to Spain can be very confusing, particularly with the number of different visas available.

Visas and work: How Indians can move to Spain in 2024

If you’re an Indian wanting to move to Spain, you have several different options, but the visas and residency permits you can apply for will greatly depend on your specific circumstances.

According to figures from Spain’s National Insititute of Statistics (INE) there were 51,440 Indian nationals living in Spain 2022. They are the third largest Asian community in Spain after Chinese and Pakistanis.

The first wave of Indians migrated to Spain in the late 19th century and since then, many have made this country their home and established a strong community, which makes settling in even easier.

It’s worth noting that Indian nationals don’t have the automatic right to work in Spain or anywhere else in the EU because of their status as third-country nationals within Europe’s single market, but thankfully some visas will allow you to work here. 

READ ALSO: Five interesting facts about Spain’s Indian community

Digital nomad visa (DNV)

Spain’s digital nomad visa was introduced at the beginning of 2023 and allows non-EU nationals, like Indians, to live in Spain if they have a remote job or are self-employed. In Spanish it’s called the visado de teletrabajador de carácter internacional. It can be applied for either from the Spanish consulate or embassy in India or while you’re here as a tourist. 

A tourist visa allows Indians a stay of 90 days in Spain, which gives you more than enough time to apply. Plus, you’re allowed to overstay if you’re application is in progress and you’re waiting for a decision.

As well as being a remote worker or self-employed, however, there is a long list of requirements you need to meet including proof of earnings, permission from your employer to work from Spain and having held your position or worked for your client for more than three months. The company you work for must have also existed for more than one year and you cannot earn more than 20 percent of your income from Spain.

You can bring family members with you on the visa, provided you earn enough money to be able to support them. There’s a set amount required by the government for each one you bring.

READ ALSO: What are the pros and cons of Spain’s digital nomad visa?

Non-lucrative visa (NLV)

Spain’s non-lucrative visa is ideal for Indians who want to retire to Spain or those who have enough funds to support themselves and want to spend an extended period of time here. As the name suggests, you cannot work on the non-lucrative visa, so you must prove you have sufficient savings or have passive income from investments or renting out your house back home in India for example.

Keep in mind, the financial requirement is fairly substantial and you will also be obliged to pay for private health insurance.

One advantage of this visa is that you can also bring family members with you, but you must prove you have extra funds to support them and have private health insurance. 

READ ALSO: What are the pros and cons of Spain’s non-lucrative visa?

Student visa

In order to apply for a student visa to come and live and study in Spain, you will need to be accepted onto a course that lasts longer than three months. This could be at a local university or a private institution for example.

As well as paying the course fees, you will have to prove that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and that you have private health insurance. Luckily, there is no age limit and you can apply either from India or within Spain.

Even though you have to show sufficient funds, the visa also allows you to work up to 30 hours a week. Like the visas above, you can bring family members to live with you, but they do not have the right to work, so you must prove you have extra funds to support them too.

READ ALSO: What are the pros and cons of Spain’s student visa?

Work permit as an employee (por cuenta ajena)

Moving to Spain for a job is slightly more complicated. This is because in order to be considered for a job as a non-EU national, in the majority of cases the position must be on Spain’s shortage occupation list.

You can find list of careers published by Spanish employment agency SEPE here. It’s worth noting that around 95 percent of these are in the maritime and shipping industry (from naval mechanics to ferry staff, chefs and waiters), as well as sports coaches, so if you have experience doing this work or it’s something you want to do, then you may stand a good chance.

The list is updated every quarter, so it’s worth keeping an eye out for new positions opening if you want a job in another field.

If you have found a job offer that you have the skills for or a company that wants to hire you, you must start your application from the Spanish consulate in India or the country in which you live. Unlike some of the other visas, you cannot apply for this while you’re a tourist on holiday.

Golden visa

Recently, the Spanish government announced they would be scrapping the golden visa, but as of yet no date has been set for when the scheme will end and according to lawyers applications for now are still open.

The visa is sometimes referred to as an investor visa, and allows non-EU citizens such as Indians the right to live in Spain if they buy a property worth over €500,000.

So if it’s your dream to move to Spain and you have the funds to be able to buy a home, this could be a good option if you move quickly and start the application process soon.

READ ALSO – Spain’s soon-to-end golden visa: Can I still apply and what if I have it already?

If you’re not in the position to be able to apply that fast, the investor visa is still available to those who invest €1 million in a Spanish company or transfer €1 million to a Spanish bank account.

The visa allows you to bring family members and also allows you to work. It’s valid for one year only, however, you can exchange it for a residence permit, valid for a further two years once you’re in Spain.